Applied Linguistics
A Study of the Application of TPR Teaching Method in English Classroom of Primary School
成人高考语文试题2.1 Success with Children’s English Learning
Dr. James J. Asher first described the TPR method in his book “Learning Another Language through Actions”. He and other linguists obrved the following Characteristics about successful language learners:
1.metallurgical Good language learners achieve fluency faster when they are immerd in activities that involve them in situational language u.
2.viaggio Good language learners often start their language learning with a period of silence as they watch the effect of language on others上海教练.
3. Good language learners show comprehension by successfully accomplishing language-generated tasks.
givebirth4. 嘉兴平面设计Good language learners focus on overall ntence meaning rather than a ntence’s grammatical parts.
5考研视频. Good language learners make faster progress when the language of instruction is consistent (though limited) on a daily basisyoudan.