Would We Be Healthier With A Vegan Diet?
Would We Be Healthier With A Vegan Diet?
A July 2012 Gallup poll puts the percentage of American adultswho say they consider themlves vegetarian at 5%, and thowho consider themlves vegans─who eat no meat or dairyproductsbeca ─at 2%.
Do they know something everyone el doesn't?
Far more Americans in a 2006 Gallup poll said they eat red meatand dairy regularly: 60% and 71%, respectively.
But of cour, that isn't necessarily confirmation of the benefits of meat and dairy: Good health,like good n, does not always reside with the majority.
No one is arguing that Americans should be required to eat meat or dairy products─六级分数的分布情况or broccoli, forthat matter. For many people, the decision comes down to convenience, habit and taste.
But whatever you currently like to eat, digging into some of the issues that define this debate couldbe good for your health. Indeed, there's obviously more at stake here than pleasing our tastebuds.
What does science say on the subject? Here, two scientists offer their thoughts.
T. Colin Campbell, who argues that a vegan diet is healthier than diets that include meat and dairyproducts, is professor emeritus of nutritional sciences at Cornell University and co-author of 'TheChina Study.' Nancy Rodriguez, who says it's healthy to eat meat and dairy products as part of abalanced diet that includes each of the major food groups, is a professor of nutritional sciences atthe University of Connecticut, in Storrs.
Yes: Cut Animal-Bad Proteinthorn
By T. Colin Campbell
I was raid on a dairy farm. I milked cows until starting my doctoral rearch over 50 years ago atCornell University in the animal-science department. Meat and dairy foods were my daily fare, and Iloved them.
When I began my experimental rearch program on the effects of nutrition on cancer and otherdias, I assumed it was healthy to eat plenty of meat, milk and eggs. But eventually, ourevidence raid questions about some of my most-cherished beliefs and practices.
Our findings, published in top peer-reviewed journals, pointed away from meat and milk as thebuilding blocks of a healthy diet, and toward whole, plant-bad foods with little or no added oil,sugar or salt.
My dietary practices changed bad on the findings, and so did tho of my family. So, what isthis evidence that has had such an impact on my life?
In human population studies, prevalence rates of heart dia and certain cancers stronglyassociate with animal-protein-bad diets, usually reported as total fat consumption. Animal-badprotein isn't the only cau of the dias, but it is a marker of the simultaneous effects ofmultiple nutrients found in diets that are high in meat and dairy products and low in plant-badfoods.
Pain Relief
mogiSome of the most compelling evidence of the effects of meat and dairy foods aris when we stopeating them. Increasing numbers of individuals resolve their pain (arthritic, migraine, cardiac) whenthey avoid dairy food. And switching to a whole-food, plant-bad diet with little or no added salt,sugar and fat, produces astounding health benefits. This dietary lifestyle can prevent and evenrever 70% to 80% of existing, symptomatic dia, with an equivalent savings in health-carecosts for tho who comply.
This treatment effect is broad in scope, exceptionally rapid in respon (days to weeks) and often,lifesaving. It cannot be duplicated by animal-bad foods, procesd foods or drug therapies.
By contrast, any evidence that low-fat or fat-free-dairy foods reduce blood pressure is trivialcompared with the lower blood pressure obtained and sustained by a whole-foods, plant-baddiet.
Bad on the scientific evidence, and on the way I feel, I know beyond any doubt that I am betteroff for having changed my diet to whole and plant-bad foods.
Dr. Campbell is professor emeritus of nutritional sciences at Cornell University and co-author of'The China Study.' He can be reached at
No: It's a Question of Balance
By Nancy Rodriguez
For years a wealth of scientific rearch has supported the idea that healthy nutrition begins with abalanced diet consisting of the basic food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains and protein and dairy.
Each group offers nutrients that are esntial to our health. Experts agree that the most importantthing to remember when considering a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle is that esntial nutrientsremoved from the diet with the elimination of meat or dairy need to be obtained from other foods.
Individuals who stop eating meat and dairy products are at risk of not getting enough calcium,vitamin D, protein, vitamin B12, zinc and iron in their diets─功夫熊猫主题曲all nutrients that come mostly fromfood products derived from animals.
What happens then? Insufficient calcium and vitamin D can compromi bone structure. Lack ofzinc can hinder growth in children. B12 and iron assist production of red blood cells, which deliveroxygen throughout the body. Proteins are esntial for building and maintaining muscle andkeeping our brains healthy. And animal proteins provide all the esntial amino acids, nutrients ourbodies cannot make on its own.