1. parate from:与...分离
经典影片 例如:The children were parated from their parents during the evacuation.
这个例句中,parate from表示孩子们在疏散过程中与他们的父母分离了。worry about
beautify 2. parate out:分离出来,提取
例如:The scientists were able to parate out the different components of the mixture.
这个例句中,parate out表示科学家们能够将混合物的不同组分分离出来。
3. parate into:分成会计从业资格考试书
例如:The cake was cut and parated into individual slices.
这个例句中,parate into表示蛋糕被切开并分成了个体切片。
4. parate off:分离,隔离
例如:The area was parated off from the rest of the building.
这个例句中,parate off表示该区域与建筑物的其余部分隔开了。
guidebook 5. parate onelf from:脱离,分离
例如:He decided to parate himlf from the company and start his own business.
这个例句中,parate onelf from表示他决定脱离公司并创办自己的业务。
6. parate and distinct:独立而明显
例如:The two issues are parate and distinct from each other.
宫东风下载专区conveyance 这个例句中,parate and distinct表示这两个问题是独立而明显的。
7. parate the wheat from the chaff:分清好坏,剔除杂质
例如:The manager was able to parate the wheat from the chaff and identify the most promising candidates.
这个例句中,parate the wheat from the chaff表示经理能够分清好坏并确定最有前途的候选人。