py4DSTEM: A Software Package for Four-Dimensional Scanning Transmission Electroncopra
Microscopy Data Analysis
walk off期刊名称: Microscopy and Microanalysis
作者: Benjamin H Savitzky,Steven E Zeltmann,Lauren A Hughes,Hamish G
Brown,Colin Ophusruninto
年份: 2021年
考研补习班关键词: calibration;diffraction;open source;STEM;4D-STEM
depository摘要:Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) allows for imaging, diffraction, and spectroscopy of materials on length scales ranging from microns to atoms. By using a high-speed, direct electron detector, it is now possible to record a full two-dimensional (2D) image of the diffracted electron beam at each probe position, typically a 2D grid of probe positions. The 4D-STEM datats
are rich in information, including signatures of the local structure, orientation, deformation, electromagnetic fields, and other sample-dependent properties. However, extracting this information requires complex analysis pipelines that include data wrangling, calibration, analysis, and visualization, all while maintaining robustness against imaging distortions and artifacts. In this paper, we prent py4DSTEM, an analysis toolkit for