Data Sheet
Keysight 5600LS AFM
Exceptional Application Versatility
for Large and Small Samples
System Overview
Whether you work with large or small samples, the Keysight Technologies, Inc. 5600LS large-stage AFM is ready to deliver the atomic-resolution results you need. The modular 5600LS is the world’s only commercially available AFM system that allows imaging of both large samples (in air) and small samples (in air, or in liquid under temperature control) with an 8μm scanner. The 5600LS utilizes the largest fully addressable and programmable stage on the market, 200mm x 200mm, as well as a low-
noi AFM design. Samples up to 8” in diameter and 30mm tall are easily accepted by the 200mm vacuum chuck. The stage accommodates a 300mm wafer with repositioning. To further expand the application versatility of the 5600LS system, new
300mm wafer and multi-sample 2-inch-wafer stages are now available. The 5600LS AFM provides rearchers a perfect tool for many nanotechnology applications, including miconductor, optoelectronics, materials science, and life science studies Features and Beneits
– New 300mm and multi-sample 2-inch-wafer stages expand
application versatility
– Largest fully addressable and
programmable stage available
(200mm x 200mm)
– Special stage adapter allows u of sample plate to image small samples in liquid
– System provides simple point-and-shoot AFM imaging bad on
optical view
– Atomic-resolution imaging of small sample areas via AFM or STM scanners – Motorized optical focus affords
excellent ea of u
– Submicron positioning delivers
outstanding accuracy
地点英语– Accurate location mapping (0.5μm precision) ensures reproducibility
– Exclusive SMM mode offers calibrated electrical measurement capabilities
– PicoScript facilitates scripting to automate instrument tup and control – Plug-ins allow extension of force-volume and force curves
– Semiconductor: silicon wafers, devices – Data storage: CDs, DVDs, hard drives – Optoelectronic
s and LEDs
– Biological arrays
– Polymer science
– Materials science
Figure 1. The 5600LS with 300mm wafer
(top), and 12-2 inch wafer stage (bottom).
Figure 2. Topography image (top) and
surface potential image (bottom) of single-
layer graphene on a silica substrate. Image
clearly shows variation between substrate
and graphene.
Large and Small Samples
The 5600LS system’s programmable, motorized stage enables fast, accurate probe
positioning for imaging and mapping both large and small specimens alike. Investigators
can precily locate and identify an area of interest and, with the coordinates stored,
automatically reposition the sample quickly and accurately for further study. Multiple
locations can be programmed into the system. For ultimate lexibility, the standard
200mm stage can accommodate either a single large sample or up to nine small samples
with vacuum chuck (more can be held with tape), each of who locations can be
programmed into the system for automated, unattended measurement.
Two new sample chucks, one 300mm and one with cutouts for 12, 2 inch (52mm) wafers
are now available. By repositioning the stage, the 300mm chuck, combined with new
freightlinersoftware provides the capability to measure on an intact 300mm Silicon wafer. Replacing
the standard 200mm chuck, the new 12 position, 2 inch wafer chuck is ideal for the LED
and optoelectronic substrate and device measurement.
The 5600LS supports Keysight open-loop and clod-loop scanners as well as Keysight
STM scanners for unparalleled application flexibility. To provide optimized scanning for
a diver t of applications, both AFM multipurpo scanners are available in two scan
ranges. Keysight’s large scanner can scan areas up to 90μm x 90μm, whereas a switch
to an 9μm x 9μm scanner or the 10μm x 10μm STM scanner lets 5600LS urs image a
very small sample area that can easily image atomic steps.
Furthermore, a special Keysight stage adapter permits the 5600LS to be utilized with
Keysight’s standard sample plates thus facilitating the imaging of small samples in
liquid. Heating and cooling control is also offered for imaging biological and polymer
samples in liquid further extending the utility of the 5600LS.
Innovative Design
The 5600LS combines stable, low-noi AFM imaging with high-speed, very lat, easily
reproducible displacement over the stage travel range. The automated tip approach
feature of the Keysight atomic force microscope minimizes damage to delicate sample
structures. Motorized optical zoom and focus capabilities facilitate the automatic
pre-approach, simplifying tting the initial tip-sample paration.
The 5600LS also allows urs to perform simple, software-driven, point-and-shoot AFM
保险费英文imaging of an area of interest bad on an optical view. AFM images can even be stitched
together using Keysight’s Pico Image Advanced software package (optional).
A complete 5600LS AFM system includes the microscope, a stage, the video microscope,
a scanner, an AFM controller, and the system computer.
Figure 3. C60 pha, top image is
1200nm, and bottom image is 800nm.
Figure 4. Two topography images of GaN
films grown on sapphire. Lower image
shows local defects circled in red.
Each of Keysight’s unique top-down scanners utilizes interchangeable no cones
that enable urs to switch imaging modes quickly and conveniently. To deliver high-
resolution imaging results, a patented pendulum scanner design eliminates artifacts
in the image by keeping the relative position of the lar spot fixed in relation to the
cantilever throughout the scan cycle. The open-top design of the scanners allows
an unobstructed optical view of the cantilever and sample without sacrificing sample
handling. A variety of robust, easy-to-u sample plates are offered in order to facilitate
experiments in air, in liquid, or with electrochemistry.
The optional Keysight STM scanner is purpo built to deliver uncompromising STM
mode imaging for the discerning ur. The scanner is optimized to provide stable
imaging at pico-ampere and lower currents to easily achieve imaging of individual
atoms and molecules, using the extreme nsitivity of probe distance on the tunneling
current. Keysight has consistently delivered the highest resolution images in STM of all
the commercially available systems.
Figure 6. Topography image (top) and surface potential (KFM) image (bottom) of
few-layer graphene. The high resolution
single pass KFM image shows there is
some coupling between the surface
structures of graphene materials and their
electrical properties. Shown are some
particularly fine surface features that look like wrinkles or ripples in the area marked
by the dotted red lines in the topography image and a corresponding increa of
surface potential in the same area.tiamo的意思
Figure 5. Topography and surface potential images of a pentacene adsorbate on Si. Scan size 8µm. The contrast covers the height and surface potential variations in the 0–10nm and 0–1V ranges. AC stimulated voltage was 4V.
The MAC Mode III Controller
The Keysight MAC Mode III Controller, provides 3 ur-configurable lock-in amplifiers
affording virtually limitless application flexibility. Additionally, it has internal expansion
capability to allow the future addition of advanced imaging and analytical modes.
Optimized for the Keysight patented single-pass KFM/EFM concurrent imaging, it
enables the collection of simultaneous topography and surface potential data using
a rvo-on-height cantilever approach that is innsitive to scanner drift. The single-
pass KFM/EFM is particularly uful for measuring dielectric films, metal surfaces,
piezoelectric materials, and conductor-insulator transitions.
In addition to KFM/EFM and piezo force, MAC Mode III allows the u of higher
resonance modes of the cantilever. Higher harmonic imaging provides contrast different
from that en with fundamental amplitude and pha signals. This technique can be
utilized to collect additional information about mechanical properties of the sample
Imaging Modes
The 5600LS is compatible with contact mode, acoustic AC mode, pha imaging, STM,
LFM, KFM/EFM, MFM, force modulation, current nsing, and Keysight’s MAC Mode —
a gentle, nondestructive technique for imaging delicate samples in air or liquid.
Scanning Microwave Microscopy (SMM) mode, the exclusive calibrated electrical
characterization mode is available for the 5600LS.
Figure 7. SMM imaging of EEPROM cells at positive and negative DC bias.Positive bias Topography dC/dV Amplitude dC/dV Pha Negative bias
Scanning Microwave Microscopy (SMM) Mode
Keysight Technologies’ unique SMM mode is particularly uful with the special stage
chucks that are available for the 5600LS which combines the compound, calibrated
electrical measurement capabilities of a microwave vector network analyzer (VNA) with
the outstanding spatial resolution of an atomic force microscope. SMM outperforms the
traditional AFM scanning capacitance mode (SCM) by offering both calibrated as well
as quantitative results with the highest nsitivity and dynamic range.
SMM mode is particularly suited for miconductor test and characterization. In
addition to enabling complex impedance (resistance and reactance) measurements,
SMM mode can be ud to acquire calibrated capacitance and dopant density
measurements. SMM mode works on all miconductor types and does not require a
uniform oxide layer.
SMM mode works well on miconductors, glass, polymers, ceramics, and metals.
Additionally, the technique enables 5600LS urs to perform high-nsitivity
investigations of ferroelectric, dielectric, and piezoelectric materials. Studies of organic
films, membranes, and biological samples can also benefit from SMM mode imaging
and analysis.