GB/T 3077-1999合金结构钢
6.6 表面质量
6.6.1 压力加工用钢材的表面不得有裂纹、结疤、折叠及夹杂,如有上述缺陷必须清除,清除深度从钢材实际尺寸算起符合表5的规定。清除宽度不小于深度的5倍,同一截面达到最大清除深度不应多于1处,允许有从实际尺寸算起不超过尺寸公差之半的个别细小划痕、压痕、麻点及深度不超过0.2mm的小裂纹存在。
表5 mm
钢材尺寸 直径或厚度 | 允许清除深度 |
优质钢和高级优质钢 | love is blind特级优质钢 |
<80 | 钢材尺寸公差的1/2 |
我最喜欢的老师≥80~140 | 钢材尺寸公差 | 钢材尺寸公差的1/2 |
≥140~200 | 钢材尺寸的5% | 钢材尺寸的3% |
>200 | 钢材尺寸的6% |
| | tore |
6.6.2 削加工用钢材的表面允许有从钢材公称尺寸算起不超过表6规定的局部缺陷。
表6 mm
上师大天华钢材尺寸 直径或厚度 | 允许清除深度 |
优质钢和高级优质钢 | 特级优质钢 |
<100 | 钢材尺寸负偏差 |
≥100 | 钢材尺寸公差 | 钢材尺寸负偏差 |
| | |
ASTM A29/A29M-05 热加工碳素钢和合金钢棒材的一般要求
8.1 钢材应无有害缺陷,并有良好的表面质量。
8 Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
8.1 The material shall be free of injurious defects and shall have a workmanlike finish.
ASTM A 108 – 07 Standard Specification for Steel Bar, Carbon and Alloy, Cold-Finished
the equalizer9. Workmanship, Finish, and Product Prentation
9.1 Workmanship:
9.1.1 Within the limits of good manufacturing and inspection practices, the bars shall be free of injurious imperfections which, due to their nature, degree, or extent, will interfere with the u of the material in machining or fabrication of suitable parts.
9.1.2 Table A1.8 contains the recommended minimum stock removal to ensure removal of surface discontinuities in cold finished bars.
9.2 Finish:
9.2.1 Unless otherwi specified, the bars shall have a commercial bright smooth surface finish, obtained by conventional cold-finishing operations such as cold drawing or cold rolling.
9.2.2 When a superior bar surface finish is required, bars may be obtained as: turned and polished, ground and polished, or turned, ground, and polished. (Reference Table A1.7)
9.2.3 Bars that are thermally treated after cold finishing may exhibit a discolored or oxidized surface.
9.3 Product Prentation:
9.3.1 The bars shall be given a surface coating of oil or other rust inhibitor to protect against corrosion during shipment.
9.3.2 The bar bundles shall be identified, packaged and loaded to prerve the physical appearance, product tolerance and identity of the cold-finished product, as agreed upon between the purchar and supplier.
TABLE A1.7 Surface Roughness AverageA (Ra) Tolerances for Cold-Finished Steel Bar
Product Tolerance Level | Allowable Maximum Deviation of Surface Roughness Average (Ra) Measurement |
Turned and Polished Maximum, (μin.) (Ra) | Ground and Polished 游戏成瘾精神疾病Maximum, (μin.) (Ra) |
Level 1 | Not Required | 40 |
Level 2B | 60 | 30 |
Level 3B | 40 | 20 |
| | |
A RMS (root mean square calculation) is no longer applied to measure surface roughness. Roughness average (Ra) is current technology measurement output data.
B Special surface Ra restrictions must be agreed upon at time of order inquiry, between purchar and supplier. Lower Ra values are available with additional bar pass
and/or special processing conditions.
TABLE A1.8 Surface Discontinuity Tolerances for Cold-Finished Steel BarA
Product Tolerance Level | Maximum Allowable Surface Discontinuity Depth |
Carbon and Alloy Non-resulfurized | Carbon and Alloy Resulfurized (0.08 thru 0.19 % Sulfur) | Carbon and Alloy Resulfurized (0.20 thru 0.35 % Sulfur)越狱经典台词 |
Maximum Depth 1⁄4 (6.35 mm) thru 5⁄8 (15.88 mm) max. inches (mm) | Maximum Depth (% of Size) over 5⁄8 (15.88 mm) thru 6 (152.40 mm) (max. percentage) | Maximum Depth衰变常数 1⁄4 (6.35 mm) thru 5⁄8 (15.88 mm) max. inches (mm) | Maximum Depth (% of Size) over 5⁄8 (15.88 mm) thru 6 (152.40 mm) max. percentage) | Maximum Depth 1⁄4 (6.35 mm) thru 5⁄8 (15.88 mm) max. inches (mm) | Maximum Depth (% of Size) 5⁄8 (15.88 mm) thru 6 (152.40 mm) (max., percentage) |
Level 1 | 0.008 (.20) | 1.60% | 0.010 (.25) | 2.00% alina li 种子 | 0.012 (.30) | 2.40% |
Level 2 | 0.006 (.15) | 1.00% | 0.008 (.20) | 1.30% | 0.010 (.25) | 1.60% |
Level 3 | 0.006 (.15) | 0.75% | 0.006 (.15) | 1.00% | 0.008 (.20) | 1.30% | plus怎么读
Level 4B | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
| | | | | | |