σ-Bonded Metal Carbonyl Cations and Their Derivatives: Synthes and Structural,
Spectroscopic, and Bonding Principles 期刊名称: Organometallicsconfusion
their rooms>成都美发作者: Helge,Willner,Friedhelm,Aubke
作者机构: FB
hentaitubefree年份: 2003年
put up什么意思期号: 第18期
摘要:Homoleptic σ-bonded metal carbonyl cations (σ-carbonyls) and their derivatives have grown in recent years into a large subgroup of mononuclear metal carbonyl complexes. They are at prent formed by 17 elements, including the post transition metal mercury. Most are generated in superacids: the Lewis superacid SbF5 and the conjugate BrnstedLewis superacid HFSbF5. Thermally stable salts are formed with the superacid anions [Sb2F11]- and [SbF6]-. Many of the cations are superelectrophilic, with metals in oxidation states of +2 or +3. Three different synthetic routes are devel
oped: reductive (A) or solvolytic carbonylations (B) and oxidative methods (C). Considerable progress has been made by replacing the Lewis superacid SbF5 as reaction medium by the conjugate BrnstedLewis superacid HFSbF5. This allows reactions to proceed faster