Suspension flow past a cylinder: particle
英语六级分数计算器interactions with recirculating wakes 期刊名称: Journal of Fluid Mechanics中学辅导班
作者: Haddadi, Hamed,Shojaei-Zadeh, Shahab,Connington, Kevin,Morris, Jeffrey F.
日语在线翻译网站年份: 2014年
软件培训学校关键词: multipha and particle-laden flows; suspensions; wakes/jets
典范英语>在线日语立面图英文摘要:Experimental obrvations of the flow of a suspension of solid fraction phi approximate to 0.084 over a circular cylindrical post in a shallow microchannel (depth smaller than the cylinder radius) find that the recirculating wake behind the obstacle at moderate Reynolds numbers is depleted or devoid of particles. Particles injected into the wake exit to regain the depleted state. By numerical simulation of the discrete particle motion, the basis for the depletion behind the cylinder is studied; rather than a shallow channel, the numerical simulations consider a periodic domain, mimicking the flow past an infinite cylinder. The Reynolds number is defined, using the average axial velocity (U) over bar, diamet
er of the obstacle D and the kinematic viscosity of the suspension nu, as Re = (U) over barD/nu, and is studied for Re < 30
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