Greek Culture
1.A war was fought between Greece and Troy: 1200BC
2.Marked the high point of development in Greek culture in the 5th B.C:
(1)The successful repul of the Persian invasion early in the 5th century B.C.
(2)Tasp是什么he establishment of democracy and
(3)The flourishing of science , philosophy, literature , art and historical writing in Athens
Roman culture
1. 与Greek相同之处:1. The Romans had a lot in common with Greeks (P13)
2.Both the ….
2. Architecture : The pantheon, Pont du Gard, The Colosum
英文字母汤1. Patheon is the best prerved Rom
2.Pont du Gard is an exceptionally well-prerved aqueduct (P16-17)
play on3.Colosum is an enormous amphitheatre.
The bible and Christianity
lingyi1.Christianity is the most influential in the West.
2.Judaism and Christianity 的关系 (P17)
eternally(1)It was the Jewish tradition which gave birth to Christianity
(2)Both Judaism and Christianity originated in Palestine
3.The old Testament:
(1) The old Testament+ the New Testament = The Bible (P18)
(2)The Old Testament is about God and the Laws of Godcaster
(3)The New Testament is the doctrine of Jesus Christ
The middle Ages
general introduction
1.The middle Ages 年份, A.D 476-1453 (P28)
2.In A.D. 476 Germanic general killed the last Roman emperor and took control
3.Eastern Roman Empire continued, the power of ancient Rome was gone
4.A great many Germanic kingdoms grow into England, France, Spain, Italy and Germany.
5.In 5th and 11th centuries, western Europe was frequent wars and invasions.
Why is the MA called “Age of Faith” (p29)
1.During the Medieval Times there was no central government to keep order. The only organization was the Christian church
2.In the Late Middle Ages, almost everyone in Western Europe is glory是什么意思 Christian 少儿剑桥英语and a member …
3.Christian 掌权政治法律。。。It shaped people’s lives
The crusades
1.Important effect of The crusades : (P31)
(1)Although the Crusades did not achieve their goal to regain the Holy land, they had an important effect…And they greatly influenced the history of Europe
(2)…Helped to break down feudalismwhich ,in turn led to ri of the monarchies.
(3)…Their desire for wealth or power began to overshadow their religious ideals…
(4)Resulted in renewing people’s interest inhappy learning and invention….And the ri of towns and trade in western Europe paved the way for the growth of strong national government.
Art and Architecture
Romanesque(罗马式建筑) (P36)
1.“Romanesque”=“In the Roman manner”…