Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomid controlled trials on the effects of potassium supplements on rum potassium and creatinine 期刊名称: BMJ Open
作者: Cappuccio, Francesco P, Buchanan, Laura A, Ji, Chen, Siani, Alfonso, Miller,
Michelle A
年份: 2016年
期号: 第8期
thewantedborehole关键词: systematic review;meta-analysis;potassium supplements;randomized
更多的英文clinical trials;safety;rum potassium
摘要:High potassium intake could prevent stroke, but supplementation is considered hazardous. We assd the effect of oral potassium supplementation
英文合同范本九上语文课堂作业本答案on rum or plasma potassium levels and renal function. We updated a systematic review of the effectnew beetle
服务员英文翻译s of potassium supplementation in randomid clinical trials carried out worldwide, published in 2013, extending it to July 2015. We followed the PRISMA guidelines. Any individual taking part in a potassium supplementation randomid clinical trial. Studies included met the following criteria: randomid clinical trials, potassium supplement given and circulating potassium levels reported. Oral potassium supplementation. Serum or plasma potassium and rum
or plasma creatinine. A total of 20 trials (21 independent groups) were included (1216 participants from 12 different countries). All