Physical Asssment
● Purpo
1. asss client’s current health status
2. interpret physical data
3. decide on interventions bad on data obtained
● Person女人英文名
Physical, psychological, cognitive, behavior developments vary throughout the life cycle
Infancy --- birth to 1 year
Toddler --- 1 to 3 years
Preschooler --- 3 to 6
School child --- 6 to 12
Preadolescent --- 10 to 12/13
Adolescent --- 12 to 19
Early adult --- 20 to 40
Middle adult --- 40 to 64
Late adult --- 65 to ---
● Cultural Care
What does he/she come from?
What is the person’s heritage?
What is the person’s cultural background?
His / her ethnicity or religion?
Does the person understand, speak and read English?
What language does the person understand, speak and read?
What are the patients’ health and illness beliefs and practice?
● Pre-asssment Interview
Introduce mylf
Explain to clients; touch your body(head to tooth)
The next step …
Open question
Tell me your feeling
电子情书电影● Interview
Goal: 1. record a complete health history
2. be important in beginning to identify a client’s
3. Begin teaching for health promotion and dia prevention
adver● Preparation
Ophthalmoscope; tuning fork; cotton swabs; snellen eye chart; thermometer; penlight; tongue depressor; ruler/tape measure; safety pin; balance scale
1. gather equipment
2. provide for privacy(drape) in quiet, well-lit environment
3. explain procedure to client
4. ask client to empty bladder
5. drape client for privacymisswhite怎么读英语
6. compare findings on one side of body with other side and compare with normal
7. make u of teaching opportunities of health strengths and problems
(Dental care, eye exams, lf-exams of breast or testicle)
8. u piece of equipment for entire asssment, then return to equipment tray
● 你懂吗英文Inspection (visually examined)
a. start with first interaction
b. provide good lighting
c. determine
size; shape; color; texture(hard or soft); symmetry; position
● palpation (touch)
1. warm hands
2. approach slowly and proceed systematically
3. u fingertips for fine touch (pul nodes)
4. u dorsum of fingers for T℃
5. u palm or ulnar edge of hand for vibration
6. do light palpation → deep
7. ballottement (push fluid)
● Mass 肿块
Organ size
Tenderness or pain
Tissue fullness and elasticity
Texture (smooth or rough)
● Percussion
a. types
1. direct
2. indirect
3. blunt
b. sounds
1. resonance → normal lung
2. hyper-resonance →
3. tympany → bowel
4. dull → liver
5. flat → bone; muscle
c. determine
1. location, size, density of mass
2. pain in areas up to depth of 3-5cm
d. inspection → auscultation → percussion → palpation
some 昭宥● Auscultation
a. equipment
b. listen over bare skin
moisten body hair to prevent cracking sounds
System Asssment
● Neurological
● Cardiovascular
● Respiratory
● Gastrointestinal
● Nutritional / Metabolic
● Genitourinary / Renal
● Musculoskeletal
● Integumentary
● Pain asssment