摘要:以纳米TiO2为催化剂,在紫外光的作用下对氨氮废水进行光催化反应,分别考察了常温下mayim bialikTiO2在线学习网投加量、反应时间、废水初始pH怎么考人力资源证、外加H2O2对处理效果的影响。结果表明,对于100 mg/L的含NH3-N废水,当催化剂纳米TiO2用量为2.5 g/L、废水初始pH 8.5、反应时间为180 mincharacter是什么意思、讽刺英文H2O2四川历年高考分数线投加量为0.5 mg/L时,氨氮废水的去除率最高,达到了88.1%。
Nanometer TiO2 Bad Photocatalytic Degradation of Oilfield Ammonia Wastewater
Abstract: Using nanometer TiO2 as catalyzer, wastewater containing ammonia was photocatalyzed under the condition of ultraviolet. The effects of the dosage of TiO2, reaction time, initial pHsbs电视台, and H2O2 dosage on the removal efficiency of ammonia were studied. The results showed that when the TiO2 dosage was 2.5 g/L, the initial pH was 8.5死机英文,enough the H2O2 dosage was 0.5 g/L,resolution是什么意思 and the reaction time was 180 minutes, the removal rates of ammonia in wastewater with 100 mg/L ammonia were the highest, reaching up to 88.1%.