Book5 Unit3 Making the news(教学设计)
1. 图片导入(Lead-in)
Activity: share veral pictures and ask:
Where can we get such exciting pictures?
What kinds of jobs are needed to produce the articles?
布朗英语What’s needed to work in a世界杯口号 newspaper office?
设计意图:本单元的中心话题是“新闻”,从话题入手激活学生原有的知识,使其进入学习状态并产生阅读预期。首先与学生分享我国神舟十一号成功发射的新闻图片,然后提问:Where can we get such exciting pictures? 学生通过这些图片想到Internet, TV programmes以及newspapers等信息,紧接追问What kinds of jobs are needed to produce the articles? Suppo you were to be a journalist, what’s needed to work i
n a newspaper office? 通过头脑风暴,帮助学生思考新闻界的工种和作为记者应具有的品质,并与全班共享,从而激活学生已有的知识,充分预热,自然导入到阅读阶段。
2. 文本预测(Guessing before reading )
Activity: Look at the title and read Para1; try to find why his first work assignment is unforgettable?
设计意图:在阅读文本之前,通过阅读文章的题目及Para1来预期文章内容是一种很好的阅读策略,能够培养学生预测的能力。先让学生速读标题My First Work Assignment-“Unforgettable”和Para1,学生会初步理解“Unforgettable”的含义。同时,判断和预测能激发学生的探究动机,使其产生强烈的学习期待心理,为后面的层层阅读与交流奠定情感基。阅读步步深入,思维层层跟进。
1. 扫读找话题(Reading for questions)
Task 1:As a new journalist, what questions will Zhou Yang ask his new boss?
Task 2:From Zhou Yang’s questions, what feelings can we guess Zhou Yang had at that moment?
航空公司缩写( hint: immediately, should, ca…)
设计意图:扫读是通过对文章标题和首尾句的阅读,对文章的内容结构有一个整体的印象,目的是让学生带着对“Unforgettable”的初步理解,通过迅速默读了解讨论话题有哪些以及它们的进展。在这一环节中,学生基本不会有疑问。而在Task 2的思考中,大部分学生归纳推理的能力比较薄弱,因此我给学生一定的阅读提示,帮助学生揣测Zhou Yang当时的情感。从而进一步理解“Unforgettable”。
2. 分段阅读找细节(Reading for facts)
Activity: Reading for facts
Task 1:1. Can I go out on a story immediately?job1
cfaa2. What do I need to take with me?
With Zhou Yang’s questions, read and learn what Zhou Yang will acquire from his new boss
kailas设计意图:在这部分的阅读中,让学生细读文本,回答:1. Can I go out on a story immediately? 2. What do I need to take with me? 为了帮助学生理清思路,以Zhou Yang和Hu Xin的谈话为线索,培养学生运用细读的技巧找出特定的信息的能力。问题二学生可能无从回答,此时可换个问法Does Zhou Yang have the need for a camera? Why? 引导学生回过头审视这两个问题,学生能很容易的找到assistant, an experienced journalist, colleagues, a professional photographer 这样的关键词,这是一个团队。( Duty one)
Task 2:
3. What do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story?
4. What should I keep in mind?
5. Why is listening so important?
6. But how can I listen carefully while taking notes?
With the questions by Zhou Yang, read and learn what other duties a good journalist needs to have.
设计意图: 此次快速阅读是为了引导学生找到一个好的新闻记者应有的品质和工作技巧。同时学生对have a good no for a story, a trick of the trade, get the facts straight, 很可能不甚理解,可适时引导学生扫除阅读障碍。然后追问学生: With the good qualities and skills, what do you think of the news such a journalist has got?学生会想到形容词(accurate/ acceptable…), (Duty two)。 再问学生:Zhou Yang has the last question. 自然进入到下一个任务。
Task 3:
7. Have you ever had a ca where someone accud your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?
Read the rest of the discussion and answer:
How did the experienced journalists deal with the ca?
设计意图: 细读对话的最后部分,回答以下问题:What’s the ca? How did the experienced journalists deal with the ca? 学生首先独立认真阅读语篇,然后小组交流后汇报,学生就会很快意识到:try to avoid such a ca and protect a story from accusations. (Duty three)。创设问题情景有利于培养学生的探究能力,在信息处理的过程中,学生对文章的细节及全文会有更深层面的理解。
3. 赏析阅读,突出主题(Reading for focus)
Activity: In Zhou Yang’s eyes, how does he like his new boss?
设计意图:“着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力, 逐步培养
学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力”。在这一环节中,我归纳总结了语篇中三部分: to work in a team; to get an accurate story; to protect a story from accusations。这次与老板的对话必将对Zhou Yang的新闻工作生涯产生积极的影响,让学生重新认识My First Work Assignment-“Unforgettable”。我这时引导学生从另一角度阅读,In Zhou Yang’s eyes, how does he like his new boss? 通过阅读,小组成员交流,从而发现Hu Xin的人格特点和对新闻工作的观点(more experienced,professional, delighted, careful, honest and helpful),此时学生更体会到Zhou Yang对这次谈话的印象“Unforgettable”。