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二、 义务教育阶段英语课程的目的是什么?请你结合自己的教学实际谈谈
三、 学习策略指学生为了有效地学习和发展而采取的各种行动和步骤。
的教学实践活动,就初中 英语教学中的交际策略问题简略谈谈自己的看法。(10分)
四、 请根据你对语言教学的认识,设计一个教"现在正在进行时"的情境。
五、 九年义务教育全日制初级中学英语教学大纲指出,学生要"能按国际
不相径庭 己的教学实践经验说说你的看法? (10分)
六、 第一节:阅读下列短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D)
中,选出最佳选项, 填入每小题标号前的括号内。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
lonerThomas Alva Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Without him, the world might still be a dark place. However, the electric light was not his only invention. He also invented the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and over 1,200 other things.About every two weeks he created something new.Thomas A. Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847. Hisfamily moved to Port Huron, Michigan, when he was ven years old. Surprisingly, he attended school for only two months. His mother, a former teacher, taught him a few things, but Thomas was mostly
lf-educated. His natural curiosity led him to start experimenting at a young age with electrical and mechanical things at home.When he was 12 years old, he got his first job. He became a newsboy on a train that ran between Port Huron and Detroit. He t
up a laboratory in a baggage car of the train so that he could continue his experiments in his spare time. Unfortunately, his first work experience did not end well. Thomas was fired when he accidentally t fire to the floor of the baggage car.Thomas then worked for five years as a telegraph operator, but he continued to spend much of his time on the job conducting experiments. He got his first patent in 1868 for a vote recorder
run by electricity. However, the vote recorder was not a success.In 1870, he sold another invention, a stock-
ticker, for $40,000. A stock-ticker is a machine that automatically prints stock priceson a tape. He was then able to build his first shop in Newark,
New Jery.Thomas Edison was totally deaf in one ear and hard of hearing in the other, but thought of his deafness as a blessing in many ways. It kept conversations short, so that he could have more time for work. He called himlf a "two-shift man" becau he worked 16 out of every 24 hours. Sometimes he worked so intenly
that his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat.Thomas Edison died at the age of 84 on October 18, 1931, at his estate in West Orange, New Jery. He left numerous inventions that improved the quality of life all over the world.
( )1. Thomas Edison did things in this order:
A. he became a telegraph operator, a newsboy, and then got his first patent
B. he became a newsboy, got his first patent, and then became a telegraph
C. he got a patent, became a telegraph operator, and then became a newsboy
D. he became a newsboy, a telegraph operator, and then got a patent
( )2. Edison considered his deafness _________.
A. a disadvantage B. an advantage
C. something from a priest D. a necessity
( )3. Of all the inventions, __________ was probably the most important
for civilization.
A. the vote recorder B. the stock ticker
C. the light bulb D. the motion picture camera
( )4. The underlined word "intensively" in the fourth paragraph most
likely means ____________.
A. concentrating all one's effort on a specific area
B. involving hard work concentrated into a limited amount of time
C. completely and with great attention to detail
D. giving force and emphasis
( )5. The main idea of this passage is __________ .
A. Thomas Edison was always interested in science and inventions, and
he invented many important things.
B. Thomas Edison could not keep a job.
C. Thomas Edison worked day and night on his experiments.
D. Deaf people make good inventors becau they can focus without the
distraction of spoken conversation.
6.A. B. C. D.
7. A. B. C. D.
8. A. B. C. D.
9. A. B. C. D.
10. A. B. C. D.
My name is Rosalba Demarte. I'm 28 years old and I come from Perth,
Western Australia. I am a teacher of foreign languages and I have been
teaching in Australia for eight years. I speak English, Italian ,French