Section A: General Provisions
Article 17.1: Objectives
1.The Parties agree to strengthen economic cooperation with the aim to enhance the mutual benefits of this Agreement in accordance with their national strategies and policy objectives.
2.The cooperation under this Chapter shall pursue the following objectives:
(a)f acilitating the implementation of this Agreement with a view to promoting economic
and social development of the Parties; and
(b)creating and enhancing sustainable trade and investment opportunities by facilitating
trade and investment between the Parties and by strengthening competitiveness and
innovation capacities, with a view to promoting sustainable economic growth and
Article 17.2: Methods and Means
1. The Parties shall cooperate with the objective of identifying and employing effective methods and means for the implementation of this Chapter. To this end, the Parties shall coordinate efforts with relevant international organizations and develop, where practicable, synergies with other forms of bilateral cooperation already existing between the Parties.
2. Cooperation between the Parties will be implemented through the tools, resources, and mechanisms available to the Parties, following the existing rules and procedures through the competent bodies for the discharge of their cooperation relations.
3. The Parties may u instruments and modalities, such as exchange of information, experiences, and best practices, for the identification, development, and implementation of projects. Article 17.3: Non-application of Dispute Settlement
Neither Party shall have recour to Chapter 20 (Dispute ttlement) for any matter arising under this Chapter.
Article 17.4: Committee on Economic Cooperation
1. The Parties hereby establish a Committee on Economic Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”), comprising reprentatives of each Party.
2. The Committee shall meet at least once a year to consider matters arising under this Chapter,
and may meet more frequently as the Parties may agree.
3. The Committee’s functions shall include, inter alia:
(a)monitoring and asssing the progress in implementation of the projects agreed by
the Parties under this Chapter;
(b)making recommendations on the cooperative activities under this Chapter; and
(c)reviewing, through regular reporting from the Parties, the operation of this Chapter
and the application and fulfillment of its objectives.
4. The Committee may establish other groups, if necessary, under its auspices.
Section B: Agro-Fisheries Cooperation
Article 17.5: Food Security
1. Recognizing the important role that two-way trade and investment play in achieving long-term food curity, the Parties shall, as appropriate, endeavor to promote and facilitate productive and mutually beneficial trade and investment in agriculture and food.
2. The Parties shall explore opportunities to cooperate in the area of global food curity, including through relevant regional and international fora such as G20, APEC, FAO and ASEAN 10+
Article 17.6: Fisheries Cooperation
1. The Parties, recognizing the social and economic importance of fish and fisheries products, shall endeavor to cooperate in the field of fisheries.
2. The objectives of cooperation in fisheries are to:
(a)strengthen and build on existing cooperative relationship1 between the Parties; and
(b)facilitate sound fish and fishery products trade2 between the Parties under the
approach of sustainable and responsible fishing.
3. The Parties will cooperate in the field of fisheries under the existing mechanism through:
(a)facilitating conrvation and management of marine living resources;
考研面试英语自我介绍(b)fostering more dialogues and exchange of information;
1 The Korea-China Joint Fisheries Committee.
2 Specific implementation measures will be further discusd in the existing channel.
(c)strengthening the rearch and technical capacities for the development of fisheries
between the Parties; and
(d)promoting the consumption of fish product in each Party.
Article 17.7: Forestry
1. The Parties, recognizing that stable supply and sound trade of forest products is a critical element of the bilateral strategic relationship, shall promote mutual cooperation in enhancing the curity of supply of forest products between the Parties, through:巧取豪夺
(a) working collectively to cure the stable supply of forest products;
(b) making best efforts to avoid any export restrictive measures on forest products unless
such measures are prented with reasonable justifications;
(c) promoting the trade of forest products from legal sources; and
(d) promoting and facilitating mutual investment in the field of forestry, including forest
plantation and wood processing industries.
2. The Parties shall endeavor to cooperate in the field of forestry. Such cooperation may include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) development, utilization, and sustainable management of forest resources;
(b) cooperation on the conrvation of natural ecosystem and restoration of rare or
endangered species;
(c) facilitating the cooperation on addressing problems regarding illegal logging and the
common understanding on timber legality verification;
(d) strengthening the exchange and cooperation on the storage techniques of forest
germplasm resources;
(e) promoting the development of the woody ornamental plants, tree ed and
treeedling industries; and
(f) other fields of forestry which may be agreed through discussions by the Parties.
3. Types of cooperation may include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) experience sharing and information exchange in the areas of mutual interests;
(b) promotion of joint fora, minars, symposiums, conferences, rearch and
development, education and training;
(c) exchange of rearchers, technicians, experts and officials; and
(d) other types of cooperation as may be mutually determined by the Parties.
Section C: Industrial Cooperation
Article 17.8: Steel Cooperation
1. The Parties, as major exporters of steel products, shall promote cooperative activities in the fields.
2. Areas of steel industry cooperation may include, but are not limited to the following:
(a) exchanging information of both Parties on domestic regulations and supporting policy
in the steel market.
(b) exchanging information of both Parties on the domestic steel market including supply
and demand; and
(c) cooperation to promote a fair competitive environment in the steel market.
Article 17.9: Small and Medium-Sized Enterpris Cooperation
1. The Parties shall endeavor to promote a favorable environment for the development of small and medium-sized enterpris (hereinafter referred to as the “SMEs”).
2. The Parties will cooperate in the field of SMEs by encouraging relevant private and governmental bodies to build capacities of SMEs, including utilizing existing bilateral Small and Medium Business Policy Exchange Committee Mechanism, established by the relevant or competent authorities of the Parties.
3. Areas of SMEs cooperation may include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) facilitating the investment flows between SMEs of the Parties;
(b) fostering more exchange of information on trade procedures, trade promotion
networks, joint business fora, business cooperation instruments, and any other relevant
statistics and information for traders who are SMEs;
(c) promoting training and exchange programs for small and medium-sized enterpris
traders of the Parties, and exploring promising fields suitable for inter-governmental
cooperation on SMEs;
(d) enhancing exchange of experiences between the public agencies of the Parties on
initiatives and policy instruments for the development of enterpris, with a special
focus on SMEs; and
(e) enhancing competitiveness of micro enterpri through cooperation of private and
governmental bodies and exchange of information related with micro enterpri.
Article 17.10: Information and Communications Technology Cooperation
1. The Parties, recognizing the rapid development of Information and Communications Technology (
hereinafter referred to as the “ICT”) shall endeavor to promote the development of ICT and ICT-related rvices with a view to obtaining the maximum benefit of the u of ICT for the Parties.
2. Areas of ICT Cooperation may include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) promoting cooperation between the private and public ctors of the Parties;
(b) enhancing cooperation in international exhibition and fora related to ICT;
(c) undertaking other appropriate cooperative activities; and
(d) mutual cooperation and support in international organizations related to international
3. The Parties will encourage cooperation in the following areas, including, but not limited to, the following:
(a) scientific and technical cooperation for the software industry of the Parties;
(b) rearch and development and management of information technology parks;
(c) rearch and development on information technology rvices such as integration of
broadcasting and telecommunications;
(d) rearch and development and deployment of networks and telecommunications,
when the Parties agree on the necessity of such activities; and
(e) any other areas as agreed by the Parties, such as Intelligent Transport Systems,
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Article 17.11: Cooperation in Textile
1. The Parties shall promote the following cooperation as a means of building mutually beneficial partnership in textile industry chain.
2. Areas of textile cooperation may include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) development and application of industrial textile, functional fiber fabric, fine fabric
and knitted fabric;
(b) cooperation and exchange of apparel and fashion design, brand marketing and
(c) cooperation and exchange in such areas as standard quality system certification, and
advanced management experience;
(d) exchange of technology, information, rearchers, technicians and other experts; and
(e) any other areas agreed by the Parties.
3. The Parties shall:
(a) promote textile cooperation through related governmental organizations, industry
associations and enterpris engaged in textile industry chain; and
(b) facilitate organization of joint fora, minars, conferences, exhibition and rearch
日语等级考试网Article 17.12: Contact Points
The Parties will designate the contact points on industrial cooperation, as below, in order to facilitate discussion;
(a) for Korea, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, or its successor; and
(b) for China, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, or its successor.
Section D: Government Procurement
The Parties, recognizing the importance of government procurement in their respective economies, shall endeavor to promote cooperative activities between the Parties in the field of government procurement.
The Parties shall publish their laws, or otherwi make publicly available their laws, regulations and administrative rulings of general application as well as their respective international agreements that may affect their procurement markets.
Article17.15:Exchange of Information
workout造句1. The Parties shall at the national level, subject to their respective laws and regulations, exchange information on their respective laws and regulations on government procurement.
2. The exchange of information under paragraph 1 shall be facilitated through the following governmental authorities: