Chapter ven Processing production technology plan and production plan 第一节利用专业工厂加工半成品、减少现场制作量
The first period U professional factory processing mi-finished products, reduce the production quantity
本工程由于质量要求较高, 工期紧, 能够在专业工厂加工成半成品或成品的 构件我方尽量要专业厂家定做, 在加工制作过程中由专业工程师进行监控。 例如 玻璃、 铝板、 不锈钢、 栏杆、 扶手、 门、 隔断、 木线、 木门等在专业厂家定做好、 油漆好、包装好,再到现场安装;
The project quality due to the demand is higher, short construction period, can in the professional factory procesd into mi-finished or finished products member we try to be professional manufacturer to have something made to order, in the processing production process by monitoring professional engineers. Such as glass, aluminum, stainless steel, rail, rail, door, partition, wood line, wood, etc in the professional manufacturer will do, paint, packing, and then to the site installation;
The cond period The adornment material with certain fame brand 1. 本公司承诺工程施工中使用的所有装饰材料均选用具有一定生产规模和 市场信誉好的生产厂和品牌, 所有材料均应有合格证和质保书, 符合国家规定的 技术标准。 根据施工技术规范、 检验标准需经有关部门检测后方可用于工程中的 建筑或装饰材料, 必须严格按照规定执行, 并向总包单位、 建设单位、 监理单位 提交检验(检测合格证书。
1. Our company promi to engineering construction using all the decoration materials are choo certain production scale and market reputation good factories and brand, all material shall have a certificate and Quality Guarantee files , in line with the state standards. According to the construction technology standard, testing standard must be approved by the relevant departments of the test can be ud in the engineering of construction or decoration materials, must be in strict accordance with the provisions, and to the total package unit, the construction unit, the overeing unit submit inspection (test certificate.fbi warning是什么意思
2. 主要装饰材料须在实际施工需用前提送实物样品, 经业主、 设计、 管理公 司、 监理、 总包确认后方可采购, 材料在使用前, 应按工程师的要求进行检验或 试验,不合格的不得使用。
benton2. The main decorative materials must be in actual construction premi need nd physical samples, the owner, design, management, supervision, the total package confirm rear can purcha, material before u, should according to the requirements of the engineer for inspection or test, unqualified shall not be ud.
3. 材料是保证本工程质量和安全的物质基础。
3. Material is to guarantee the engineering quality and safety of the material foundation.
4. 对进场材料等必须分厂家、批量、规格进行取样试验。
4. To approach materials must be factory hou, quantity, specifications for sampling test.
The third period The finished products and mi-finished products of construction equipment, the technical support
我公司完全能满足本工程的各项加工制作要求, 拥有自己配套的木饰面工厂 及石材加工厂, 工厂机械设备先进、 自动化程度高、 工厂管理体系健全、 人员充 足、技术力量雄厚、既能保证工程质量,又能满足工期要求。
My company can fully meet the engineering requirements of making the processing, have their own matching wood veneer factory and stone processing factory, the factory machinery and equipment advanced, a high degree of automation, factory management system, personnel enough, strong technical force, which can ensure the engineering quality, and can meet the time limit for a project requirements.
The Forth period The finished products and mi-finished products of main material processing technology and quality detection means 1. 装饰工程主要构件材料:
1. The decoration project main component materials:
1 花岗石、大理石材料:
1 granite, marble material:
为确保花岗石质量和色彩与设计效果达到完全一致, 对花岗石的控制拟从矿山入 手。确保(全楼各部位一致并可先后施工,墙地面一致。
To ensure that the granite quality and color and design effect to be completely consistent, the control of granite from mine of fitting. Make sure (all parts consistent and has construction, wall surface consistent.
(1 according to construction drawing, precily calculate the associated part of the total amount for stone.mygirlfriend
(2 block to the plant must be strictly monitor.yingyufanyi
gre雅思托福区别According to the block Numbers order processing, and check in mine discharge when the hand paint mark, no sign of block absolutely no on saw.
碧海蓝天电影(3锯割时 , 必须作好上锯记录 , 以便控制进度。fiercest
(3 sawing, must do well on saw record, in order to control progress.
(4 light panel to strictly control board the coar grinding, fine grinding, fine grinding and polishing process, the main quality control means is:
a 、选用意大利设备 -大板连续磨抛机,自动控制。
A, choo the Italian equipment - big plate continuous grinding and polishing machine, automatic control.
b 、逐号更换磨石,进行粗磨、细磨和精磨,所有磨石选用进口磨石,所有工序连续完成。 B, by number replacement millstone, coar grinding, fine grinding and fine grinding stone, all imported stone, all process continuous finish.