Module 8 Story Time
Unit 1 Once upon a time …
一. Teaching Content: Listening 、 Vocabulary 、 Pronunciation and Speaking
二. Teaching Aims and Demands:
加油英文1. Language Knowledge
Key vocabulary and phras: once, hear, begin, decide, ride, golden, little, pick, notice, hurry, knock, nobody, push, open, enter, count, bowl, all, hungry, once upon a time, go for a ride, pick up
Key structure: past simple regular verbs(重点)
2. Listening skill: To understand the story of Goldilocks told through the pictures and in the conversation. (难点)
3. Speaking skill: To tell the story briefly
4. Attitudes: Develop the good habit of reading stories.
Learning strategies:
Bottom –up approach and listening to the tape and do some exercis.
三. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout)
四. Teaching Procedures:
Part I: Lead in:
Task 1: Talk about “watch的过去式What did you do?”
Task 11: U some pictures to introduce the new words.
Step one: Show some pictures about the new words.
Step two: Read after the teacher.
Step three: Practi reading the words.
Step four: Ask the students to look at the pictures. Elicit what they can e. If there are any new words, add them to the list on the board.
Part II: Listening
1. Listen and then check the true ntences in activity 1 and answer the questions in Activity 2on page 56.
Step one: Read through the ntences and make sure the Ss understand them all.
Step two: Play the recording and have them listen to the recording and focus on the ntences first time through.
Step three: Play the recording again and have them check the true ntences, then check with a partner.
Step four: Then Call back the answer from the whole class.
Step five: Play the recording again for the Ss to answer the questions in Activity 2.
欢迎光临日语Step six: Answer the questions in complete ntences from the class in Activity 2 .
2. hcnTask: To understand conversations then complete the words.
Step one: Ask the Ss to look at the pictures and try to decide what the order might be.
Step two: Play the recording and have them match the words with the pictures in Activity2 and then check their answer with a partner
Step three: Give Ss a paper about the conversations which some important words and phras had misd.
Step four: Play the recording again and have them listen, then write the words and phras.
Step five: Have some Ss to speak out their answers then check them.新东方英语口语培训
Step six: Show some questions about the conversations and ask Ss to read the conversations loudly ,then answer the questions.
jewelsPart III: Working in groups
Step one: Ask Ss to leave ats to work in groups .
From group1 to 4 try to retell the story in English ,and Group 5 to 8 try to write it in English.
Step two: Give them five minutes to work in groups.
Step three: Ask two groups to retell the story .
Step four: Show a passage of the story that Ss wrote.
本教学设计所用教材选自义务教育课程标准外语教学与研究出版社七年级下Module8Unit1 Once upon 本单元为童话故事,主要是关于godilocks火星文翻译器的故事。内容和情节很容易引发学生的兴趣,语言简单易懂,描写细致生动,非常有利于开展听说读写方面的语言实践活动,本节课我强调英语课程要从学生的学习兴趣,生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生在使用语言的过程中学习语言,促使学生更有意识地自觉学英语。