好消息英文惊天事件A Shocking Accident 韦盖利 译
人力数据分析惊天事件A Shocking Accident 韦盖利 译
Graham Greene
英语句子翻译 1
Jerome was called into his houmaster's room in the break between the cond and the third class on a Tuesday morning. He had no fear of trouble, for he was a warden - the name that the proprietor and headmaster of a rather expensive preparatory school had chon to give to approved, reliable boys in the lower forms (from a warden one became a guardian and finally before leaving, it was hoped for Marlborough or Rugby, a crusader). The houmaster, Mr Wordsworth, sat behind his desk with an appearance of perplexity and apprehension. Jerome had the odd impression when he entered that he was a cau of fear.
'Sit down, Jerome,' Mr Wordsworth said. 'All going well with the trigonometry'
'Yes, sir.'
'I've had a telephone call, Jerome. From your aunt. I'm afraid I have bad news for you.'
'Yes, sir'
'Your father has had an accident.'
Mr Wordsworth looked at him with some surpri. 'A rious accident.'
'Yes, sir'
Jerome worshipped his father: the verb is exact. As man re-creates God, so Jerome re-created his father - from a restless widowed author into a mysterious adventurer who travelled in far places - Nice, Beirut, Majorca, even the Canaries. The time had arrived ab
out his eighth birthday when Jerome believed that his father either 'ran guns' or was a member of the British Secret Service. Now it occurred to him that his father might have been wounded in 'a hail of machine-gun bullets'.
Mr Wordsworth played with the ruler on his desk. He emed at a loss how to continue. He said, 'You know your father was in Naples'
'Yes, sir.'
'Your aunt heard from the hospital today.'
southcarolina 'Oh.'
Mr Wordsworth said with desperation, 'It was a street accident.'
'Yes, sir' It emed quite likely to Jerome that they would call it a street accident. The police of cour fired first; his father would not take human life except as a last resort.尚孔教育
'I'm afraid your father was very riously hurt indeed.'
'In fact, Jerome, he died yesterday. Quite without pain.'
'Did they shoot him through the heart'
stars 'I beg your pardon. What did you say, Jerome'
'Did they shoot him through the heart'
'Nobody shot him, Jerome. A pig fell on him.' An inexplicable convulsion took place in the nerves of Mr Wordsworth's face; it really looked for a moment as though he were going to laugh. He clod his eyes, compod his features and said rapidly as though it were necessary to expel the story as rapidly as possible. 'Your father was walking along a street in Naples when a pig fell on him. A shocking accident. Apparently in the poorer quarters of Naples they keep pigs on their balconies. This one was on the fifth floor. It had grown too fat. The balcony broke. The pig fell on your father.'
Mr Wordsworth left his desk rapidly and went to the window, turning his back on Jerome. He shook a little with emotion.
Jerome said, 'What happened to the pig'
This was not callousness on the part of Jerome, as it was interpreted by Mr Wordsworth to his colleagues (he even discusd with them whether, perhaps, Jerome was yet fitted to be a warden). Jerome was only attempting to visualize the strange scene to get the details right. Nor was Jerome a boy who cried; he was a boy who brooded, and it never occurred to him at his preparatory school that the circumstances of his father's death were comic - they were still part of the mysteries of life. It was later, in his first term at his public school, when he told the story to his best friend, that he began to realize how it affected others. Naturally after that disclosure he was known, rather unreasonably, as Pig.