桂林会计培训E-commerce for Developing Countries: Expectations
and Reality
期刊名称: IDS Bulletin
作者: John Humphrey,Robin Manll,Daniel Paré,Hubert Schmitz
年份: 2010年
期号: 第1期
关键词: ethnic autonomy;Dong;Miao;Yao;Longsheng;Guangxi
摘要:Development agencies have emphasid the potential of business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce to reduce barriers to entry to global markets for small and medium-sized enterpris in developing countries. E-marketplaces would allow firms to buy and ll online, reaching customers across the world at low cost. A study of B2B e-marketplaces and the u of the internet by developing country
图钉英文48个国际音标发音表firms shows a different picture. There is little evidence that firms are using the internet to find new customers and suppliers or to buy and ll goods online. And there is little prospect that it will. Nevertheless, the internet is being ud by firms
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