
更新时间:2023-06-25 07:38:35 阅读: 评论:0

Unit 1
1. constituent (components): component part 成分
2. conceive (conceptualize): To form or hold an idea: 构想出:构想出或持有一种想法
3. synthesis (making a complex whole by combining ideas): The combining of parate elements or substances to form a coherent whole. 综合:把分别的元素或物质连接成连贯的一个整体
4.evolve (develop): To develop or achieve gradually: 使发展:逐渐发展或完成
5. venom (poison): A poisonous cretion 毒液:一种诸如蛇、蜘蛛等动物的有毒的分泌物
6.matriculation (admission): to be formally admitted to study at a university or college 入学
7.proprietary (with the exclusive legal right): 专有的
8.highlight (emphasize)underline 使…显得重要;强调
Unit 2
1. ill-bred (badly behaved): rude or behaving badly,没教养的
2. break down (destroy): 损坏
3. conceited (lf-important): Holding or characterized by an unduly high opinion of onelf; vain. 自负的
4. malicious (hateful): very unkind and cruel 充满憎恨;有恶意的
5. compliment (prai): An expression of prai, admiration, or congratulation. 恭维:赞美
6. opponent (rival): One that competes 竞争对手
7. be entitled to (be worthy of配得上): have the right to do [entitle 有资格]
8. alight (get off): To come down and ttle, as after flight: 下来 
9. niority (high standing through long rvice)资历深的人, 年资高的人.
Unit 3
1. scramble (hasty movement):move quickly 快速移动  hasty急速的
2. experti (knowledge):Skill or knowledge in a particular area. 专门知识
3. disruption (disturbance):a situation in which something is prevented from continuing in its usual way 扰乱
4. renaissance (revival): A rebirth or revival. 复苏;复兴
5. assumption (supposition): Something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof; 假定,假设
6. dexterity (skill of the hand): Skill and grace in physical movement, especially in the u of the hands; adroitness. 灵巧,敏捷:体育运动熟练或动作优雅,尤指手的使用;灵活
7. manipulate (handle with skill):To operate or control by skilled u of the hands; 通过用手的技巧来操纵或控制
8. sleight (skill): Skillfulness in the u of the hands or body 技巧
9. autism (lf-absorption):Abnormal introversion and egocentricity; acceptance of fantasy rather than reality. 孤独症,自我中心主义.
10. get to grip with (cope with): to begin to understand and deal with sth difficult 开始理解并着手处理难题
Unit 4
1. hypothetical (theoretical): bad on a situation that is not real, but that might happen 假定的
2. put a premium on (encourage): 奖励,鼓励,重视感叹句句型
3. demography (scientists in the field of vital [生命的] and social statistics): 人口统计学
4. primal (fundamental): Of first importance; 最重要的;主要的
5. torrentpicknascent考研数学真题 (burgeoning): Coming into existence; emerging: 开始形成的;出现的 /出芽
6. prognosis (prediction): A prediction of the probable cour and outcome of a dia. 预测:判病
7. 南通培训网scalded (burnt): 烫伤的
8. convul (shook violently): To shake or agitate violently 使…强烈地震动或狂躁不安
小清新英文歌曲9. undeterred (not discouraged): not discouraged  未受挫折的 [un 否定+deter 阻止v. + [r] ed =undeterred 未被阻止的]
10. perforate (zoom是什么意思penetrate英语翻译器拍照翻译扫一扫): To pierce, punch, or bore a hole or holes in; 刺穿
够朋友11. unflappable [flap恐慌]  (compod):having the ability to stay calm and not become upt, even in difficult situations 镇定的
12. incur (invite): To become liable or subject to as a result of one's actions; bring upon onelf: 招惹
Unit 5
1. phenomenal (extraordinary): outstanding: 非凡的;杰出的
2. unveil (uncovered):To remove a veil or covering from. 把面纱或覆盖物从…上拿下
3. wane (kingjdecline): To decrea gradually in size, amount, intensity, or degree. 衰退
4. confide (tell confidentially):To tell (something) in confidence. 吐露:告知秘密的(事物)
5. repel (defeat):To ward off or keep away; drive back: 击退:击退或赶回;驱除

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