教育硕士 B
Section Ⅰ职称英语考试报名网站U of English (20 minutes,10%)
Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (70 minutes,50%)
1. 最好看的美剧本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分。试卷一分60分,考试时间为90分钟,14:30开始,16:00结束;试卷二满分40分,考试时间为60分钟,16:00开始,17:00结束。
2. 请考生务必将本人考号最后两位数字填写在本页右上角方框内。
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4. 在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为在答案对应的字母上划线,如[A][B][C][D] 。
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SectionⅠ U of English(20 minutes,10%)
Read the following text. Choo the best word for each numbered blank from A.B.C or D.
Can you “think” yourlf younger?
Anti-aging may be more than herbs, creams, or exerci. Recently. more and more people are bitch是什么意思__01__towards anti-aging psychology, a major claim of __02__ is that anti-aging requires you to learn life __03__ attitudes, beliefs, and coping skills that 中翻英__04__ yo
uthfulness and health. It is said only 30% of your aging is predetermined by your genetic code, and the __05__ is your decisions and attitude.
So can you “think”toothpaste yourlf younger? Many people 06 英国传统美食四级报名 the sorts of attitude adjustments as oppod to 07 your body with countless chemicals. Often, people say mind over matter, and to a degree 08 psychology works when you are looking fcfs 09 better performance on sports or other tests, but you cannot u your mind to 10 a physical injury, such as a broken bone ,or in our 11 ,get a wrinkle out of our forehead. Your attitude can change your 12 personality, and smiling may make other people 13 you more, but I am not sure it is truly anti-aging.
14 ,your attitudes and believes can change your outward appearance and 15 as a possible effective anti-aging agent 16 by changing your attitude you reduce stress, which is a large 17 in aging. So, indirectly you can “think” yourlf younger if your thoughts lead to less stress, but you will never become younger 18 simply thinking about becoming younger. Thinking positively and anti-aging is not
19 , rather thinking positively is correlated with anti-aging 20
it reduces stress and helps you live a more active life.
01.[A]turning [B]coming [C]going [D]moving
02.[A]what [B]that [C]who [D]which
03.[A]enhances [B]enhancing [C]enhanced [D]enhance
04.[A]construct [B]constitute[C]enhanced [D]include
05.[A]opposite [B]other [C]others [D]rest
06.[A]enjoy [B]prefer [C]like [D]support
07.[A]filling [B]covering [C]checking [D]changing
08.[A]positive [B]modern [C]advanced [D]reliable
09.[A]up [B]at [C]to [D]for
10.[A]deal [B]reveal [C]heal [D]recover
11.[A]mind [B]ca [C]n [D]time
12.[A]born [B]obvious [C]outward [D]major
13.[A]to like [B]liked [C]liking [D]like
14.[A]However [B]Although [C]Therefore [D]Furthermore
15.[A]are [B]act [C]play [D]find
16.[A]after [B]but [C]if [D]unless
17.[A]factor [B]question [C]issue [D]problem
18.[A]when [B]for [C]by [D]with
19.[A]cau [B]caud [C]causation [D]causing
20.[A]becau [B]how [C]while [D]whether
incrediblesSection Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (70minutes,50%)
Part A
Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing A,B,C or D.
The True Meaning of Self-Help
According to lf-help expert Tony Robbins, walking barefoot across 1,000-degree red-hot coals “is an experience in belief. It teaches people in the most intuitive n that they can do things they never thought possible.”
I’ve done three tire walks mylf, without chanting “cool moss” or thinking positive thoughts. I didn’t get burned. Why? Becau charcoal is a poor conductor of heat ,particularly through the dead calloud skin on the bottom of your feet and especially if you walk across the bed of coals as quickly as fire walkers are likely to do. Physics explains the “how” of fire walking. To understand the “why”, we must turn to psychology.
In 1980 I attended a bicycle industry trade convention who keynote speaker was Mark Victor Hann, well known coauthor of the wildly popular Chicken Soup for the Soul book ries. I was surprid that Hann didn’t require a speaker’s fee until I saw what happened after his talk: people were lined up out the door to purcha his motivational tapes. I listened to tho tapes over and over during training rides in preparation for bicycle races.