Seeking Relatingship in the Real World
Dear Lonely Hearts: Do you spend hours at your computer clicking through, of single people online dating sites? Are you exhausted from tweaking pages on your profile, up dating your photos and emailing potential matches? Are you sick, and tired of feeling rejected when so many of them don't answer?
stayed怎么读It may be time for you to break up with online dating and try meeting a mate in the scary old-fashioned way: face to face.
For generations people parties, in church through met at or synagogue, friends even horror of horrors at work. But then we went online. We began making, friends Facebook and trolling for potential websites and eHarmony.
netscape过去几代人,人们在派对或是教会中相识,通过朋友认识彼此,甚至最糟糕的——在工作中发展恋情。可后来我们上网了。我们开始在Facebook上交朋友,在 和eHarmony这样的网站上寻找潜在的交往对象。
Sometimes it works. You probably know at least one couple who met online. I know half a dozen. But there's something that's easy to lo sight of: The happy folks aren't typical. Most people never meet their soul mate online. "It's exhausting," says Kate Wachs, a Chi
cagopsychologist and author of. "Relationships for Dummies." "People burn out really fast."
Before you even get started, you have to create your marketing pitch , get some decent photos, write an engaging profile, sometimes take a personality test. Then you scan hundreds, maybe thousands, of profiles and compo emails to the people you want to meet. If all this doesn't wear you out, the actual dates will.
That's, of cour, if anyone bothers to email back. A lawsuit filed in December and eking class-action status in U.S. District Court in Dallas alleges more than half the profiles are "inactive, fake or fraudulent." Match. com general manager Mandy Ginsberg says the site's full-time fraud-prevention team works to identify and block fake profiles, including IP address that are in specific countries where fraud is prevalent or that try to t up multiple profiles. There are 1.7 million paid subscribers on the site, Ms. Ginsberg says, and fraud happens to very few of them.last resort
而如果有人不嫌麻烦,回复了你的邮件,情况更是如此。一桩 12月份提起的诉讼宣称,默契网上超过一半的资料都是"无效、虚假或是具有欺诈性的"。这起诉讼正向达拉斯地方法院申请成为集体诉讼。默契网的总经理曼蒂·金斯伯格说,该网站有专门的打假小组负责查找并屏蔽虚假资料,包括来自造假现象猖獗的特定国家的IP地址,以及那些试图建立多份个人资料的IP地址。金斯伯格说,该网站有170万付费使用者,提供虚假资讯的只是很少一些人。
"Online dating is a lot of time for very little return," says Jeff Koleba, 31 , a Manhattan con
dig是什么意思sumer-brand manager. At one point, he had active profiles on five dating sites. He says he found it draining to come home each night and study profiles, draft clever emails to the women he was attracted to, and then often receive no respon. He recently quit online dating.
Now, Mr. Koleba tries to meet women when he is out and about -taking improvisational comedy class, playing on a co-ed intramural soccer team, exercising with a runners group. "It' s easy to talk, becau we already share a common interest." he says. "So at least you'll usually get a decent conversation, even if it winds Up5 going nowhere dating-wi."
Where can you meet Mr. or Ms. Right without going online (or to a bar)? I've asked around and heard the suggestions: Home Depot. The airport. The supermarket produce ction. (Whole Foods and Trader Joe' s have "the best looking and healthiest prospects," according to a musician friend of mine.)
会计面试I had some luck recently at a triathlon6 finish line in Miami, and I didn't even have to break a sweat. I was there with my sister, Rachel, to cheer on my brother-in-law, J.J., who was running in his first race. I was waiting on a break wall by the water when a handsome man in running shorts sat down next to me. He asked if I was waiting for a hus
band or boyfriend, and I suddenly developed a southern accent: "Whah noooo, Ahm not! "