Relation of Pressure and Temperature at the Ben
饮食培训Nevis Obrvatories
期刊名称: Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
作者: Buchan, Alexandernow that
年份: 1902年
关键词: n78150* --power reactor development--fuel systems &
components;cladding;deformation;fbr type reactors;fuel cans;fuel航线英文
elements;liquid metal cooled reactors;thermal stress;very high temperature liquid metal fast breeder reactor/fuel elements for, effects on cladding
怎样化眼妆deformation of temperature history of, (t;reactor fuel elements/claddingfresh
deformation of liquid metal cooled, effects of temperature history on, (t
摘要:The object of this investigation was to ascertain the differences of atmospheric pressure,reduced to a-level, which accompany differences of temperature, as obrved at the, High and the Low-Level Ben Nevis Obrvatories. The period of time dealt with is the ten months from August 1890 to May 1891. The whole of the hourly obrvations made at each Obrvatory with the barometer were reduced to a-level, tho at the top of the mountain being reduced according to the table accompanying the Report on the Meteorology of Ben Nevis.