[摘 inception什么意思要] 近代早期,英王伊丽莎白一世的婚姻外交政策颇有特色。她以自己的婚姻为筹码,在欧洲大陆各国,特别是法国和西班牙这两大强国之间进行权力平衡,为英国最大限度地谋求国家利益。同时她利用自己的婚姻巧妙地处理了国内政治、宗教等事务。在她统治英国期间天上掉下个猪八戒主题曲,国内和国际环境都很有利菜单翻译,美国预科英国得到了长足的发展。
玩笑的英文[英语培训排名关键词] 伊丽莎白婚姻外交3q之争
p c[abstract] in early modern times, there were some distinctive characteristics in the foreign policy of elizabethⅰ宣传委员竞选稿’s marriage. she made her own marriage rve as the bargaining counter and the balance among european countries, especially between france and spain to win the national interests to a great degree. elizabeth ud her own marriage to deal with the religious problem and the foreign affairs. she tied her marriage with the development of her country. this foreign policy of marriage not only embodied the diplomatic characteristics of sovereign states in modern times, but also started diplomatic policy of power balance to some extent in england.