Clipping (morphology)
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In linguistics, clipping一条宠物狗掉进粪坑 is the word formation process which consists in the reduction of a word to one of its parts (Marchand:1969). Clipping is also known as "truncation" or "shortening."
According to Marchand (1969), clippings are not coined as words belonging to the standard vocabulary of a language. They originate as terms of a special group like schools, army, police, the medical profession, etc., in the intimacy of a milieu where a hint is sufficient to indicate the whole. For example, exam(ination), kungenmath(ematic), and lab(oratory) originated in school slang; spec(ulation) and tick(et = credit) in stock-exchange slang; and vet(eran) and cap(tain) in army slang. While clipping terms of some influential groups can pass into common usage, becoming part of Standard English, clippings of a socially unimportant class or group will remain group slang.
Clipping mainly consists of the following types:
1. Back clipping
2. Fore-clipping
3. Middle clipping
4. Complex clipping
Contents [hide] ∙ 1 Back clipping ∙ 2 Fore-clipping ∙ 3 Middle clipping 拼接英文∙ 4 Complex clipping ∙ 5 See also ∙ 6 References |
[edit] Back clipping
Back clipping or apocopation is the most common type, in which the beginning is retained. The unclipped original may be either a simple or a composite. Examples are: ad (advertiment), cable (cablegram), doc (doctor), exam (examination), fax (facsimile), gas (gasoline), gym (gymnastics, gymnasium), math (mathematics), memo (memorandum), mutt (muttonhead), pub (public hou), pop (popular concert), trad (traditional jazz).
[edit] Fore-clipping
Fore-clipping or aphaeresis retains the final part. Examples: chute (parachute), coon (raccoon), gator (alligator), phone (telephone), pike (turnpike), varsity (university).
[edit] Middle clipping
In middle clipping or syncope, the middle of the word is retained. Examples are: flu (influenza), jams or jammies (pajamas/pyjamas), polly (apollinaris), shrink (head-shrinker),
中国饮食文化 英文 tec (detective).
[edit] Complex clipping
Clipped forms are also ud in compounds. One part of the original compound most often remains intact. Examples are: cablegram (cable telegram), op art (后期制作培训optical art), org-man (organization man), linocutems (linoleum cut). Sometimes both halves of a compound are clipped as in navicert (navigation certificate). In the cas it is difficult to know whether the resultant formation should be treated as a clipping or as a blend, for the border between the two types is not always clear. According to Bauer (1983), the easiest way to draw the distinction is to say that tho forms which retain compound stress are clipped compounds, whereas tho that take simple word stress are not. By this criterion bodbiz, Chicom, Comsymp, Intelsat, midcult, pro-am, sci-fi, and sitcom are all compounds made of clippings.