percent%% === 主程序 时钟程序 ======
%% === clock1.m (注意使用原始文件名) ======因人而异 英文
function [ ] = clock1( )
clo all
%% === create the figure ============
h0 = figure( 'MenuBar' , 'none' ,...
'Color' , 'white' ,...
'NumberTitle' , 'off' ,...
'Name' , 'Clock' ) ;
%% === 背景程序,不用可以删 ==========
% ha=axes('units','normalized','position',[0 0 1 1]) ;
%典雅的意思 uistack(ha,'down')
% II=imread('3.jpg') ; %=== 3.jpg 是图片地址====
% image(II)
% colormap gray
% t(ha,'handlevisibility','off','visible','off') ;
朴海秀%% === create a menu to t the timing clock =====
regular_t = uimenu('Parent' , h0 ,...
'Label' , '闹钟' ,...
'Callback' , @timing) ; %=== 调用了 timing.m ====
%% === create a menu to calculate the time =====
cal_t = uimenu('Parent' , h0 ,...
'Label' , '计时' ,...
'Callback' , ['run calc_time ;' ]) ; %=== 运行了 calc_time.m 文件
%% =================
theta = linspace(0 , 6.288 , 1000) ; % 6.28 近似等于 2*pi
x1 = 8*cos(theta) ;
y1 = 8*sin(theta) ;
plot(x1 , y1 , 'color' , [0.5 0.5 0.5] , 'linewidth' , 16) %2014专四答案===时钟的外层
hold on
axis equal
fill(x1 , y1 , [0.7 0.7 0.7]) ; %=== 时钟的内层
text( 0 , 5 , 'the big bag' , 'fontsize' , 16 , 'color' , [0.8 0.8 0.8] , 'HorizontalAlignment' , 'center') ; % the name of the clock
lighting phong
material metal
axis off
axis([-10 10 -10 10])
t(gca , 'position' , [0.1 0.1 0.775 0.815]) ;
%% ===========================
t_title = floor(clock) ;
title([num2str(t_title(1)) '年' num2str(t_title(2)) '月' num2str(t_title(3)) '日'] , 'fontname' , 'Verdana' , 'fontsize' , 13 , 'color' , [0.2 0.2 0.2]) ;
%% === 创建一个edit控件去显示数字时间 =========
h0_edit = uicontrol('parent', h0, ... % a edit to show the hour, minute, cond dymaically
'enable', 'inactive', ...
'BackgroundColor', [1 0.8 0.4], ...
'fontname' , 'Verdana' ,...
hdmi是什么意思 'fontsize' , 12 ,...
'style', 'edit', ...
'horizontal', 'center', ...
'units','normalized' , 'position', [0.38 0.04 0.22 0.08], ...
'string', [num2str(t_title(4)) ' : ' num2str(t_title(5)) ' : ' num2str(t_title(6))]);
for k=1:12
xk=8.8*cos( -2*pi / 12*k + pi/2);
yk=8.8*sin(-2*pi / 12*k + pi/2);
plot([xk/9*8 xk/9*7],[yk/9*8 yk/9*7] , 'color' , [0.8 0.8 0.8] , 'linewidth' , 3) ;
% text(xk , yk , num2str(k) , 'fontsize' , 16 , 'color' , [0.9 0.3 0.8] , 'HorizontalAlignment' , 'center') ; % mark of clock
%% ==========================
ti=clock; % get the current time
%% === 时针初始位置 ===========
th_out = -(ti(4) + ti(5)/60 + ti(6)/3600)/12*2*pi+pi/2 ; % the angle of clock is different from the axes, so pi/2 is needed to correct.
th_in = th_out - pi;
hh = plot([1.5*cos(th_in) 5*cos(th_out)] , [1.5*sin(th_in) 5*sin(th_out)] , 'color' , [0.8 0.8 0.8] , 'linewidth' , 9) ;
%% === 分针初始位置 ===========
tm_out = -(ti(5) + ti(6)/60)/60*2*pi + pi/2 ;
tm_in = tm_out - pi;
hm = plot([2*cos(tm_in) 6*cos(tm_out)] , [2*sin(tm_in) 6*sin(tm_out)] , 'color' , [0.8 0.8 0.8] , 'linewidth' , 7) ;
%% === 秒针初始位置 ============英语四六级真题
ts_out = -(ti(6)/60*2*pi + pi/2) ;
ts_in = ts_out - pi;
hs = plot([3*cos(ts_in) 7*cos(ts_out)] , [3*sin(ts_in) 7*sin(ts_out)] , 'color' , [0.8 0.8 0.8] , 'linewidth' , 4) ;
fill([0.2*cos(theta)] , [0.2*sin(theta)] , 'w') ; % the center crew of the clock
t(gcf , 'doublebuffer' , 'on') ;
flag = 3 ; % ===
while ishandle(h0); %=== 请不要使用 1 来无限循环
ti = floor(clock) ; % get the current time from loop
str = [num2str(ti(4)) ' : ' num2str(ti(5)) ' : ' num2str(ti(6))] ;
t(h0_edit, 'String', str) ; % u the edit to show the current time
%% === calculate the next position of pointer of hour =====
th_out = -(ti(4) + ti(5)/60 + ti(6)/3600)/12*2*pi+pi/2 ;
th_in = th_out - pi;
t(hh , 'XData' , [1.5*cos(th_in) 5*cos(th_out)] , 'YData' , [1.5*sin(th_in) 5*sin(th_out)])
%% === calculate the next position of pointer of minute =====
tm_out = -(ti(5) + ti(6)/60)/60*2*pi + pi/2 ;