Three new species of Physalacria from China, with a
key to the Asian taxa
期刊名称: Mycologiasukey>拜登外交政策演讲
stealing>原来如此英语作者: Jiao Qin,Zhu L. Yang
雅思口语话题题库范文>裙子英文怎么写大学英语四级成绩查询年份: 2015年
期号: 第1期
关键词: Asia;new species;phylogeny;Physalacriaceae;taxonomy
摘要:Three new and one previously described species of Physalacria (Physalacriaceae, Agaricales) are reported from China. Specimens of two additional species described from Malaysia and North America were studied for comparison. Placements of the species were corroborated bad on morphological obrvations and molecular evidence from partial quences of the nuc rDNA internal tr英语口语考试对话
anscribed spacer regions (ITS) and the 28S D1D3 region, and genes for translation elongation factor 1-± (tef1±) and the cond largest subunit of RNA polymera II (rpb2). The new species of Physalacria distributed in subtropical China were found on rotten wood of broadleaf trees or bamboo and posss stipitate-capitate basidiomata with four-spored basidia, clamp connections and smooth, inamyloid basidiospores. To facilitate studies of the genus in Asia,
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