John Daniel2 For most people the word “education” means “school” and “school” conjures up an image of a building with classrooms. But what do people think of when they hear “literacy programs”? Probably nothing.
Living in illiteracy is such an unknown —even a little mysterious —experience.3Yet today nearly a billion people are illiterate, not to mention4the 113 million school-aged children who do not attend school. Wonderful progress has been made during the last half of the twentieth century in the field of education. But still the number of adult illiterates, particularly women, ris. This is now the challenge of the twenty-first century — the thorn in the side of 5 efforts to achieve Education for All (EFA).It has become clear that Education for All cannot be possible without Literacy for All.
However, tremendous strides have been made in literacy. How has this been possible? Who brought it about? The people behind literacy efforts must be congratulated for working against all odds to bring about this achievement.6But where are they? Who are they? What are their tasks like? And their problems, challenges and rewards? What inspires them? What conditions do they work and live under? 7
In this book they will tell their own stories8, in their own words; their trials and tribulations in their efforts to contribute towards reaching the global goal of Literacy for All. It is an understatement to say that their job is a challenge. Many work in difficult physical conditions; often life threatening; often unpaid. 9 they are obliged to work in rice paddies or ll chickens to feed their families. Their only glory, as Ursula Weiman put it, is the gleam in their learners’ eyes. 10
experimentalThey are invisible. We know hardly anything about them. Many are barely literate themlves. Yet their zest and zeal know no bounds. Their desire to help their fellows overcomes all obstacles.
In this volume we learn about make-shift class to teach children to read and write in their own language as a way of restoring their dignity and helping them to cope better with school work in a cond language; and still others who learnt the language of their learners in order to develop a written language which they could u and which restored to them a n of “personhood”. We read a personal and moving account of a friend and how he struggled to help shape a literacy program which was transformed and empowered in the real n of the word. 11 We hear from tho who work in policy formulation, from a rearcher, feeding into policy-making work spanning a thirty-year career in peace and war and we catch a glimp of how international civil rvants strive to influence a large bureaucracy whilst keeping their feet on the ground. 12 Not to mention a chilling
account of literacy efforts in time of civil war.
All this, and more, is embraced in this volume.
Pertinent issues in literacy emerge: bilingual and mother tongue literacy, rearch, policy changes, methods and approaches, guiding ideology, cultural identity. All are
tightly interwoven to reflect the heterogeneous nature of literacy work. It is hoped that the different threads of experience13will give us a chance to provide living proof that literacy today is as complex and complicated as the world it must rve.
In the light of the imminent United Nations International Literacy Decade, the world needs, more than ever before, the goodwill of all such people. Tho who toil behind the scene, under duress and stress are the most important factor for implementing the Decade. Their lives and experiences need to be known to the world. For credit must be given where it is due. We humbly pay tribute to the invisible people on the ground. For their myriads of untold stories and unknown faces, we honor our unsung heroes. 14
Our sincere thanks go to all tho unsung literacy workers who contributions have made this book possible.凸台
1. literacy 意为“识字,有文化,读写能力”等。literacy workers是指“教人读书识字的人”,按汉语的习惯说法,就是“扫盲工作者”。在本文中,literacy 可译为“扫盲”或“扫盲工作”,literacy program译为“扫盲计划”,Literacy for All译为“全民扫盲”,United Nations International literacy Decade 译为“联合国扫盲十年计划”等。与literacy相对的是illiteracy,意为“文盲”或“处于文盲的状态之中”,如Living in illiteracy is such an unknown —even a little mysterious —experience.也可用作集合名词,意为“文盲的人”,即“文盲”的总称,如:A country with 90% illiteracy (一个文盲占人口90%的国家);illiterate作为形容词,意为“没有文化的,文盲的”,如:Yet today nearly a billion people are illiterate.作为名词,是具体名词,意为“文盲(的人)”,如: But still the number of adult illiterates, particularly women, ris.
2. 本文作者系联合国教科文组织教育部门助理总干事。break the records
3. 此句直译是:“生活在你能读书识字的情况下,是一种不为人所知的——甚至是一种神秘的——经历。”但我们汉语中译为:“文盲是怎样生活的?我们不知道,我们甚至还会感到有些神秘。”可见要使译文通顺,我们经常需要改变说法,即转换句型。
4. Not to mention ... 意为“更不必说,除……之外”。这里译为“还不包括……”。
what if nina
5. the thorn in the side of这一短语意为“经常使人苦恼的事(或人)”。全句译为:“这是对21世纪的挑战——对我们实现‘全民教育’计划的努力,无疑也是一个巨大的障碍。”
6. to congratulate 意为“因……而赞扬某人”,如The operators are to be congratulated for their excellent rvice that they now provide 要注意的是,不要与to congratulate . (“因……祝贺某人”)混淆。另外,此句采用分译的方法:“我们必须赞扬那些为扫盲工作做出贡献的人,(因为)他们克服了种种困难才取得了这些成就。”因汉语采用“意合”法,连词往往可以省略,故译文中省去了“因为”。
7. What are their tasks like? And their problems, challenges and rewards? What inspires them? What conditions do they work and live under? 这几句的译文是:“他们是怎样工作的?他们会遇到怎样的问题和挑战?他们能取得多少报酬?是什么激励他们从事扫盲工作的?他们的工作条件和生活条件又是怎样的?”注意译文中的句型的转换和增词手段。
8. ... they will tell their own stories一句中,根据上下文stories一词译为“经历”而不是“故事”。我们可以看到下文的这样一些句子:... their trails and tribulations in their efforts to contribute towards reaching the global goal of Literacy for All.这一句和其他许多句子,都是说了扫盲工作者的经历。注意,这一句也采用了“分译”的手段,并且词序也改变了:“讲述他们为了实现‘全民扫盲’的全球目标所做的努力,以及他们所走过的艰险历程和所经受的种种艰难。”
9. often life threatening; often unpaid 是省略句,意为:Their work is often life threatening, and they are often unpaid.译文采用“增译”的手段,正是根据这一意思:“他们还得常常冒生命的危险,而且经常得不到任何报酬。”
10.此句中的glory 一词,意为“自豪的原因”;gleam 一词意为“眼神中流露出来的一种心情”, 根据上下文译为“饥渴的求知欲望”。故全句译为:“正如乌尔苏拉·魏泽曼所说的,他们唯一感到自豪的是学生眼中闪烁出来的那种如饥似渴的求知欲望。”
11. ...and how he struggled to help shape a literacy program which was transformed and empowered in the real n of the word.这里根据上下文意思译为:“从而使扫盲工作有了可靠的依据,也使这项工作有了彻底的改观。”译文用“可靠的”和“彻底的”来译in the real n of the word 这一短语。
12. Whilst keeping their feet on the ground: to keep one’s feet on the ground 意为“脚踏实地,注重实际”,故译为“同时又能根据实际情况,脚踏实地地进行工作”。spe
13. the different threads of experience 这一短语中,threads(常用复数)一词意为“各组成部分”,如:The threads of problem were being gathered together.(这个问题的各有关内容正被收集在一起。)但这一短语可简单地译为“不同的经验”。
14. For their myriads of untold stories and unknown faces, we honor our unsung heroes 句中untold stories:鲜为人知的事迹;unsung heroes:未受到颂扬的英雄。全句译为:“他们丰富多彩的事迹鲜为人知,他们自己也默默无闻,但我们要向这些从未受到颂扬的英雄致以敬意。”注意其中句型的转换。