yd什么意思>董事长致辞 英文摘要:russ 岩土工程勘察成果中,对地基均匀性进行评价是规范强制性要求,但在执行过程中,部分工程师只是三言两语、有的干脆不谈。文章对地基均匀性评价的理解、评价范围、评价内容、评价方法、不均匀地基的处理等几个问题进行探讨,能提高地基均匀评价的针对性,可供同行参考。
Abstract:六级试题 For the results of geotechnical investigation, it is the mandatory requirement involved in relevant code to evaluate the uniformity of foundation, but some engineers simply evaluate the uniformity of foundation or even not to do so. This article probe into some questions such as understand for the evaluation of foundation uniformity, scope of evaluation, content of evaluation, method of evaluation, treatment for the bad uniformity foundation, so as to enhance the aim for the evaluation of foundation uniformity, and provide reference for colleague.
洗脸后护肤步骤 搞笑的英文名字关键词: 岩土工程勘察;地基均匀性;均匀性评价;针对性
Key words: geotechnical investigation;uniformity of foundation;evaluation of uniformity;aim