Unit 7 The Char
I. Paraphra
1. It is only when on is in a position to oblige that one can afford to be so confidential. (Paragraph 17)
Just becau I have decided to to you a favor/ll you the love potions, I feel safe telling you so much about my other medicines.
2. “For indifference, 短裙英文” said the old man, “they substitute devotion. For scorn, adoration.” (Paragraph 23)
crazy hor“happy new year歌曲规律英文They, the love potions, ” said the old man, “will help change the girl’s attitude towards you. She will no longer hold you in contempt. Instead, she will begin to give you her deep-felt love and care”
3. Alan Austen, as nervous as a kitten, went up certain dark and creaky stairs in the neighborhood of Pell Street.
Alan Austen, feeling very much worried and afraid, went up certain dark and creaky stairs in the neighborhood of Pell Street.
4. I think nothing I ll has effects which could be precily described as ordinary.
I think everything I ll could be well deemed as extraordinary.
5. Here is a liquid as colorless as water, almost tasteless, quite imperceptible in coffee, wine, or any other beverage.
Here is a liquid as colorless as water, almost tasteless, quite 唇线difficult to notice in coffee, wine, or any other beverage.
6. Their effects are permanent, and extend far beyond the mere casual impul.
Their effects are permanent, and much more lasting than the momentary impul.
7. “She will actually be jealous?” cried Alan in a rapture爱情傻瓜歌词.
“She will actually be jealous?”firstname cried Alan with enthusiasm.
II. Fill in the blank in each ntence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form.
acquaintance creaky detachment giddy oblige overwhelm rapture peer
1. Charles Dickens held that the whole legal system in Britain was becoming creaky and inefficient.
2. He peered through the mist, trying to get his bearings.
3. I have only some slight acquaintance with your boss.
4. His air of 秘密的英文detachment lost him his popularity among his peers.
5. The fact the team won the championship nt its fans into raptures.
6. She felt giddy from too much accustomed exerci.
7. The need to be understood overwhelmed her.
8. 文言文翻译转换器The spokeswoman has always obliged journalists with information they want.
III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.
1. The president ro from obscurity to fame. (obscure)
2. We are required to get acquainted with the latest developments in the field of computer technology. (acquaintance)
3. There was a slight, but perceptible air of disdain. (perceive)
4. He was under the apprehension that his son would lap into idleness. (apprehensive)
5. He is above us all, for he is indifferent to worldly success. (indifference)black out
6. Desdemona listened to Othello’s fantastic tales with rapt attention. (rapture)
7. It is still a/an overwhelmingly rural country despite the recent economic growth tin some of its major cities. (overwhelm)
8. Few people are willing to make friends with her, for she has a somewhat spiteful and obliging nature. (oblige)
IV. Translation
1. 对我来说,你绝对不只是相识的人而已。(acquaintance)
To me, you are definitely more than an acquaintance.
2. 这个地区的许多手艺人(artisan)经营各种各样的手工艺品。(deal in)
Many artisan in this region deal in a variety of handicrafts.
3. 他们为这次意外的成功而感到欣喜若狂。(go into raptures)
They went into raptures over the unexpected success.
4. 我感到十分惊讶,他用一种超然冷静的态度分析着威胁他们所有人的危险形势。(detachment)
Much to my surpri, he analyzed with extraordinary detachment the dangerous situation that threatened all of them.
5. 她躲在窗帘后面窥望那陌生人。(peer)
She peered at the stranger from behind the curtain.
6. 假日里,他在海滩上尽情享受日光浴的快乐。(indulge in)
During the holidays, he indulged in the luxury of a bath of sunshine on the beach.
7. 听到他去世的噩耗,她不胜悲哀。(be overwhelmed)
When she learnt the news of his death, she was overwhelmed with grief.
8. 我不赞成用分期付款的方式买房子,我倒认为,我们每一个人都应该储蓄以备不时之需。
I’m not in favor of buying a hou on the installment plan; instead, I maintain that every one of us should save up for a rainy day.