Nikon Imaging Center Ur Manual
cd rw>英语四六级作文CONTACT:
Kurt Thorn, PhD
phone: 415.514.9709
fax: 415.514.4300
Alice Thwin
phone: 415.514.9728
fax: 415-514-4300so sorry
University of California, San Francisco MC 2140
Genentech Hall Room S252
600 16th Street
San Francisco, CA 94158-2517
U of equipment in the NIC@QB3 for rearch purpos is available to members of laboratories of UCSF and QB3. There is no charge for training and a reduced rate for u of the microscopes for internal UCSF Academic and external Academics. Urs must be trained by the director of the NIC, Kurt Thorn, or the NIC Manager, Alice Thwin before using the microscopes. To arrange training, plea fill out the training request form online on the website. Untrained urs may not u the NIC microscopes at any time. Urs assume responsibility for damaged equipment during their usage time.
The NIC@QB3 facilities may be ud, for a fee, by non-academics. Such u requires execution of an agreement with UCSF. Plea contact Kurt Thorn or Alice Thwin for more information. Trained urs may schedule time on the microscopes using the NIC@QB3 calendar
The NIC is available for u 24 hours a day, however the doors to the NIC are only unlocked
8am-6pm, Monday-Friday. To get access to the NIC outside of the hours, you will need to have your ID card added to the proxy card system on the main entrance to the NIC. This can be done by emailing Kurt.
1. No ur may sign up for microscope time more than 21 days in advance.
2. No ur may sign up for more than 6 hours a week on the spectral or C1si confocal, 8 hours a week on the spinning disk confocal, or 12 hours a week on other scopes, during the period from 8am – 8pm, Monday to Friday.
3. No ur may sign up for more than 12 hours on the nights or weekend.
4. Urs may sign up for any open time in the next 24 hours without counting against their allotted 12 hours a week. (i.e., if Monday at 5pm you e that the scope isn’t being ud Tuesday morning you can sign up for it even if you’ve already booked that scope for 12 hours on Friday).
5. If for some reason you need more time than possible under this system (i.e. you need to do a 2 day timelap), plea let us know. We are perfectly happy to make exceptions for good reasons.
ontrack6. If you do not show up within half an hour for your scheduled time, the rest of your scheduled time will be relinquished.
fright7. There are three listrvs we offer: NIKONCANCEL (for all cancelations of microscope scheduled time) NICANNOUNCE (for announcements by NIC Personnel) and MICROSCOPY (a general discussion of all things microscopy)
Damage to microscopes
Urs are liable for damage caud to microscopes in the NIC due to accident or carelessness. Plea be careful and report any problems with the microscopes to Kurt or Alice immediately. U of RG2 (BSL2) Samples or Organisms
Any ur who wishes to u human cell lines, human tissues or blood, or risk group 2 (BSL2) pathogens, must file a BUA with EH&S prior to imaging the samples in the NIC. If you already have a BUA on file with EH&S for working with the samples in your lab (you should!), all that you need to do is to file a modification to that BUA adding the NIC (Genentech Hall Rm. S252) to the list of authorized locations. Approval of the modification should take a day or two. The modification form can be found The NIC has a tissue culture hood and a tissue culture incubator for handling and short term storage of samples in the NIC.
It is important that any papers incorporating data acquired or analyzed in the Nikon Imaging Center acknowledge the u of the NIC. This helps us justify our existence to the companies that provide equipment to the NIC, and will also help us justify the importance of the center to granting agencies when we apply for grants in the future. Plea include an acknowledgement statement like: “Data for this study were acquired at the Nikon Imaging Center at UCSF/QB3”. Occasionally, involvement by the NIC staff may ri to a level where it merits co-authorship on the resulting paper. Ordinary training and assistance with the microscope does not merit co-
authorship. However, in cas where the NIC staff becomes substantially involved with experimental design, data acquisition, or data analysis, both the end ur and the NIC staff should consider whether this merits co-authorship. In cas where the project probably would not have been successful or would not have been possible without the involvement of the NIC staff, the staff member should probably be invited to be a coauthor.
Reporting of Publications
We would also like to collect a list of publications that result from u of the NIC. This will allow us to demonstrate to the vendors that have supplied equipment to the NIC that the imaging center is producing uful scientific results. When you publish a paper incorporating data acquired at the NIC, plea nd either a reprint of the paper or the complete citation of the paper to Kurt.
lbzReporting of microscope purchas
If you purcha a Nikon microscope or equipment from other NIC corporate partners, plea let Kurt know. Showing our corporate partners that NIC urs are purchasing their equipment demonstrates that providing equipment to the NIC directly benefits them, and helps us obtain additional equipment.
Accessing the microscope computers:
community responsibilityThe computers which control the microscopes u shared logins; the urname and password will be discusd during a training ssion.
Data may be saved temporarily on the workstations, in the directory specified on the desktop (generally either D:\data or C:\data). All data will be deleted automatically in 30 days.
Data may be removed from the computers using a USB drive, the NIC data rver, or your own rver.
Accessing the offline analysis workstations:
****************************************************************************** logon and password, the same as you u to logon to the rver. When logging on, lect CAMPUS in the “log on to” field (unless your account is through another authority, like the MedicalCenter)*********************************************************** email.
*****************************************,youcanutheurnamenicur,with password Objective3. This requires that you lect CAMPUS in the “log on to” field.
Plea do not save any data to the C: drive or to the desktop of the offline machines (the partitions are very small and will cau the computer to stop working well). Data found there will be immediately deleted. Data can be stored temporarily on the D: drive and will be automatically deleted in 60 days.
Accessing the NIC filerver:
The NIC maintains an 8 TB file rver for temporary storage of data acquired in the NIC to allow for easy transport of data between microscopes, our offline analysis systems, and any other computer at UCSF.
fly的第三人称单数**************************************’vebeentrainedonascopeintheNIC,you should be able to access the rver.
To access the rver from Windows:
1. Open a windows explorer window and go to Tools -> Map Network Drive
2. Pick an unud drive letter and type \\nicdata\data
3. U the same urname and password as you u to logon to your
UCSF email (e.g., I log into my mail as campus/kthorn)
From Mac:
1. In the Finder go to Go -> Connect to Sever
2. Enter smb://
urname and password
Once you've logged on to the rver, create a folder to store your files in. Only you will be able to access this folder so your data is private. Then save data to your heart’s content.
If you can't access the rver, plea nd us your name, and what scopes you've been trained onandwecanaddtotheauthorizedurlist.Ifyoudon'**************************** and you can't access the rvers, we recommend you get one (you can apply for one at员工福利的作用’********************************************* create an account for you.
To access the file rver, you must be at UCSF (your IP address must start with either 169.230 or 128.218; if you're at UCSF and your IP address starts with something el, let us know). Data Retention Policies:
Microscope Computers: Files older than 30 days are automatically deleted.
Data Analysis Computers: Files on D: older than 60 days are automatically deleted. Files on the Desktop or C: will be deleted immediately.