A.按保护价敞开收购粮食的政策 a policy of purchasing grain without limitation at
protective prices
B.保监会 the China Insurance Regulatory Commission
保障交通畅通安全 guarantee the traffic flow and safety
闭锁的计划经济体制 clod command economic system
不公开姓名的讲话/评论 speak/comment on condition of anonymity
C.财政偿还能力 ability to rvice debt
财政承受能力 financial capacity
财政收入占国民生产总值的比重 the ratio of revenue to GNP
财政收支基本平衡的原则 a principle of maintaining a basic balance between revenue
and expenditures
财政资金申请、立项、拨付、使用 supervision over the whole process of fund allocation
from application, project determination and actual allocation to returns
on investment
促进中小企业向“专、精、特、新”的方向发展 to encourage small and medium enterpris to
increa their capacity to turn out products that are new, distinctive,
specialized and sophisticated
村级选举投票 vote in village elections
拆迁补偿费 compensation for demolition
产权划转和产权变动 the transfer of and changes in property rights of enterpris
产业升级 upgrade in industries
长期国债 long-term government bonds
彻底的改革 sweeping transformation
城镇职工医疗保险制度 medical insurance for urban workers
城镇住房制度改革 reform of the urban housing system
出口经营权由审批制向登记备案制过渡 the transition from an examination and approval system
to a registration and recording system for the right to engage in export
出口配额 export quotas 传统产业 conventional industries
创新体系 an innovation system
D.堵塞漏洞,清缴欠税 stop up loopholes and clear up and collect taxes in arrears
对中西部地区适当倾斜 appropriately directed to the central and western areas of the
F. 发挥最大效益 produce the best possible results 2011年12月四级
发展民办教育机制 ways for non-governmental ctors to run schools
防范和化解金融风险 guard against and defu financial risks
G.《个人所得税法》 the Law on Personal Income Tax
股市动荡和下挫 stock wobble and fall
固有生活工作模式的瓦解 disruptions in ttled patterns of life and work
H.荒漠化 deforestation
J.加强边境安全 tighten curity at borders
经济补偿 economic compensation
K.空运管制 airlift control
控制/缩减规模 scale down
《会计法》 the Accounting Law
L.劳务市场 job market
两栖部队 amphibious ready group
energy u pattern
P.抛售 massive ll-off
Q.势头强劲的市场经济 increasing market-bad and driven economy
雅思高分范文取消制裁 lifting of sanctions
全面禁航 shutdown of the national air system
全民健身运动 nationwide fitness programs
R.人均收入 per capita income
时尚词汇S.商品房 commercial housing
首脑论坛 annual debate of world leaders
T.逃避银行债务 evade repayment of band debts
调控宏观经济运行 regulate operation of the macroeconomy
调整出口退税 adjustments in the level of export tax rebates
调整投资结构和经济结构 the restructuring of investment and the economy
脱贫 lifted from poverty
退田还林 restore the reclaimed land to forest
W.污染排放超标企业 enterpris that discharge pollutants in levels that exceed the
stipulated standards
X.小城镇户籍管理制度改革 the reform of the houhold registration system in small
行动命令 deployment order
Y.养老金省级统筹制度the system of overall planning for old-age pension at the
provincial level
优质名牌产品 high-quality and famous-brand products
义演 benefit (performances)
“引进来和走出去”战略 going global strategy and bringing-in strategy
Z.灾难救济援助 disaster-relief donation
增强经济发展的后劲 add to the potential for future economic development
战争状态 nation-at war theme
政府采购强制招标制度 a mandatory bidding system for government purchament
政府救援 government bailout
政治文化复兴 political and cultural renewal
《注册会计师法》 the Law on Certified Public Accountants
战备状态 battle ready
国家现汇结存 state foreign exchange rerves
合理引导消费 guide rational consumption
季节性调价 asonal price adjustment
既成事实 established/accomplished facts
劳动密集型企业 labor-intensive enterpris
千年虫 millennium bug
企业技术改造 technological updating of enterpris
企业亏损补贴 subsidies to cover enterpris loss
实行国民待遇 grant the national treatment
消费膨胀 inflated consumption
贪图安逸 crave comfort and pleasure
倒爷 profiteer
机构臃肿 overstaffing in (government) organizations
机构重叠 organizational overlapping
对外项目承包 foreign project contracting
外援方式 modality of foreign aid
所有制形式 forms of ownership
国家鼓励项目 project listed as encouraged by the state
同步增长 increa in the same pace
债转股 debt-to-enquity swap
坏帐 死帐 dead/dad/account bad debt/dead l
管子英文反倾销措施 anti-dumping measures
通货膨胀 inflation
极度通货膨胀 hypeinflation
通货紧缩 deflation
非配额产品 quota-free products
非生产性投资 investments in non-productive projects
风险管理 risk management
风险评估 risk asssment
购买力 purcha power
风险基金 risk capital
规模经理 scale economy
国家补贴 public subsidies
毕业生主题曲流动人口 floating population
企业的自我约束机制 lf-regulating mechanism of enterpris
皮包公司 flying-by-night company
工业增加值 industrial added value
岗位培训 on-the-job training
就业前培训 pre-job training
海运提单 bill of lading(B/L)
承运货物收据 cargo receipt
多式联运单据 multimodal transport document
邮政收据 parcel post receipt
邮寄证明 certificate of posting
船务公司 shipping rvice company
弱势群体 disadvantaged groups
消费价格总水平 the general price level
城镇社会保障体系 the social curity system in urban areas
城镇职工基本医疗保险制度 the basic medical insurance system for urban employees
基本养老金 basic pensions
实行弹性大、灵活性强、多 to adopt elastic, flexible, diversified forms of
样化的就业形式 employment
确保国有企业下岗职工基本 to ensure that subsistence allowances for laid-off workers
生活费和离退休人员基本 from state-owned enterpris and
养老金按时足额发放 basic pensions for retirees are paid on time and in full
完善失业保险制度 to improve the unemployment insurance system
扩大就业和再就业 to expand employment and reemployment
统筹兼顾城乡就业 to make overall plans for urban and rural system
中华人民共和国劳动法 the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China
建立新型的劳动关系 to establish a new type of labor relations
建立市场导向的就业机制 to establish a market-oriented employment mechanism
优化就业结构 to optimize employment structure
推动就业服务向社区延伸, to encourage the formation of community-run agencies as a
形成多层次的就业服务网络 part of the multi-level employment rvice network
合理调整就业结构 to rationally readjust the employment structure
重视发展具有比较优势和 to stress the development of labor-intensive enterpris with
市场潜力的劳动密集型企业 comparative advantages and market potential
实施积极促进就业的政策 to implement the policy of vigorously increasing employment
提高劳动者素质 to enhance workers’ quality
行职业资格证书制度 to introduce a vocational qualification credentials system
养老保险制度 the old-age insurance system
医疗保险制度 the medical insurance system
失业保险制度 the unemployment insurance system
工伤保险制度 the industrial injury insurance system
生育保险制度 the childbirth insurance system
最低生活保障制度 the minimum living standard curity system
社会福利制度 the social welfare system
优抚安置制度 the special care and placement system
灾害救助制度 the natural disaster relief system
社会互助制度 the social mutual help system
工资收入分配制度 the wage and income distribution system
保障妇女就业权利 to guarantee women’s right to employment
完善和落实再就业优惠政策 to improve and implement preferential reemployment
实行劳动合同制度 to institute a labor contract system
建立集体合同制度 to establish a group contract system
劳动标准体系 labor standard system
劳动争议处理体制 the system of handling labor disputes
劳动保障监察制度 the labor curity supervision system