建筑工程常用英语词汇Building Engineering and Construction Vocabulary
1. 项目管理 project management
现场管理 site management
施工管理 construction management
政府报批 permitting & approvals
监理单位 supervisory agent
质检站 quality inspection station
设计院 design institute
协调 coordination
质量监督 quality monitoring
工期控制 schedule control /
工期跟踪 schedule tracking
安全控制 safety control / safety monitoring
安全培训 safety training
安全手册 safety manual / handbook
每周例会 weekly meeting
周报 weekly report
月报 monthly report
会议记要 meeting minutes
通知 notice
记要(备忘录)MOU / memo (memorandum of understanding)
指令 instruction
client instruction
屈指可数是什么意思工程管理公司指令 Consultant’s instruction
监理单位指令supervisory agent’s instruction
验收 acceptance inspection
中间验收 hold-point inspection / milestone inspection
隐蔽工程验收 concealed work inspection
竣工验收 final completion inspection
会议记要格式meeting minutes template
公司信笺 company letterhead
文件归档 archiving / archive
文件签收记录单 transmittal
2. 人员和单位 roles & staff
业主 client
业主工程师 client engineer / consultant
管理公司 project management company = consultant = engineer
总承包公司 general contractor
项目经理 project manager
施工经理 construction manager / site manager
政府报批员 government permitting liaison
土建工程师 civil engineer
结构工程师 structure engineer
机电工程师 M&E engineer (mechanical & electrical)
安全工程师 safety engineer
质检工程师 quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC) engineer
档案管理员 document control
雅思一对一的价格合同经理 contract manager
采购经理 procurement manager / purchasing manager
项目控制工程师 project controls engineer / manager
工地秘书 site cretary
工人 workers
分包公司 sub-contractors
专业分包 specialist sub-contractor
指定分包 designated sub-contractor / supplier
供应商 suppliers / vendors
政府机构 authorities / agents
总部 headquarters
3. 开工准备 construction preparation
进场做开工准备 mobilization preparation
场地平整 site leveling / land grading
清理腐土和植物 remove cultivation soil and vegetation / site cleaning
受污染土壤 contaminated soil
受污染水 polluted water / river / air pollution
水塘 pond
碎砖瓦砾,废墟 rubble
berrk垃圾 debris / garbage / rubbish / refu
地形地貌 terrain
搭建临时设施 t up temporary facilities
安排施工用水、用电、排污 arrange construction power, water, wage
打桩机进场 piling machine move in site
地质条件 geological conditions / terrine
开工会议(工程启动会) project kick-off meeting
永久水电 permanent water / power
开工典礼 ground-breaking ceremony
开工典礼服务公司 GBC rvice agent
搭建主席台/讲台 t up a stage / podium
横幅 banner
汽球 balloons
临时棚 temporary shelter
temporary parking/roads
奠基石 corner stone
(engraved with project name and ground-breaking date)
土堆 soil pile
铲子 shovels / spade 合计
奠基仪式 inauguration ceremony
doom出席嘉宾 guests
政府官员 government officials
政府机构 governmental bureaus / agents
施工许可证 construction permit
地质勘探 geo-tech survey / report nowornever
红线图 red-line map (property-line map)
北京四中网校网址植物/花篮 plants/flower bouquet
邀请函 invitation card / letter
鞭炮 crackers
礼花 fire work
红地毯 red carpet
主持人 host
发言 speech
发言人 speaker
发言稿 speech script
礼物 give-away gifts
晚宴 dinner banquet
着装要求 dress code (晚宴装black tie,商务便装business casual, 便装casual)
礼仪小姐 model attendants / waitress / ritual girls
登记 registration
登记薄 registration book / sing-in book
音响系统 audio system
麦克风 microphone
扩音器 loudspeaker
观众 audience
彩排 rehearsal
4. 采购 purchasing / procurement
下定单 place PO (purchasing order)
交货期 lead time
长交货期材料 long lead time items
催货 expediting
海关清关 customs clearance
陆地送货 inland transportation
运送 shipping
一批货物 shipment
卸货 unloading
options and futures仓库 storage / warehou
库存 inventory
帐单 invoice / bill
发票 receipt / legal receipt
提货单 Bill of Landing / Cargo Bill
信用证 Letter of Credit (LC)
离岸价 FOB (Free on Board)
到岸价 CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)
5. 工地管理 site management
工地 site / job-site
现场管理 site management
场地布置 site layout
第一期 pha I
第二期 pha Ⅱ
施工段 gment / ction
分段施工 gmented construction
施工区 construction zone
生活区 living quarter / living compound
物料仓储区 material storage / storage yard / logistical center
加工区 fabrication yard
现场办公室 site offices
工人宿舍 workers’ dormitory
门卫间 保安 guardhou / curity guard
围墙 fence / boundary fences
进场准备 mobilization / preparation for construction