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Relea Bulletin PowerBuilder ® Enterpri 11.5.1
Document ID: DC33822-01-1151-01
Last revid: May 14, 2009Topic
assistant professorPage 1. Accessing current relea bulletin information
22. Product summary
33. Special installation instructions
3 3.1 Before you install
3 3.2 Updating PowerBuilder 11.5 to PowerBuilder 11.5.1
4 3.3 Upgrading from a different edition of PowerBuilder
54. Changed functionality in this version
5 4.1 Deployment support for the Windows 2000 platform
5 4.2 JDK 1.
6 support
5 4.3 FIPS 140-2 certification
5 4.4 Support for Microsoft Office 2007 Excel formats
6 4.5 Support for SQL Anywhere 11.0 mirroring
2012年江苏高考英语试卷7 4.6 Informix 11.5 Support
7 4.7 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 support
75. Known problems
7 5.1 project issues
7 5.2 DataWindow gradient and transparency properties
9 5.3 DataWindow tooltip issues
10 5.4 New 3D graph styles
10 5.5 PNG support issues
11 5.6 Other issues
126. Product compatibilities
14 6.1 Application rvers
14 6.2 SQL Anywhere
14 6.3 PowerDesigner
14 6.4 Microsoft Framework
14 6.5 Web browrs 15
1. Accessing current relea bulletin information PowerBuilder Enterpri 11.5.1
Topic Page
6.6 Java15
6.7 Ghostscript15
7. Third-party components and deployment15
7.1 Apache files15
7.2 Microsoft files16
7.3 Sun Microsystems files17
7.4 Software ud for SOAP clients for Web rvices18
8. Documentation updates and clarifications18
9. Migration information18
9.1 Migrating targets from earlier releas of PowerBuilder19
9.2 Migrating components to EAServer 6.0.1 or later20
9.3 Creating an EJB client application for EAServer 6.x20
9.4 PowerBuilder system types as variable names in proxies21
9.5 OLE DB performance with Microsoft SQL Server22
blob9.6 Change in behavior of OpenTab22
9.7 ImportFile size limit22
10. Technical support22
11. Other sources of information23
11.1 Syba certifications on the Web23
11.2 Syba EBFs and software maintenance24
12. Accessibility features25
1. Accessing current relea bulletin information
A more recent version of this relea bulletin may be available on the Web. To
check for critical product or document information added after the product
relea, u the Syba® Product Manuals Web site.
❖Accessing relea bulletins at the Syba Product Manuals Web site
1Go to Product Manuals at /support/manuals/.
2Select a product and language and click Go.
3Select a product version from the Document Set list.
4Select the Relea Bulletins link.
5From the list of individual documents, lect the link to the relea bulletin
for your PowerBuilder® edition. You can either download the PDF
version or brow the document online.
2 Relea Bulletin for Windows
PowerBuilder Enterpri 11.5.1 2. Product summary
2. Product summary
Enclod is Syba PowerBuilder Enterpri version 11.5.1, which is
compatible with the following platform and operating system configurations:
•Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 3
•Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition with Service Pack 3
•Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2
•Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition with Service Pack 1
•Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (support for deployment)
PowerBuilder 11.5.1 builds 32-bit applications, but supports deployed
applications in both 32-bit and 64-bit environments on the Vista operating
system. For information about using PowerBuilder Help on the Vista operating
system, e “Using Windows Help files on Vista” in the first chapter of the
Urs Guide in the HTML Help.
Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 is supported for deployment
3. Special installation instructions
PowerBuilder 11.5.1 is available as an update for PowerBuilder 11.5 urs.
3.1 Before you install
Before you install this relea, shut down any applications running on your
system. Restart your system after all the installations are complete.
The executable files in this relea extract tup files to the folder specified by
your TMP environment variable, or the folder specified by your TEMP
environment variable if TMP is not defined or specifies a directory that does
not exist. Make sure you have enough disk space on the drive containing this
mon mon
folder before beginning the installation.
To specify an alternative location, open the System Properties dialog box from
the Windows control panel, lect the TMP ur variable (or TEMP if TMP
does not exist) on the Environment or Advanced tab page, and specify a
location that has sufficient space.
Relea Bulletin for Windows3
3. Special installation instructions PowerBuilder Enterpri 11.5.1
3.2 Updating PowerBuilder 11.5 to PowerBuilder 11.5.1桂纶美
You can download the PowerBuilder Enterpri 11.5.1 update from the
PowerBuilder page of the Syba EBFs/Maintenance site at
(lect “in all months” and click the GO button if
you do not e the 11.5.1 relea). Download the zip file and extract its contents
to a temporary directory on your computer using the “U folder names”
To install the PowerBuilder Enterpri 11.5.1 update, you must have already
installed version 11.5 of PowerBuilder Enterpri on your computer.mustbe
❖To update PowerBuilder:
1Create a backup by copying the contents of your
Syba\Shared\PowerBuilder directory to another directory.
2If you u the Translation Toolkit, back up the TransTlk directory in the
Syba\PowerBuilder 11.5 directory. Also, back up other files that containsmash
information you do not want to lo, such as PBLs, databa files, and .INI
3Run file in the PowerBuilder directory extracted from the zip
4Perform a full rebuild of your PowerBuilder applications in the System
Tree or Library painter to ensure that all descendent objects are
synchronized with their ancestors and to incorporate any compiler fixes in
your code.
resolution是什么意思❖To update InfoMaker:
1Create a backup by copying the contents of your
Syba\Shared\PowerBuilder directory to another directory.
2If you u the Internet plug-ins, back up the Internet Tools directory in the
改变自己英文Syba\InfoMaker 11.5 directory. Also, back up other files that contain
information you do not want to lo, such as PBLs, databa files, and .INI
3Run file in the InfoMaker directory extracted from the zip
4 Relea Bulletin for Windows
PowerBuilder Enterpri 11.5.1 4. Changed functionality in this version
3.3 Upgrading from a different edition of PowerBuilder
If you are upgrading to the PowerBuilder Enterpri edition from
PowerBuilder Desktop or Professional, you require an upgrade licen from
Desktop or Professional to Enterpri. To upgrade to the Enterpri edition,
start PowerBuilder and lect Tools>Update Licen. In the wizard, enter your
upgrade licen key, then click Next and Finish. When you restart
PowerBuilder, the PowerBuilder Enterpri features you lected when you
installed PowerBuilder are enabled.
4. Changed functionality in this version
4.1 Deployment support for the Windows 2000 platform
Due to customer request, PowerBuilder 11.5.1 includes deployment and
runtime support for the Windows 2000 platform that was previously
discontinued with the PowerBuilder 11.5 relea. However, Windows 2000 is
not supported as a development platform, and runtime support may be removed
in future releas of PowerBuilder.
4.2 JDK 1.6 support
PowerBuilder 11.5.1 applications and components include support for
JDK1.6_02, that you can optionally install with the Syba EAServer 6.2 tup
4.3 FIPS 140-2 certification
The PowerBuilder 11.5.1 development environment meets the encryption
requirements of the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) as
outlined in Publication 140-2 of the United States government’s National
Institute of Standards and Technology. To meet the standards, PowerBuilder
embeds the Certicom 5.x cryptographic modules. Support is certified for the
PowerBuilder development environment only, not for runtime applications that
are built with PowerBuilder.
Relea Bulletin for Windows5