Cookware and bakeware - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Cookware and bakeware
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Saucepan" redirects here. In Australia "the Saucepan" is sometimes ud as an
unofficial name for part of the constellation of Pavo, w hen finding the south by the stars.
"Caldero" redirects here. For the geological term, e Caldera. "Pans" redirects here. For the Greek god, e Pan (mythology).
Cookware and bakeware are types of food preparation containers commonly found in the kitchen. Cookware compris cooking vesls, such as saucepans and frying pans, intended for u on a stove or range cooktop. Bakeware compris cooking vesls intended for u inside an oven. Some utensils are both cookware and bakeware.
1 History
2 Cookware materials
2.1 Metal
2.1.1 Aluminum
2.1.2 Copper
2.1.3 Cast Iron
2.1.4 Stainless Steel
2.1.5 Carbon Steel
2.2 Coated and composite cookware
2.2.1 Enameled cast iron
老鼠的英文2.2.2 Enamel over steel
2.2.3 Clad aluminum or copper
2.2.4 Non-stick
2.3 Non-metallic cookware
3 Types of cookware and bakeware
3.1 Cookware
3.2 Bakeware
4 List of cookware and bakeware
5 Footnotes
6 References
7 See also
The history of cooking vesls before the development of pottery is minimal due to the limited archaeological evidence. It has been possible to extrapolate likely developments bad on methods ud by latter peoples. Among the first of the techniques believed to be ud by stone age civilizatio
ns were improvements to basic roasting. In addition to exposing food to direct heat from either an open fire or hot embers it is possible to cover the food with clay or large leaves before roasting to prerve moisture in the cooked result. Examples of similar techniques are still in u in many modern cuisines.[1]
Of greater difficulty was finding a method to boil water. For people without access to natural heated water sources, such as hot springs, heated stones could be placed in a water-filled vesl to rai its temperature (for example, a leaf-lined pit or the stomach from animals killed by hunters.[2]). In many locations the shells of turtles or large mollusks provided a source for waterproof cooking vesls. Bamboo tubes aled at the end with clay provided a usable container in Asia, while the inhabitants of the Tehuacan Valley began carving large stone bowls that were permanently t into a hearth as early as 7000 BC.
According to Frank Hamilton Cushing, native American cooking baskets ud by the Zuni (Zuñi) developed from mesh casings woven to stabilize gourd water vesls. He reported witnessing cooking basket u by Havasupai in 1881. Roasting baskets covered with clay would be filled with wood coals and the product to be roasted. When the thus hardened clay parated from the basket, it would become a usable clay roasting pan in itlf. This indicates a steady progression from u of
woven gourd casings to waterproof cooking baskets to pottery. Other than in many other cultures, native Americans ud and still u the heat source inside the cookware. Cooking baskets are filled with hot stones and roasting pans with wood coals.[3]
Native Americans, both in the East and in the West, would form a basket from large leaves to boil water, according to historian and novelist Louis L'Amour. As long as the flames did not reach above the level of water in the basket, the leaves would not burn through.[citation needed]
The development of pottery allowed for the creation of fireproof cooking vesls in a variety of shapes and sizes. Coating the earthenware with some type of plant gum, and later ceramic glazes, converted the porous container into a waterproof vesl. The earthenware cookware could then be suspended over a fire through u of a tripod or other apparatus, or even be placed directly into a low fire or coal bed as in the ca of the pipkin. Ceramics (including stoneware and glass) conduct poorly, however, so ceramic pots must cook over relatively low heats and over long periods of time (most modern ceramic pots will crack if ud on the stovetop, and are only intended for the oven). Even after metal pots have come into widespread u, earthenware pots are still preferred among the less well-off, globally, due to their low production cost.[citation needed] The development of bronze and iron metalworking skills allowed for cookware made from metal to be manufactured, alth
ough adoption of the new cookware was slow due to the much higher cost. After the development of metal cookware there was little new development in cookware, with the standard Medieval kitchen utilizing a cauldron and a shallow earthenware pan for most cooking tasks, with a spit employed for roasting.[4][5]
By the 17th century, it was common for a Western kitchen to contain a number of skillets, baking pans, a kettle and veral pots, along with a variety of pot hooks and trivets. In the American colonies, the items would commonly be produced by a local blacksmith from iron while brass or copper vesls were common in Europe and Asia. Improvements in metallurgy during the 19th and 20th centuries allowed for pots and pans from metals such as steel, stainless steel and aluminium to be economically produced.[5]
Cookware materials
Metal pots are made from a narrow range of metals becau pots and pans need to conduct heat well, but also need to be chemically unreactive so that they do not alter the flavor of the food. Most materials that are conductive enough to heat evenly are too reactive to u in food preparation. In so
me cas (copper pots, for example), a pot may be made out of a more reactive metal, and then tinned or clad with another.
An anodized aluminum sauté pan
Aluminum卑鄙的我 2
Aluminum is a lightweight metal with very good thermal conductivity. It does not rust, and is
resistant to many forms of corrosion. Aluminum is commonly available in sheet, cast, or anodized forms,[6] and may be physically combined with other metals (e below).
Sheet aluminum is spun or stamped into form. Due to the softness of the metal it may be alloyed with magnesium, copper, or bronze to increa its strength. Sheet aluminum is commonly ud for b
sciroccoaking sheets, pie plates, and cake or muffin pans. Deep or shallow pots may be formed from sheet aluminum.
Cast aluminum can produce a thicker product than sheet aluminum, and is appropriate for
irregular shapes and thickness. Due to the microscopic pores caud by the casting process,cast aluminum has a lower thermal conductivity than sheet aluminum, and is more expensive.Accordingly, cast aluminum cookware has become less common. It is ud for Dutch ovens,heavyweight baking pans such as bundt pans, and wares such as ladles or handles where low thermal conductivity is desired.
Anodized aluminum has had the naturally occurring layer of
aluminum oxide thickened by an electrolytic process to create
a surface that is hard and non-reactive. It is ud for sauté
pans, stockpots, roasters, and Dutch ovens.[6]
Uncoated and un-anodized aluminum can react with acidic
foods to change the taste of the food. Sauces containing egg
yolks, or vegetables such as asparagus or artichokes may
cau oxidation of non-anodized aluminum.
Since 1965, circumstantial evidence has linked Alzheimer's
美国城市名字dia to aluminum. To date there is no convincing
evidence that the element is involved in causing the dia.[7][8][9][10] The Alzheimer's
Association states that "studies have failed to confirm any role for aluminum in causing
Alzheimer’s. [Today] few [experts] believe that everyday sources of aluminum po any threat."[11]Copper
Classically in Western cooking, the best pots are formed of a thick layer of copper with a thin inner layer of tin. The copper provides the best thermal conductivity of any common metal and therefore the most even heating; the tin lining prevents the copper from reacting with acidic foods.[12]
头朝下的生活Traditional copper pots, however, are heavy, quite expensive, and require occasional retinning.With modern metallurgical techniques such as cladding, copper is now incorporated in many constructions of high-end cookware, most often as an enclod heat spreader disk (e below).Thin gauge copper pans are available with stainless steel rather than tin linings which last much longer.
C t I
stainless steel carbon steel Cast Iron Main article: Cast iron cookw are
Cast iron cookware is slow to heat, but once at temperature
provides even heating. Cast iron can also withstand very high
temperatures, making cast iron pans ideal for aring. Being
a reactive material, cast iron can have chemical reactions
em的用法with high acid foods such as wine or tomatoes. In addition,
some foods (such as spinach) cooked on bare cast iron will
turn black.Cast iron is a porous material that rusts easily. As a result, it typically requires asoning before u. Seasoning creates a thin layer of oxidized fat over the iron that coats and protects the surface, and prevents sticking.
Stainless Steel
Stainless steel is an iron alloy containing a minimum of
11.5% chromium. Blends containing 18% chromium with
either 8% nickel,called 18/8, or with 10% nickel, called 18/10,
are commonly ud for kitchen equipment. Stainless steel's
virtues are a resistance to corrosion, it does not react with
either alkaline or acidic foods, and it is not easily scratched
or dented. Stainless steel's drawback for cooking u is that
it is a relatively poor heat conductor. As a result, stainless
steel cookware is generally made with a disk of copper or
aluminium in or on the ba to conduct the heat across the ba.
Carbon Steel
Carbon steel cookware can be rolled or hammered into very
thin sheets of material, while still maintaining high strength
and heat resistance. This allows for rapid and high heating.
Carbon steel does not conduct heat as well as other
materials, but this may be an advantage for woks and paella
pans, where one portion of the pan is intentionally kept at a
different temperature than the rest. Like cast iron, carbon
steel must be asoned before u. Rub a fat (lard is recommended) on the cooking surface only and heat the
cookware over the stovetop. The process can be repeated if needed. Over time the cooking surface will become dark and nonstick. Carbon steel is often ud for woks and crepe pans.Coated and composite cookware
Enameled cast iron
Enameled cast iron cooking vesls are made of cast iron covered with a porcelain surface. This creates a piece that has the heat distribution and retention properties of cast iron combined with a non-reactive, low-stick surface.
Enamel over steel
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Teflon coated frying pan
The enamel over steel technique creates a piece that has the heat distribution of carbon steel and a non-reactive, low-stick surface. Such pots are much lighter than most other pots of similar size,are cheaper to make than stainless steel pots, and do not have the rust and reactivity issues of cast iron or carbon steel.[citation needed ] Enamel over steel is ideal for large stockpots and for other large pans ud mostly for water-bad cooking. Becau of its light weight and easy cleanup,enamel over steel is also popular for cookware ud while camping.
Clad aluminum or copper
Cladding is a technique for fabricating pans with a layer of heat conducting material, such as
copper or aluminum, covered by a non-reactive material, such as stainless steel. Rather than just a heat-distributing disk on the ba, the copper or aluminum extends over the entire
pan.[citation needed ]
Aluminum pans are typically clad on both their inside and the outside surfaces, providing both a stainless cooking surface and a stainless surface to contact the cooktop. Copper is typically clad on i
ts interior surface only, leaving the more attractive copper expod on the outside of the pan.Some high-end cookware us a dual-clad process, with a thin stainless layer on the cooking
surface, a thick core of aluminum to provide structure and heat diffusion, and a thin layer of copper on the outside of the pot that provides additional diffusion and the "look" of a copper pot. This provides much of the functionality of tinned-copper pots for a fraction of the price.[13]
Steel or aluminum cooking pans can be coated with a
substance such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) in order to
minimize food sticking to the pan surface.
There are advantages and disadvantages to such a coating.
Coated pans are easier to clean than most non-coated pans,
and require little or no additional oil or fat to prevent sticking.
On the other hand, some sticking is needed to cau sucs to
form, so a non-stick pan cannot be ud a pan
sauce is desired. And non-stick pans must not be overheated (e below). Nonstick coatings tend to degrade over time. In order to prerve the coating, it is important never to u metal
implements or harsh scouring pads or chemical abrasives when cleaning.
There is a potential danger in the u of PTFE-bad coatings: while decomposition of the coating does not occur at normal cooking temperatures (below about 465°F/240°C),[14]
overheating can produce decomposition products that are toxic to humans [15] and fatal to birds.[16] Unfortunately, overheating is relatively easy.[17] Fortunately, there are alternatives such as asoned or enameled cast iron.[18]
The main difference in quality levels of the coatings is in the formulas of the liquid coating, the
thickness of each layer and the number of layers ud.[citation needed ] Higher quality nonsticks u powdered ceramic or titanium mixed in with the nonstick to strengthen them and to make them
more resistant to abrasion and deterioration.[citation needed ] Some nonstick coatings containing hardening agents. Some coatings are high enough in quality that they pass the strict standards of the National Sanitation Foundation for approval for restaurant u.[citation needed ]Non-metallic cookware
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