
更新时间:2023-06-28 08:49:39 阅读: 评论:0

pro face《舌尖上的中国》第二季你看了吗?那《舌尖上的泡面》你看了吗?近日,一段名为《舌尖上的宿舍•泡面篇》的视频在网上疯传,被赞“深得舌尖精髓”,连舌尖2官微都忍不住调侃“被你们玩坏啦!”
A food-show video spoof has become a tasty topic for China’s ravenous netizens, with most finding the tongue-in-cheek parody deliciously funny.一个美食节目恶搞视频近日成为中国网友津津乐道的话题,很多人都觉得这个恶搞视频很好笑,看着也让人食欲大动。
创作这段video spoof(恶搞视频)的是一名大一的学生,他表示自己是舌尖的粉丝,以泡面为创意是为展示大学宿舍的饮食文化。该视频的解说词主打“舌尖体”,拍摄方法也在恶搞舌尖的风格。
tremendous不管是voiceover(画外音)、ttings(场景),还是video cuts(视频剪辑)和音乐,泡面版舌尖都进行了模仿。有网友评价说,这个恶搞视频让简单的泡面变得“高端、大气、上档次”,还建议舌尖3剧组把他们收了。
精彩推荐: 必克英语
Spontaneous---自然发生的,自动的。Happening naturally,without planning Considenate---想得周到的,体贴的。Thoughtful about other people’s or feelings.Haphazard—随意的,无秩序的。Unplanned or disorderly
Squeamish—易受惊的。Easily shocked by unpleasant things
Serenely—平静地。Completely calm and peaceful
Preach—传教,布道。To give a religious talks as a part of rvice in church Punctuate—
被(某事)不时打断。To be interrupted repeatedly by something Contend—声称(某物)为真。To claim that something is ture
Intact—完整的,未受损伤的。Whole becau no part has been touched or spolit Restrain—抑制,遏制(某人某事)。To prevent someone or sth from doing sth
Scribble—潦草地书写。To write sth carelessly or in a harry ,often so that it is hard to read.Exotic—外国来的,异国情调的。From a distant and interesting country
Access—(使用,获取的)能力,权利。The ability or right to obtain or u sth.Quintesntial—典型,完美的榜样。The perfect example of something Prime—质量最佳的.of the very best quality
英语四级成绩查询网Abandon—放弃,离弃.give up ,leace completely
Glistening—(潮湿的表面般)闪亮,闪光 to shine with a lot of cery small flashes
as if from a wet surface
Trickle—(小群的人)慢慢移动。To move gradually in small groups
Outweigh---比某事物更重要,胜过。To be more important than sth or hace more
annasophia robb
advantages than sth
Spectacular---壮观的,宏伟的。Very special and splendid
Disintegrate—碎裂,崩裂。To break up into small pieces.Scramble—争夺,抢先。To move quickly in compitition with other people Judicious—明智的,良好判断的。Having or showing good judgment or good nce
Speculation---猜测,推测。Thoughts about what mingt happen.Paraphra.A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold.----whole –hearted and genuine prai is very valuable
2.I struck up a conversation with Kit ,trying to establish some kind of rapport.----I started to have a conversation with Kit in a friendly way and tride my best to achieve clo agree
ment and understanding between us.3.Euphemisms are considered overly squeamish and affected by contemporary writers unless ud for humorous effect
----except in cas where they are ud to achieve humorous effect, contemporary writers think that euphemisms are too disguating, artificial and pretentious to be ud.4.Some euphemisms ,too,are sufficiently offbeat to be funny.---Some euphemisms are unusual enough to be funny.They are so unusual that they become quite funny
5.And the whoole building rocked with prayer and song.----the whole building shook with all the praying and singingoceanside lainey lou
6.Waves of rejoicing swept the place
---the whole church became a a of great joy.7.But this act of purcha is only the prelude to posssion.----Getting the book by payment is merely a preparatory step on the way to ownership.8.Understanding is a two-way operation;learning doesn’t consist in being an empty receptacle.---comprehension is a process involving both reception and prmatch是什么意思英语
oduction.If you remain a container ready only to receive,you cannot expect to learn very much.9.Where excellence is not an act but a habit.----where high quality is not just something we do on certain occasions , but rather something that we do regularly as a habit.10.Who knew then that from this modest hack would flow the civilization-altering,millionaire-spawning,information suckhoole known as the world wide web?
----who know at that time that this humble software consultant would create the world wide web which would change our civilization,bring about millionares , and become a rich source of imformation?
11.People usually believe that predators have an easy time of it ,killing defenless prey
---people ususlly think that predators do not have to make an effort to kill the prey animals ,since the have no means of protecting themlves.12.The rever is true of parasites.---parasites have the opposite hey are smaller but greater in number than their hosts.13.He peered over at the writhing blackness that jerked convulsively with the jerking nerves.----he looked cloly at the twsting body of the buck c
overed with black ants;its only movement now was short, quick twitches.14.It was a swelling feeling of rage and miry and protest that expersd itlf in the thought.----the thought well expresd his growing feeling of anger and unhappiness,and objection to what was happening.15.In this conditions it was poddible to stand for no more than a few conds ,and then only by leaning forward at an angle of 45^

本文发布于:2023-06-28 08:49:39,感谢您对本站的认可!



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