nylon footjobMore complex process require more complex safety technology.助理造价工程师 更复杂的过程需要更复杂的安全技术。 Many industrialists even believe that the development and the application of safety technology is actually a constraint on the growth of the chemical industry. 许多企业家甚至认为,安全技术的发展和应用实际上是制约化工发展的因素。As chemical process technology becomes more complex, chemical engineers will need a more detailed and fundamental understanding of safety. 由于化学工艺技术越来越复杂,化学工程师也将需要更详细和本质地了解安全知识。 H.H. Fawcett has said that to know is to survive and to ignore fundamentals id to court disaster. HH生物工程考研福塞特曾说过,了解安全知识就能生存,忽略它就会招致灾害。
Since 1950, significant technological advances have been made in chemical process safety. 自1950distance什么意思年以来,化学工程安全已经取得了重大的技术进步。Today, safety is equal in importance to production and has developed into a scientific discipline which includes many highly technical and complex theories and practices. 今天,安全和生产同样重要,已经发展成为一门包括高科技、复杂理论和实践的学科。
Examples of the technology safety include: 安全技术的例子包括coltan:
Hydrodynamic models reprenting two-pha flow through a vesl relief. 通过减压容器的两相流体力学模型。
Dispersion models reprenting the spread of toxic vapor through a plant after a relea. 经工厂排放的有毒蒸汽散播的分散模型。
Mathematical techniques to determine the various ways that process can fail, and the probability of failure. 确定生产过程可能失败的各种途径和失败概率的数学技术。
17 The general term plant design includes all engineering aspects involved in the development of either a new, modified, or expanded industrial plant. 工厂设计泛指工程的各个方面,涉及到新工厂的开发,旧工厂的改造和扩建。 In this development, the chemical engineer will be making economic evaluations of new process, designing individual pieces of equipment for the propod new venture, or developing a plant layout for coordination of the overall operation. 在这个进程中,化学工程师将要对新过程进行经济评价,为投资项目设计各个设备,或为整体的操作协调
设计工厂布局图。Becau of the many design duties, the chemical engineer is many times referred to here as a design engineer. 由于这些许多设计任务,化学工程师常被称作设计师。On the other hand, a chemical engineer specializing in the economic aspects of the design is often referred to as a cost engineer. 另一方面,研究经济方面化学工程师常被称为成本工程师。In many instances, the process engineering is ud in connection with economic evaluation and general economic analys of industrial process, while process design refers to the actual design of the equipment and facilities necessary for carrying out the process. 在许多情况下,过程工程常常和经济评价、一般过程经济分析联系在一起。然而,过程设计只是指实现过程所需的基础设施和实际设计。 Similarly, the meaning of plant design is limited by some engineers to items related directly to the complete plant, such as plant layout, general rvice facilities, and plant location. 同样,工厂的设计被一些工程师限制为与整个工厂设计直接相关项目,例如工厂的布局,大众服务设施,以及工厂选址。
1 Chemical engineering is the development of process and the design and operation of plants in which materials undergo changes in physical or chemical sta
te on a technical scale. 化学工程是过程的开发和工厂的设计与操作,在工厂中材料以某种技术规模进行的物理或化学状态的变化。Applied throughout the process industries, it is founded on the principles of chemistry, physics, and mathematics. 它建立在化学,物理和数学的原则上,适用于整个流程工业。 The laws of physical chemistry and physics govern the practicability and efficiency of chemical engineering operations. 物理化学和物理定律支配着化工业务的实用性和效率。 Energy changes, deriving from thermodynamic considerations, are particularly important. 能量的变化,从热力学考虑派生,显得尤其重要。Mathematics is a basic tool in optimization and modeling. 数学是一个优化和建模的基本工具。 Optimization means arranging materials, facilities, and energy to yield as productive and economical an operation as possible. 优化意味着合理安排材料、设备和能源,尽可能生产经济多产的操作。
Manufacture of chemicals in the mid-19th century consisted of modest craft operations. 在192011上海英语高考世纪中叶,化工生产由小型的手工操作组成。Increa in demand, public concern at the emission of noxious effluents, and competition between rival process provided the incentives for greater efficiency. 需求的增加,公众对有害物
质排放的关注,和与对手的竞争过程为创造更高效率提供了激励机制。This led to the emergence of combines with resources for larger operations and caud the transition from a craft to a science-bad industry. 这导致了更大的操作与资源相结合的联合工厂的出现,引起了从手工业到一个以科学为基础的产业(科技工厂)的过渡。 The result was a demand for chemist with knowledge of manufacturing process, known as industrial chemist or chemical technologists. 其结果是应了具有制作过程知识的化学家的要求,这是为工业化学家或化工技师所知晓的。The term chemical engineer was in general u by about 1900. 化学工程师一词广泛使用了约1900年。fairy是什么意思Despite its emergence in traditional chemicals manufacturing, it was through its role in the development of the petroleum industry that chemical engineering became firmly established as a unique discipline. 尽管出现在传统的化学品制造中,但它的价值却是通过其在石油工业---这门由化工工程牢固建立成的独立学科来实现的。 The demand for plants capable of operating physical paration process continuously at high levels of efficiency was a challenge that could not be met by the traditional chemist or mechanical engineer. 工厂的需求是能够高效连续地进行物理分离过程的操作,这是传统的化学家或工程师无法迎接的挑战。
3 The strictly chemical aspects of processing are studied in a companion area of chemical engineering called reaction kinetics. veneer严格的化学加工方面的研究,在化学工程平行领域称为反应动力学研究。 The unit operations are largely ud to conduct the primarily physical steps of preparing the reactants, parating and purifying the products, recycling unconverted reactants, and controlling the energy transfer into or out of the chemical reactor. 单元操作大多是制备反应物,分离和净化产品,回收未转换的反应物,控制进、出的化学反应器的能量传递的主要物理步骤。
Becau the unit operations are a branch of engineering, they are bad on both science and experience. 由于单元操作是一个工程分支,所以它们都是基于科学和经验上的。Theory and practice must combine to yield designs for equipment that can be fabricated, asmbled, operated, and maintained. 理论与实践相结合可以为设备产生可以制造、组装、操作和维护的设计。 A balanced discussion of each operation requires that theory and equipment be considered together. 每个操作的平衡讨论需要理论和设备一并加以考虑。polyester什么意思A number of scientific principles and techniques are basic to the treatment of the unit operations. 许多科学原理和技术是处理单元操作的基
础。Some are elementary physical and chemical laws such as the conrvation of mass and energy, physical equilibria, kinetics, and certain properties of matter. 一些基本的物理和化学规律,如质量和能量守恒,物理平衡,动力学和物质的某些特性。 Their general u is described in the remainder of this text. 它们一般的用途是介绍文中内容。 Other special techniques important in chemical engineering are considered at the proper places in the text. 其他特殊化学工程的重要技术在文本中的适当的地方予以考虑。