Describe a
Describe a clo friend.
You should say:
Who s/he isc语言学习班
novationWhat s/he is like经典台词对白>摄影学习班
How you two are similar and different
And explain why s/he is your clo friend.
华夏希望cDescribe your high school teacher.
You should say:
Who s/he is特兰斯特勒默
What subject s/he teaches
What impresd you about him/her
And explain what you learned from him/her.
Describe a friend you admire.
You should say:
Who s/he is在线翻译英语
What s/he is like
What you do together
And explain why you admire him/her.
Describe a friend who helped you.
You should say:
Who s/he is
What s/he is like
cleansweepHow s/he helped you
And explain how you feel about him/her.