Traditional Chine Medicine and Western Medicine
jzrAs living standards improving,more and more attention has been paid for human health including both physical condition and psychological there are some problems with our body,we have to go to the hospital for purpo of this essay is to contrast the differences between western medicine instead of traditional Chine three main differences are awareness,diagnosis and therapy.
The most notable difference between the two kinds of medicines is their awareness of human dia and medicine,a medical system bad on the pathological anatomy basis,considers that pathological changes of organs lead to dia,which has been developed from organization organ to cells,molecules,or even DNA the contrary,traditional Chine medicine,a kind of evidence-bad medicine,suggests that dias are caud by inharmony between human body and the environment or their diquilibrium between internal organs.
Contrasting both types of medicines we notice another difference,the diagnostic medicine diagnosis takes advantage of the advanced medical equipment and laboratory to make accurate diagnosis of dia,which contain the main five approaches of interrogation,physical
inspection,electrocardiography and examination,laboratory medical imaging
,traditional Chine medicine supports the methods of syndrome differentiation and treatment,which draw the conclusion about body problems by look,smell,ask,cut.
Yet another difference between the two types of medicines is western medicine, the treatment object is dia and its goal is to vanish main treatment methods include medicine,surgery,lar treatment,and ,as to traditional Chine medicine,the treatment object is people and its goal is to cure patients. There are various treatment methods ,such as internal drugs,external application,acupuncturists,cupping,chiropraxis,and so on. In conclusion,western medicine and traditional Chine medicine have three mian we can e,in our country,instead of traditional Chine medicine,western medicine has bee
n widely accepted by people becau of its fast ,I think either of the two lected by us should depend on our physical condition.
What is the major difference between
traditional Chine medicine and
Western medicine?
骑缝章英文【Abstract】 Becau of the globalization, the comparison between traditional Chine medicine(TCM) and western medicine have been attracted far more attentions than before. As one of the aspects of intercultural communication, this paper focus on two major points, the different two concepts, the treatments or their prescriptions. They will be given a brief introduction in this paper so that after reading this paper people in different cultural backgrounds will know more about the difference between traditional Chine medicine and Western medicine and be more convenient to communicate.
【Key words】Concepts Treatments Prescriptions Attitudes Communication Different cultural backgrounds
cautious1. Differences between Two Concepts
From this table, we may get some explanations of why are traditional Chine and westerners so different to treat dia.
The Concepts of Traditional Chine Medicine
In general, dia is perceived as a disharmony (or imbalance) in the functions or interactions of yin, yang, qi, xuĕ, zàng-fǔ, meridians etc, or of the interaction between the human body and the environment.[1]
Therapy is bad on which "pattern of disharmony" can be identified. Thus,
"pattern discrimination" is the most important step in TCM diagnosis. It is also known to be the most difficult aspect of practicing TCM. In order to determine which pattern is at ha
广州室内设计学校nd, practitioners will examine things like the color and shape of the tongue, the relative strength of pul-points, the smell of the breath, the quality of breathing or the sound of the voice. [2] For example, depending on tongue and pul conditions, a TCM practitioner might diagno bleeding from the mouth and no as: "Liver fire rushes upwards and scorches the Lung, injuring the blood vesls and giving ri to reckless pouring of blood from the mouth and no."[3] He might then go on to prescribe treatments designed to clear heat or supplement the lung.
The Concepts of Western Medicine
In western medicine, the clinical practice is thought highly of. Doctors personally asss patients in order to diagno, treat, and prevent dia using clinical judgment.
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The doctor-patient relationship typically begins an interaction with an examination of the patient's medical history and medical record, followed a medical interview[4] and a physical examination. Basic diagnostic medical devices ( stethoscope, tongue depressor) are typically ud. After examination for signs and interviewing for symptoms, the doctor
may order medical tests ( blood tests), take a biopsy, or prescribe pharmaceutical drugs or other therapies. Differential diagnosis methods help to rule out conditions bad on the information provided. During the encounter, properly informing the patient of all relevant facts is an important part of the relationship and the development of trust. The medical encounter is then documented in the medical record, which is a legal document in many jurisdictions.[5]