Translation of Long Sentences
Chapter SixChapter SixTranslation of Long Translation of Long SentencesSentences
fanyiqiC C- -E TranslationE TranslationEg 1Eg 1 )少年是一去不复返的)少年是一去不复返的Eg.1Eg.1 )少年是一去不复返的,等到精力)少年是一去不复返的,等到精力衰时,要做学问也来不及了。(胡衰时,要做学问也来不及了。(胡适:适:《《不要抛弃学问不要抛弃学问》》))等到精力等到精力A. Division.A. Division.Division(Division(长句拆译necessary splitting of a long ntences into necessary splitting of a long ntences into short ntences.short ntences.长句拆译) ):: Division means the Division means the Youth will soon be gone never to return. And it will Youth will soon be gone never to return. And it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years.(Tr. Zhang Peiji)your declining years.(Tr. Zhang Peiji)
A few rules to go by in “splitting” a long A few rules to go by in “splitting” a
? 1 .When a Chine ntence is long and 1 .When a Chine ntence is long and complicated, we split it. And we can split complicated, we split it. And we can split it according to its according to its meanings.
eg. (1 ).eg. (1 ).接着,他继续设想,鸡又生鸡,用接着,他继续设想,鸡又生鸡,用鸡卖钱,钱买母牛,母牛繁殖,卖牛得钱,鸡卖钱,钱买母牛,母牛繁殖,卖牛得钱,用钱放债,这么一连串的发财计划,当然用钱放债,这么一连串的发财计划,当然也不能算是生产的计划。(“燕山夜话” )也不能算是生产的计划。(“燕山夜话” )
He went on indulging in wishful thinking. He went on indulging in wishful thinking. Chickens would breed more chickens. Selling Chickens would breed more chickens. Selling them would bring him money. With this he them would bring him money. With this he could buy cows The cows would breed toocould buy cows The cows would breed toocould buy cows. The cows would breed too could buy cows. The cows would breed too and lling oxen would make more money for and lling oxen would make more money for him. With the money, he could become a him. With the money, he could become a money lender. Such a succession of steps for money lender. Such a succession of steps for getting rich, of cour, had nothing at all to do getting rich, of cour, had nothing at all to do with production.with production.
Throughout the ages, only honestThroughout the ages, only honestThroughout the ages, only honest Throughout the ages, only honest labouring people e the truth that wealth labouring people e the truth that wealth is created through labour. Only they can is created through labour. Only the
y can free their minds of any fantastic ideas of free their minds of any fantastic ideas of getting rich. And only they create and getting rich. And only they create and accumulate wealth for both society and accumulate wealth for both society and
themlves through hard practical work.themlves through hard practical work.(2). (2). 历来只有真正老实的劳动者,才懂得历来只有真正老实的劳动者,才懂得劳动生产财富的道理,才能排除一切想入非劳动生产财富的道理,才能排除一切想入非非的发财思想,而踏踏实实地用自己的辛勤非的发财思想,而踏踏实实地用自己的辛勤劳动,为社会也为自己创造财富和积累财富。劳动,为社会也为自己创造财富和积累财富。
2. When in a long Chine ntence, 2. When in a long Chine ntence, there is a transition from “the general” there is a transition from “the general” to “the specific” or vice versa, we to “the specific” or vice versa, we split it.split it.
From general to specific:From general to specific:Eg.1 )Eg.1 )这王冕天性聪明,年纪不满二十岁,这王冕天性聪明,年纪不满二十岁,就把那天文、地理、经史上的大学问,无就把那天文、地理、经史上的大学问,无一不贯通。(“儒林外史” )一不贯通。(“儒林外史” )WWWang Mian had genius. While still in Wang Mian had genius. While still in his teens, he mastered the whole field of his teens,
he mastered the whole field of astronomy, geography, the classics and astronomy, geography, the classics and history.history.MiMih dh diiWhilWhiltill itill iThe first part is translated into a topic The first part is translated into a
He was, however, eccentric. He did not He was, however, eccentric. He did not look for an official post and did not evenlook for an official post and did not evenlook for an official post, and did not even look for an official post, and did not even have any friends. All day, he studied have any friends. All day, he studied behind clod doors.behind clod doors.Eg.2 )Eg.2 )但他性情不同,既不求官爵,又不但他性情不同,既不求官爵,又不交纳朋友,终日闭户读书。交纳朋友,终日闭户读书。
We are pursuing a policy of “one country We are pursuing a policy of “one country pgppgpwith two systems”. More specifically, this with two systems”. More specifically, this means that within the People’s Republic means that within the People’s Republic of China, the mainland with its one billion of China, the mainland with its one billion people will maintain the socialist system, people will maintain the socialist system, while Hong Kong and Taiwan continue while Hong Kong and Taiwan continue under the capitalist system.(under the capitalist system.(总说3).3).我们的政策是实行“一个国家,两种我们的政策是实行“一个国家,两种制度” ,具体说,就是在中华人民共和国内,制度” ,具体说,就是在中华人民共和国内,十亿人口的大陆实行社会主义制度,香港、十亿人口的大陆实行
社会主义制度,香港、台湾实行资本主义制度。台湾实行资本主义制度。yyyy总说) )
From specific to general:From specific to general:For a hundred years the finest sons andFor a hundred years the finest sons andFor a hundred years, the finest sons and For a hundred years, the finest sons and daughters of the disasterdaughters of the disaster- -ridden Chine nation fought and sacrificed their lives, nation fought and sacrificed their lives, one stepping into the breach as another one stepping into the breach as another fell, in quest of the truth that would save fell, in quest of the truth that would save the country and the people. This moved the country and the people. This moved us to song and to song and tears.灾难深重的中华民族,一百年来,其优灾难深重的中华民族,一百年来,其
优秀人物奋斗牺牲,前赴后继,摸索救国救民秀人物奋斗牺牲,前赴后继,摸索救国救民的道理,是可歌可泣的。的道理,是可歌可泣的。ridden Chine
3.When, in a long Chine ntence, 3.When, in a long Chine ntence, there is a change in the tone the there is a change in the tone the ntence is preferably to be split in ntence is preferably to be split in the English version to ensure clarity.the English version to ensure clarity.
I feel sitting in school boring anyway. I feel sitting in school boring anyway. I’d rather look after our ne
ighbour’s I’d rather look after our neighbour’s buffaloes.buffaloes.Eg.oneminutestand
1 ).Eg. 1 ).我在学堂里坐着,心里也闷,我在学堂里坐着,心里也闷,不如给他家放牛,倒快活些。不如给他家放牛,倒快活些。g g
2) 2)我们的人民政府是真正代表人民利益的我们的人民政府是真正代表人民利益的政府,是为人民服务的政府,但是它同人民政府,是为人民服务的政府,但是它同人民群众之间也有一定的矛盾。(群众之间也有一定的矛盾。(《365365页。)页。)《毛选毛选》》五卷,五卷,Our people’s Government is one that Our people’s Government is one that genuinely reprents the people’s genuinely reprents the people’s interests. It is a government that rves interests. It is a government that rves the people. Nevertheless, there are still the people. Nevertheless, there are still certain contradictions between this certain contradictions between this government and vernment and the people.
3) 3)餐馆里只有几个人,或许是因为天气餐馆里只有几个人,或许是因为天气冷的缘故吧!冷的缘故吧!There were only a few people in the There were only a few people in the restaurant. Probably becau of the cold restaurant. Probably becau of the cold weather!weather!
4….or there is a change in the 4….or there is a change in the subject,…subject,…
1 ) 1 ).她隔窗望去,突然发现有只小船.她隔窗望去,突然发现有只小船停泊在河边,船里有位船夫睡得正香。停泊在河边,船里有位船夫睡得正香。Looking through the window, she Looking through the window, she suddenly spotted a boat moored to the suddenly spotted a boat moored to the bank. In it there was a boatman fast bank. In it there was a boatman fast asleep.(asleep.(从主语变换处从主语变换处) )
2) 2).四周没有灯火,那座祠堂也睡着了。.四周没有灯火,那座祠堂也睡着了。(同上)(同上)No lamps shone around. The clan No lamps shone around. The clan temple was ple was also asleep.
? 5 5..When, in a long ntence, there is When, in a long ntence, there is a “rhetoric question” or an a “rhetoric question” or an “exclamatory remark”, the ntence “exclamatory remark”, the ntence can usually be split.can usually be split.
1 1 )。应当承认,每个民族都有它的长处,)。应当承认,每个民族都有它的长处,不然它为什么能存在?为什么能发展?不然它为什么能存在?为什么能发展?It must be admitted that every nation has It must be admitted that every nation has its strong points. If not, how
can it survive? its strong points. If not, how can it survive? How can it progress?How can it progress?
Times are hard and fuel and rice areTimes are hard and fuel and rice areTimes are hard, and fuel and rice are Times are hard, and fuel and rice are expensive. Our old clothes and our few expensive. Our old clothes and our few sticks of furniture have been pawned or sticks of furniture have been pawned or sold. We have nothing to live on but what sold. We have nothing to live on but what I make by my wing. How can I pay for I make by my wing. How can I pay for your schooling?your schooling?2 2)年岁不好,柴米又贵:这几件旧衣服)年岁不好,柴米又贵:这几件旧衣服和旧家伙,当的当了,卖的卖了;只靠着我和旧家伙,当的当了,卖的卖了;只靠着我替人家做些针指生活寻来的钱,如何供得你替人家做些针指生活寻来的钱,如何供得你读书?(读书?(The ScholarsThe Scholars))ssat吧
6.To keep the emphatic mood(6.To keep the emphatic mood(语势the originalthe original 语势) in ) in
eg.(1 )eg.(1 )我们的民族将再也不是一个被我们的民族将再也不是一个被人侮辱的民族了,我们已经站起来了。人侮辱的民族了,我们已经站起来了。Ours will no longer be a nation subject to Ours will no longer be a nation subject to insult and humiliation. We have stood up.insult and humiliation. We have stood up.
EX.EX.? ? 1 . 1 .天色渐渐黑下来了,书桌上的电灯突然天色渐渐黑下来了,书桌上的电灯突然亮了,
我从幻想中惊醒。亮了,我从幻想中惊醒。? ? 2. 2.你走了,不能送你,我做首诗送你吧。你走了,不能送你,我做首诗送你吧。你走了,不能送你,我做首诗送你吧你走了,不能送你,我做首诗送你吧((《《周恩来诗选周恩来诗选》》))
韩文翻译器在线翻译Reference keys:Reference keys:? ? It had grown dark. My table lamp It had grown dark. My table lamp suddenly lit up and I roud mylf from suddenly lit up and I roud mylf from my dream.(my dream.(按内容层次按内容层次) )? ? You are going away. Sorry I can’t e You are going away. Sorry I can’t e you off. Let me nd you a poem you off. Let me nd you a poem instead!(Tr. Lin Tongduan)(instead!(Tr. Lin Tongduan)(从意义完整处分分) )从意义完整处
B B汉语句子的合译:汉语句子的合译:? ? 尽管英语句子日趋简洁,但从句套从句,尽管英语句子日趋简洁,但从句套从句,短语含短语,较汉语而言长句多,所以在短语含短语,较汉语而言长句多,所以在翻译中,就要把汉语的两个句子甚至更多翻译中,就要把汉语的两个句子甚至更多句译为英语的一句。,使其符合英语的表句译为英语的一句。,使其符合英语的表达习惯。具体方法如下:达习惯。具体方法如下:
1 . 1 .在关联词处合译。在关联词处合译。? ? Eg.Eg.从前有个俊俏的年轻人,名叫王小,从前有个俊俏的年轻人,名叫王小,人人都喜欢他,可他总是闷闷不乐。因为人人都喜欢他,可他总是闷闷不乐。
因为他有一个说话尖刻,唠叨不休的继母。他有一个说话尖刻,唠叨不休的继母。? ? Once there lived a handsome young man Once there lived a handsome young man named Wang Xiao whonamed Wang Xiao who,, though a favorite with everyonefavorite with everyone,,becau he had a sharpbecau he had a sharp- -tonguednagging step mothernagging step
mother。。though a was unhappy was unhappy tongued,,
2. 2.按内容连贯合译。按内容连贯合译。? ? Eg1Eg1 ) )..第二天,我又接到了一个电报。这个第二天,我又接到了一个电报。这个电报有电报有3434个字,报告的是那同样的消息,个字,报告的是那同样的消息,不过比以前一个电报说得更详细:我的哥不过比以前一个电报说得更详细:我的哥哥死了而且是自己用刀割断喉管死的哥死了而且是自己用刀割断喉管死的哥死了,而且是自己用刀割断喉管死的。哥死了,而且是自己用刀割断喉管死的。? ? The following day I received another The following day I received another telegram consisting of 34 ciphers, giving telegram consisting of 34 ciphers, giving more details: my brother had committed more details: my brother had committed suicide by cutting his own throat.(Tr. suicide by cutting his own throat.(Tr. Wang Mingjie)Wang Mingjie)
? 2).开看着岸上的路,看着水面。没有什么动静。他开看着岸上的路,看着水面。没有什么动静。他partyanimal
含糊地哼了一声,又静下去了。含糊地哼了一声,又静下去了。HildHild? ? His eyes were clod wearilyHis eyes were clod wearily,,while he would open them suddenly and stare while he would open them suddenly and stare at the path along the shoreat the path along the shore,,water. When he saw that nothing was stirringwater. When he saw that nothing was stirring,,he would mutter something to himlf and he would mutter something to himlf and again doze off.again doze off.((TrTr。。 Sidney ShapiroSidney Shapiro))2).他的眼睛疲倦地闭着,但是有时又忽然大睁他的眼睛疲倦地闭着,但是有时又忽然大睁ililb tb tbut once in a but once in a iior look at the or look at thetrain是什么意思
3. 3.从主语变换处合译,常出现主从主语变换处合译,常出现主从句。从句。? ? Eg.1Eg.1) )对我来说,我自己的水族箱就像我对我来说,我自己的水族箱就像我自己的一个小王国。我就是里面的国王。自己的一个小王国。我就是里面的国王。? ? To me my aquarium is like my own little To me my aquarium is like my own little y qy qkingdom where I am king.kingdom where I am king.? ? 2) 2)。我觉得这山顶的几簇白房屋就仿佛是。我觉得这山顶的几簇白房屋就仿佛是中古时代的堡垒;那里面的主人应该是全中古时代的堡垒;那里面的主人应该是全身裹着铁片的骑士和轻盈婀娜的美人。身裹着铁片的骑士和轻盈婀娜的美人。yy
dafThe white buildings on the peak emed to me The white buildings on the peak emed to me like m
edieval forts who occupants should all like medieval forts who occupants should all be knights in armour or slim alluring knights in armour or slim alluring beauties.3) 3) 萧丽帮我拿起电报她的手在巍巍颤动着萧丽帮我拿起电报她的手在巍巍颤动着? ?重庆日语班
3).3).萧丽帮我拿起电报,她的手在巍巍颤动着。萧丽帮我拿起电报,她的手在巍巍颤动着。? ? Xiao Li helped me to pick up the telegram, her Xiao Li helped me to pick up the telegram, her hands slightly trembling.hands slightly trembling.(主从区分)(主从区分)
C.To find out the m ajor part C.To find out the m ajor part of a ntence before of a ntence before translating it(translating it(区分主从区分主从) )? ?1 . 1 .持续下了几天雨,郊区的道路境况极坏。持续下了几天雨,郊区的道路境况极坏。? ?2. 2.没有人养家,他不得不休学,去谋生养家。没有人养家,他不得不休学,去谋生养家。? ?3. 3.她穿着白色的礼服,看起来靓丽又得意。她穿着白色的礼服,看起来靓丽又得意。4 4 躺在床上他想起了很久以前读过的有关西躺在床上他想起了很久以前读过的有关西? ?4. 4.躺在床上,他想起了很久以前读过的有关西躺在床上,他想起了很久以前读过的有关西敏寺的英文散文。敏寺的英文散文。? ?5. 5.老师给学生讲