Unit 4
Lesson 1
Part 1 I Want to Be a Doctor
Ann: Ruth! This report’s due tomorrow. What are you dreaming about?
Ruth: You know, I wish I’d gone to medical school instead of business school.
Ann: What? Since when have you been interested in medicine?
Ruth: Well, when I read about doctor shortages and terrible dias, I think about how I could
have made a difference in this world, an important difference…instead of doing the uless
Ann: Well, you’re young. Maybe it’s not too late.
Ruth: Think so?
Ann: Sure. But do you think maybe you could get your head out of the clouds and get back on
task now?
Ruth: Sorry about that. You can count on me.
Part 2 Why Did They Change Their Mind?
Conversation 1
M: So what did you want to be when you grew up?
F: Me? I actually wanted to be a sculptor. And I was one for about five years.
M: Really? So how e you’re an architect now?
F: Do you know how hard it is to make a living being a sculptor?
M: I can imagine.
Conversation 2
F: Weren’t you going to marry that beautiful Spanish dancer — what was her name — Pilar?
M: You remember?! You’re amazing!
F: Who could forget Pilar?
M: Hmmm. Well, she was something el!promptly
F: What made you change your mind?
学日语的方法waiting miles awayM: I never really changed my mind. My parents talked me out of it.
Conversation 3 [M= Russian]
M: I always thought you would be a lawyer.
F: What do you mean?
generalmillsM: Well, you love to argue, and you love to win.
F: To tell you the truth, I really thought I would be a lawyer too, but I didn’t pass the entrance exam. I
took it twice.
M: You’re kidding!
F: Well, there’s more to law than arguing and winning.
Conversation 4
F1: I remember that gorgeous Swede you were going to marry.
F2: Oh, yes. Sven Svenson. He was some hunk.
F1: Whatever happened?
F2: I guess my tastes changed. I married Luigi instead.
Part 3 Why Did Christina Change Her Mind about Each Activity?
Simon: Hi, Christina. I’m Simon Wells, your career counlor. Let’s look at your resume … So…you
studied art, but you didn’t graduate. What happened?
Christina: Well, it was going to be hard to make a living as an artist, so I quit.
Simon: And then you studied at a beauty school?
Christina: Yes, but I couldn’t cut hair. I had this exam, but I didn’t pass.
Simon: OK…and you have some job experience? You worked at an art gallery.
Christina: Yes, but I decided that I liked music better than art.
Simon: So your tastes changed?
Christina: Exactly! So I was going to play in a band, but my parents talked me out of it.
Simon: And then you worked at a bank?
Christina: Yes, I worked there for a few months, but then I didn’t want to anymore. I guess I just
changed my mind.
Simon: And now you want my help?
Christina: Yeah!
Part 4 Some Tips on How to Choo a Career
Passage 1 Job Advertiment
This is an exciting opportunity for a talented individual. The successful candidate will work with highlevel
individuals in the pany. Responsibilities include managing the director’s calendar and mitments,
managing special projects, rving as the director’s reprentative to other offices and individuals, and
supervising the administrative staff. This position requires 5 plus years in a nior-level executive/
administrative position. Experience and strong knowledge in a variety of puter software applications is
also required. The successful candidate will be quick-thinking, flexible, and have mon n. He/She
will have strong organizational skills and attention to detail. He/She should also have excellent oral and
written munication, problem-solving and project-management skills.
Passage 2 Tips for Improving Your Interview
Congratulations! You have a job interview. Here’s how to do your best:
Before the interview, read the job description and think about how your skills, abilities, and experience
match the requirements of the position. Decide how you’ll explain that information.口才班
Make sure to arrive on time or a few minutes early. Most interviewers agree: There’s no excu for
being late.
wonderful wonderfulDon’t be too friendly
An interview is a professional meeting. You should be energetic and enthusiastic, but not informal.
U good munication skills
Listen to questions carefully. Before you give your answer, make sure that it’s a correct respon to the