※The common belief among linguists that each language is perfect vehicle for the thoughts of native speakers in some ways the exact counterpart of the conviction of a British school of economic that supply and demand will regulate everything for the better.Just as economists were blind to the numerous cas in which the law of supply and demand left actual wants unsatisfied,so also many linguists are deaf to tho instances in which the very nature of a language calls forth misunderstanding in everyday conversation,and in which,conquently,a words had to be modified and defined in order to prent the real idea intended by the speaker.
Test-takers in English will be surprid to find that their score is not so high as was expected,which is b
ecau they are inclined to u ntences they have learned by heart in writing rather than u words and ntence patterns creatively so that their writing ems hollow and dull.Despite the possibility that long-term preparation can increa the chance of passing a test,it contributes little to improving the ability to u English.星海音乐学院附中
※If humans are capable of sacrificing collective benefits in the name of stabilizing an economic system that renders daily life more expensive,then humans will be able to make important lifestyle changes in the interest of stabilizing the physical system upon which all of the depends.Many of the changes that need to be made to dramatic cut emission would substantially improve the quality of life for the majority of people-from allowing kids in Beijing to play outside wearing pollution masks to creating good jobs in clean energy ctors for millions.We could commit ourlves to radically cutting our fossil fuel emissions and beginning the shift to zero-carbon sources of energy bad on renewable technology.frogs
如果人类能放弃共同的福利,借口是稳定使日常生活费用上升的经济体系,那么就能使生活方式发生重大变化,以稳定我们所有生命赖以生存的物质体系。大幅度减少温室气体排放需要许多方面的改变,cry on my shoudler
To maintain physical and mental health,children need to spend at least one hour on physical exerci each day.However,the obssion with video games and reluctance to play outdoors lead to obesity as well as a decline in vision.Overweight kids are four times as likely to suffer from high blood pressure as normal ones.Children,rural or urban,are to expo themlves to nature.They can never get interested in study unless they are happy.
※One of e-mail’s chief virtues is that information can be exchanged without the participants having to get online simultaneously and without the shortcomings of the telephone.A cond advantage is its speed.In conds you can nd entire documents across time zones.E-mail gives people more flexibility in their schedules and spares them time-consuming distractions.Besides,E-mail eliminates t
he visual symbols of social status that are apparent to everyone in a face-to-face meeting.Ideas that are propod online tend to be evaluated in terms of their merits more than their origin.It can nurture a n of commitment in tho who e themlves actively involved in a discussion.
Over the pass few years,deteriorating smog has pod a rious threat to human health,which is why urban residents in China are quite concerned about their living environment.Approximately30percent of PM2.5is attributed to the exhaust of motor vehicles,the number of us to stay far away from polluted air.We will pay twice as high a price as developed countries.
※The analysis of creative people and creative objects has demonstrated that most scientific and artistic innovations emerge from joint thinking,passionate discussions,and shared struggles among different people, emphasizing the importance of the social dimension of creativity.Interpersonal interactions are not only indispensable but central to social creativity.On the other hand,people participate in such collaborative inquiry and creation as individuals who need time to think or reflect about their contributions to social inquiry or creativity.Complex design problems ldom fall within the boundaries of one specific domain; therefore,they require the participation and teamwork of different people with various backgrounds,who speak to make their unique voice heard.
No modern invention have changed the humans work and live as profoundly as the computer.What have taken months to calculated decades ago can now be finished in minutes.What we ud to dream about has been turned into realities.Easy access to the Internet has made the information needed readily available to us.The virtual world is a good place where we can entertain ourlves.
※Since the start of industrial Revolution,the influence of the factory on the physical and mental state of the workers has received no attention at all.Modern industry is bad on the conception of maximum productivity at the minimum cost.It has gradually expanded without any idea of the true nature of the human beings who run the machines,and without any idea of the true nature of the human beings who run the machines,and without any consideration to the impacts produced on the individuals or on their children by the artificial mode of existence.Lack of space necessitates the construction of enormous apartment buildings where large mass of residents are crowded together.While civilized men enjoy such a way of living,they do not realize that they have had some of their necessities of life taken away,including peace,ea and safety.
Extensive reading is critical to the mastery of English.Unlike intensive reading,extensive reading can expo you to articles of different styles while helping you to find out more about the idiomatic usage of words.Extensive reading can improve the accuracy with which you u rules of grammar.The more you read in English,the more likely you are to pass a particular English test.Your ability to write rearch papers in English depends on the amount of literature you read.number one for me
※In the traditional of the company,this dictionary provides especially good coverage and treatment o
f Americanism-that is,words and idioms that have originated in the United States.In general,the vocabulary treatment is first-rate.The definitions trend to be up-to-date,clearly and precily written,sufficiently detailed and admirably current.The fullness of the content is without parallel among college dictionaries. Readers will be amazed by the entirely new prentation of the English language as it is written and spoken today.This is a masterpiece of preci defining with the advantage of quotations from well-know writers to demonstrate word usage and to make the book more authoritative.
回音echoIt is difficult to determine the extent to which parents influence the development of a child’s personality, but there is no doubt that parents are role models of the child.Positive influence can be of life-long benefit to the child.The child learns how to behave and get along with others by obrving what his parents say and do. No amount of schooling can replace the role of parents.By the time a child grows up,he or she will try not to let parents down.