密级: 保密
Classification: Confidential
Standard Operating Procedure
编号( SOP NO.):AU/QMSP-6.2-01A
Training and Development Control Procedure
| 姓名 Name | 日期 Date | 签名 Signature |
编制 Author | 张楠 | 年 月 日 | |
审核 Reviewed by | 傅占绣 | 年 月 日 | |
数学故事批准 Approved by | 张新 | 年 月 日 | |
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Document Change Record
版本 Version | 修改条款及主要内容 Change Description | 实施日期 Effective Date |
A | English version corrected | 2010-10-1 |
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此变更记录最少保存最近3次修改内容。 法定代表人英文The latest three times change should be kept . |
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发放编号(Issue No.): 实施日期(Effective Date): 2010 年10月1日
1. 目的 Purpo
To enhance the professional skills and qualities of staff through training so as to meet the company’s needs.
2. 范围 Scope
2.1 适用范围 本程序适用于员工的在职培训及关键技术培训。员工指与公司签订劳动合同的员工,不包括兼职及短期顾问合同的人员。
Apply scope This procedure applies to on-the-job training or key technological training of staff . All staff includes employees contracted by the company and does not include part-time or short-term employees.
2.2 发放范围 (北京制造中心)
预科班是什么意思 本标准适用于奥星医药包装材料北京制造中心各公司。
The procedure applies to all business units of Austar pharmaceutical packaging material Beijing center
3. 职责和权限 Responsibility
3.1 人力行政部负责公司各类培训工作的管理,并负责建立员工培训档案,是公司各类培训工作的主管部门;
As the main competent authority, the human resources department is responsible for managing and tting up the various training programs and training files.
3.2 各部门负责对本部门员工进行岗位技能培训,制订各自《公司年度内部培训计划》报人力行政部批准,各部门组织实施;
Each department is responsible for training its employees, formulating its respective 《internal training annual plan》, and reporting it to human resources for approval. Each department organizes the implementation of its training regimen.
Each department is responsible for submitting its training requirements annually to the human resources department.
The human resources department is responsible for formulating in-department and company level basic training plans when new staff are employed, forming the 《import plan for new staff chart》, and monitoring the implementation.
4. 工作程序Procedure
Training principle
Focusing on the strategy plan and business development in a stage to train the staff .The training should be carried out according to categories ,layer constantly and improve the overall quality of staff to meet the develop demand .
4.2 培训分类 Training classification
a) 岗位技能培训序列号英文 Job skill training
decision是什么意思Identify the special training according to post demand and future demand .
b)cGMP专项培训: cGMP specialized training
培训内容包括:国家食品与药品监督管理局come across13号令内容、cGMP基础知识、公司质量管理体系文件有关内容。
The training include : the No.13 rule of state food and drug administration ,rudiments of cGMP and related contents of quality management system .
c)EHS培训;EHS training
Rudiments of EHS and safe operation prevention ,ect.
d)管理类培训 Administrative training
Apply to position management higher than monitor and nonproductive staff training .
朱子家训翻译e)其他培训 Other training
Includes but is not limited to the following: introduction to the company, organizational structure, administrational policies, (includes a workers’ handbook) etc.
4.3培训形式 Training types美国语伴
A)在职培训(On job Training ,OJT)
B) 内部授课培训; internal lessons training
C)外聘授课培训;external lessons training
D)公开课培训; Public lessons training
E)其他类型培训。 Other types of training
4.4培训需求 Training requirements
Business unit should report to the human department and the manager to communicate training demand and investigate the asssment and expectation of training in time according to human resource department in the end of every year .Each director should combine the demand of business department ,business unit and training requirement and fill the 《questionnaire of training requirement 》 and report to human resource department of business unit .
4.5培训计划 Training program
4.5.1 事业部人力资源部根据各业务单元和部门提交的培训需求,结合公司战略规划、业务单元和部门的情况,以及员工绩效考核的结果等内容,进行分析、修订及整合,拟订《年度培训项目计划表》;同时对产生费用的培训,拟订培训预算。培训计划需要经企业质量负责人、生产负责人批准。