A Shocking Accident
By Graham Greene
Jerome was called into his houmaster's room in the break between the cond and the third class on a Tuesday morning. He had no fear of trouble, for he was a warden -- the name that the proprietor and headmaster of a rather expensive preparatory school had chon to give to approved, reliable boys in the lower forms (from a warden one became a guardian and finally before leaving, it was hoped for Marlborough or Rugby, a crusader). The houmaster, Mr Wordsworth, sat behind his desk with an appearance of perplexity and apprehension. Jerome had the odd impression when he entered that he was a cau of fear.
“Sit down, Jerome,”Mr Wordsworth said. “All going well with the trigonometry?”
“Y es, sir.”
深圳留学机构“I’ve had a telephone call, Jerome. From your aunt. I’m afraid I have bad news for you.”
“Y es, sir?”
“Y our f ather has had an accident.”
Mr Wordsworth loo ked at him with some surpri. “A rious accident.”
“Y es,sir?”
Jerome worshipped his father: the verb is exact. As man recreates God, so Jerome recreated his father -- from a restless widowed author into a mysterious adventurer who traveled in far places -- Nice, Beirut, Majorca, even the Canaries. The time had arrived about his eighth birthday when Jerome believed that his father either “ran guns” or was a member of the British Secret Service. Now it occurred to him that his fat her might have been wounded in “a hail of machine-gun bullets”.
Mr Wordsworth played with the ruler on his desk. He emed at a loss how to continue. He said, “Y ou know your father was in Naples?”
“Y es, sir.”
elysium“Y our aunt heard from the hospital today.”2017六级答案
Mr Wor dsworth said with desperation, “It was a street acci dent.”
“Y es, sir?”It emed quite likely to Jerome that they would call it a street accident. The police of cour had fired first; his father would not take human life except as a last resort.
“I’m afraid your father was very riously hurt indee d.”
“In fact, Jerome, he died yeste rday. Quite without pain.”
“Did they sho ot him through the heart?”
“I beg your pardon. What did you say, Jerome?”
“Did th ey shoot him through the heart?”
“Nobody shot him, Jerome. A pig fell on him.” An inexplicable convulsion took
place in the nerves of Mr Wordsworth’s face; it really looked for a moment as though he were going to laugh. He clod his eyes, compod his features and said rapidly as though it were necessary to expel the story as rapidly as possible. “Y our father was walking along a street in Naples when a pig fell on him. A shocking accident. Apparently in the poorer quarters of Naples they keep pigs on their balconies. This one was on the fifth floor. It had grown too fat. The balcony broke. The pig fell on your father.”
Mr Wordsworth left his desk rapidly and went to the window, turning his back on Jerome. He shook a little with emotion.
Jerome said, “What happened to the pig?”
This was not callousness on the part of Jerome, as it was interpreted by Mr Wordsworth to his colleagues (he even discusd with them whether, perhaps, Jerome was yet fitted to be a warden). Jerome was only attempting to visualize the strange scene to get the details right. Nor was Jerome a boy who cried; he was a boy who brooded, and it never occurred to him at his preparatory school that the circumstances of his father’s death were comic -- they were still part of the mysteries of life. I
t was later, in his first term at his public school, when he told the story to his best friend, that he began to realize how it affected others. Naturally after that disclosure he was known, rather unreasonably, as Pig.
Unfortunately his aunt had no n of humor. There was an enlarged snapshot of his father on the piano; a large sad man in an unsuitable dark suit pod in Capri with an umbrella (to guard him against sunstroke), the Faraglione rocks forming the background. By the age of sixteen Jerome was well aware that the portrait looked more like the author of Sunshine and Shade and Ramblers in the Balearics than an agent of the Secret Service. All the same he loved the memory of his father: he still possd an album filled with picture postcards (the stamps had been soaked off long ago for his other collection), and it pained him when his aunt embarked with strangers on the story of his father’s death.
“A shocking accident,” she would begin, and the stranger would compo his or her features into the correct shape for interest and commiration. Both reactions, of cour, were fal, but it was terrible for Jerome to e how suddenly, midway in her rambling discour, the interest would become genuine. “I can’t think how such things can be allowed in a civilized country,”his aunt would say. “I suppo one has to regard Italy as civilized. One is prepared for all kinds of things abroad, of
cour, and my brother was a great traveler. He always carried a water-filter with him. It was far less expensive, you know, than buying all tho bottles of mineral water. My brother always said that his filter paid for his dinner wine. Y ou can e from that what a careful man he was, but who could possibly have expected when he was walking along the Via Dottore Manuele Panucci on his way to the Hydrographic Muum that a pig would fall on him?” That was the moment when the interest became genuine.
It emed to Jerome that there were two possible methods of recounting his father’s death—the first led gently up to the accident, so that by the time it was described the listener was so well prepared that the death came really as an anti-climax. The chief danger of laughter in such a story was always surpri. When he reheard his method Jerome began boringly enough.
“Y ou know Naples and tho high tenement buildings? Somebody once told me that the Neapolitan always feels at home in New Y ork just as the man from Turin feels at home in London becau the river runs in much the same way in both cities. Where was I? Oh, yes. Naples, of cour. Y ou’d be surprid in the poorer quarters what things they keep on the balconies of tho sky-scraping tenements -- not washing, you know, or bedding, but things like livestock, chickens or even pigs. Of cour the pigs get no exerci whate ver and fatten all the quicker.”He could imagine how his heare
r’s eyes w ould have glazed by this time. “I’ve no idea, have you, how heavy a pig can be, but the old buildings are all badly in need of repair. A balcony on the fifth floor gave way under one of tho pigs. It struck the third floor balcony on its way down and sort of ricochetted into the street. My father was on the way to the Hydrographic Muum when the pig hit him. Coming from that height and that angle it bro ke his neck.”This was really a masterly attempt to make an intrinsically interesting subject boring.
The other method Jerome reheard had the virtue of brevity.
“My father was killed by a pig.”
“Really? In India?”
“No, in Italy.”
女孩的英文名字“How interesting. I never realized there was pig-sticking in Italy. Was your father keen on polo?”
In cour of time, neither too early nor too late, rather as though, in his capacity as a chartered accountant, Jerome had studied the statistics and taken the average, he became engaged to be married: to a pleasant fresh-faced girl of twenty-five who father was a doctor in Pinner. Her name
was Sally, her favorite author was still Hugh Walpole, and she had adored babies ever since she had been given a doll at the age of five which moved its eyes and made water. Their relationship was contented rather than exciting, as became the love-affair of a chartered accountant; it would never have done if it had interfered with the figures.
One thought worried Jerome, however. Now that within a year he might himlf become a father, his love for the dead man incread; he realized what affection had gone into the picture-postcards. He felt a longing to protect his memory, and uncertain whether this quiet love of his would survive if Sally were so innsitive as to laugh when sh e heard the story of his father’s death. Inevitably she would hear it when Jerome brought her to dinner with his aunt. Several times he tried to tell her himlf, as she was naturally anxious to know all she could that concerned him.
“Y ou were very sma ll when your father died?”
“Just nine.”
“Poor little boy,” she said.bec网上报名
“I was at sch ool. They broke the news to me.”
“Did you take it very hard?”
“I can’t remembe r.”
“Y ou never told me how it happened.”
“It was very sudden. A street accident.”
“Y ou’ll nev er drive fast, will you, Jemmy?” (She had begun to call him “Jemmy”.) It was too late then to try the cond method -- the one he thought of as the pig-sticking one.
They were going to marry quietly in a registry-office and have their honeymoon at Torquay. He avoided taking her to e his aunt until a week before the wedding, but then the night came, and he could not have told himlf whether his apprehension was more for his father’s memory or the curity of his own love.
The moment came all too soon. “Is that Jemmy’s father?”Sally asked, picking up the portrait of the man with the umbrella.
“Y es, dear. How did you guess?”
“He ha s Jemmy’s eyes and brow, hasn’t he?”
“Has J ero me lent you his books?”
“I will give you a t for your wedding. He wrote so tenderly about his travels. My own favorite is Nooks and Crannies. He would have had a great future. It made that shockin g accident all the wor.”
“Y es?”
Jerome longed to leave the room and not e that loved face crinkle with irresistible amument.
“I had so many letters from his rea ders after the pig fell on him.” She had never been so abrupt before. And then the miracle happened. Sally did not laugh. Sally sat with open eyes of horror while his aunt told her the story, and at the end, “How horrible,”Sally said. “It makes you think, doesn’t it? Happening like that. Out of a clear sky.”
Jero me’s heart sang with joy. It was as though she had appead his fear for ever. In the taxi going
home he kisd her with more passion than he had ever shown and she returned it. There were babies in her pale blue pupils, babies that rolled their eyes and made water.
“A week today,”Jerome said, and she squeezed his hand. “Penny for your thoughts, my darling.”
“I was wondering,” Sally said, “what happened to the poor pig?”
“They almo st certainly had it for dinner,”Jerome said happily and kisd the dear child again.
Review Questions:
1. How old is Jerome at the beginning of the story?
2. What sort of school was Jerome at, and why?
3. How did the headmaster at the prep school tell Jerome about his father’s death? How did Jerome react to the news?infocenter
4. Jerome us two different methods to tell the story to strangers or new acquaintances. What are his two methods?
5. How do Jerome’s feelings for his father develop as he grows up? Pick out the phras that describe the feelings.
6. What sort of person is Jerome? What was it about his father’s death that pained him so much?
7. Why will Sally evidently make Jerome a very good wife?
8. What attitude does Greene have towards his characters?