The pragmatics of lexical specificity 期刊名称: Journal of Linguistics
作者: Cru,D. A.
年份: 1977年corona
期号: 第02期
forum是什么意思zipp关键词: Communication (Thought Transfer;Communication Skills;Language谷歌英语在线翻译
jobsRole;Language Usage;Lexicology;Semanticscoordinator
摘要:Mainstream linguists have now begun to take an interest in the way the formal resources of language are put to u by people in communicative situations.calling
A powerful impul for this awakening interest came from Grice's paper 'The logic of conversation'; (1975). Grice's work has begun to he examined, criticized, and developed (e, for example, Wilson, 1975; Kempson, 5975), and prospects are now emerging of a much more satisfying and comprehensiv
e picture of language at work in a communicative tting. The prent paper is intended as a contribution to this developing field.
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