重点戏剧:Hamlet 鸦林镇
The Merchant of Venice
重点小说:Pride and Prejudice
Tess of the D'urbervilles
Pride and Prejudice
Elizabeth Bennet (The main female protagonist. The cond of the Bennet daughters Intelligent, lively, attractive, and witty. Tend to judge on her first impressions Some kind of subjective)
Mr. Darcy (The main male protagonist The wealthy owner of the famous estate in Derbyshire Handsome, tall, intelligent, but not convivial)
sug Jane Bennet
Charles Bingley
a. Women and Marriage
b. Virtue
c. Individual and Society
d. Class
e. Good Manners
hot issue f. Privilege And Responsibility
g. Relationship
Austen , A talent for Describing Ordinary Life.
The first important English woman novelist.
1.Do you agree with the statement"it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in poosssion of a good fortune must be in want of a wife"? what is the realationship between money and marriage?
This book is an illustration of the society at that time. It perfectly reflects the relationship between money and marriage. It sharply and deeply shows that money is the most important and money determines everybody's life and fate, especially their marriage.
The first ntence in Pride and Prejudice declared:" It is a truth universally acknowledge
d, that a single man in posssion of a good fortune must be in want of a wife".
"A good fortune "and "in want of" are two key phras.”
In the story, marriage is a market, and the young women were its merchandi.
Money and one's property play an important part in marriage.
So my opinion is that the real universally truth was not: a single man in posssion of a good fortune must be in need of a wife "but" a woman who hasn't fortune must marry a wealthy husband!”
2.what do you think of Mrs.Bennet?How can you characterize her?
Mrs. Bennet’s character is an extreme caricature of the 19th century mother: pushy, de
manding and tiresome. Her only goal in life is to e her daughters well married. Austen us her continually to stress the necessity of marriage for young women.
Mrs. Bennet believes that women from middle class, like her daughters, should marry be married of as soon as possible.
3.What makes Elizabeth fell so grateful to Darcy ?
Darcy ud to proud on his fortune and status , he ud to be lfish , bad-tempered and was spoilt by his parents who though good themlves , they almost taught him to be overbearing ; to care for none beyond his own family circle ; to think meanly of all the rest of the world ; to wish at least to think meanly of their n and worth compared with his own . Elizabeth refud Darcy when he propod to her , due to his arrogance , indifference and conceit .
But later , Darcy help Elizabeth’s sister with her marriage , which makes Elizabeth feel too embarrasd to say a word . Elizabeth found that Darcy became a mild , polite and humble gentleman . Therefore , Elizabeth feel so grateful to Darcy .
The Merchant of Venice:
This is a great irony and comedy. The script is the subject of prai love, friendship and love,
At the same time also reflects the business of early capitalism and the bourgeoisie sharks conflict between the performance of the authors of bourgeois society, money,
Legal and religious issues such as the humanistic ideas. It plays an important literary achievement, this Shylock is the shape of the mercenary,
Ruthless typical image of sharks.
Themes :
Tess of the d'Urbervilles:
Tess of The D’urbervilles came into conflict with Victorian morality.
Fate <One of Thomas Hardy’s overall arching themes is the idea that no matter how individuals struggle, their life is predestined by fate. People are victims of fate and regardless of how they fight it, they are doomed. Powerless, Tess is fated to die young; her fate was divined before she was born.>
Modernism <Hardy called this the “ache of modernism,” which parated man from Nature.>
夏洛蒂 勃朗特 Charlotte Bront 《简爱》marumaru Jane Eyre
艾米丽Emily Bront 《呼啸山庄》Wuthering Heights
安妮 Anne 《艾格妮斯 格雷》 Agnes Grey
英国文学选读 复习资料
1.William Shakespeare was born in _Stratford-on-Avon,Warwickshire__, central England.
2.The four great tragedies by William Shakespeare are _Hamlet_, _Othello_, _King Lear_, Macbeth.
3.John Milton was a _radical purritan in politics and religion.
4.John Milton’s three great poems are _Paradi Lost__, _Paradi Regained_, _Samson Agonistespandareader.
5.Daniel Defoe’s first novel was _Robinson Crusoe_, which made him the first important English novelist.
6.The name “Yahoo” originates from the novel _Gulliver's Travels_, by Jonathan Swift__.
7.Fielding is chiefly noted for his four great novels, __Joph Andrews_, _Jonatan Wild the Great_, _Tom Jones,a Foundlingheavens_, and _Amelia_.
8.Robert Burns wrote his poems in _Scottish_ dialect. His themes included _love and friendship , _the natural beauty of his native Scotland__, __the life and labor of the common people__, __the patriotism of his compatriots and their struggle for liberty, _satire on the corruption and hypocrisy of the clergy and high society_.
9.William Blake was a precursor of Romanticism in English poetry. His most famous works are _Songs of Innocence__ and __Songs of Experience_.
10.Jane Austen’s novels, in order of publication, are _Sen and Sensibility__, _Pride and Prejudice_, _Mansfield Park__, _Emma_, __Northanger Abbey_, _Persuasion_.
11.Jane Austen’s subject matter was restricted to a narrow range of society and events, _a quiet, prosperous,显现英文middle-class circle_ in _provincial_ surroundings.
12.George Gordon Byron’s masterpiece is _Don Juan , published in _1824_.
13.P. B. Shelly’s Ode to the West Wind is in the form of _terza rima_, who rhyme scheme is _aba,bcb,cbc,ded_.
14.John Yeats’s many odes are looked upon as the greatest achievement in the history of English literature; among them are _Ode to a Nightingale_, _Ode to Autumn_, _Ode on a Grecian Urn_.
15.Charles Dickens is regarded as a _oritical_ __realistic__ novelist. His autobiographical novel is _David Copperfield.
16.Western drama originated in the Greek city _Atlens_, there were three kinds of plays, _tragedy_, _comedy_ and __satyr play_.
17.The great comedian in Elizabethan Age is _Ben Johnson_, who master piece is blank什么意思_Volpone the Fox.
18.The greatest dramatist in 20th century is _George Bernard , who Pygmalion has been put on stage for times.
19.Waiting for Godot is a reprentative play of the new post-modernist school called _Theater of Absurb.
20.D. H. Lawrence had travelled to many places, among them are _Italy_, _Australia_, _New Zealand_, _the South Seas_, _California_, _New Mexico_,Mexico ect.
21.Lawrence wrote chiefly about _the relationship between parents and children_, _the passion between men and women_, _the ugliness_, _mammonism_, _sham morality_ of the modern industrialized society.
22.James Joyce’s _Ulyss and _Finnegans Wake revolutionized the form and structure of the novel in the development of the stream-of-co
nsciousness technique.
23.Virginia Woolf concentrated on revealing her character’s inner esnce, and his or her thoughts and feelings and _thoughts and feelings_ at the time the story takes place.
24. Daniel Defoe: An Essay Upon Projects Robinson Crusoe
25. William Wordsworth: romanticism