The Adventure of English (1)
In this chapter, it mainly talks about how the English appear. From this chapter, I learn many things from it.
crashesFrist, Victor's language triumphs over everything. Many modern English words we ud today comes from old English. Within a century, Christians built churches and monasteries. Faith and the stone weren’t the only things the christain missionaries brought to the country. They brought the international language of the Christain religion. And during this time, Latin terms become part of the English word hoard. Like Altare to altar. From Latin, the English took their script.
yukeSecond, place names ending in by reveal the Danish name for farm. Thorpe denotes a village. The names are ending in son, that was the way of making a name by adding to the name of the father. Some old Nor words stayed in the local dialects of the north, like beck for stream,yam for home. Words like law\egg\husband \leg, the words are from old Nor and they were foreign at all. That Old Nor affects the English language more than any other and it leads to a restructuring ofbuzy
Third, at the 11 century, a king, Willian and a new language were authority in England. Like battle, army, guard comes from French. French was the language that expelled out the architecture. In the 13 century after the conquest, about 10000 French words colonized the English language.
The Adventure of English (2)
hum十六大报告全文We know that the French become a common language in England society from the last chapter. While the English speaking peasants lived in small cottages or hurts, the French-speaking masters lived privileged and lived in their castles. So, they have the different words between them. Like old English Ox, the French is beef.pig to pork. The French influence the English language as a whole is enormous in terms of vocabulary.
In early 13th century, trading is booming in the English society. During this, not only the trade and farm is booming, but also the crafts. So the craftsman who
gave us the French names for some tools names, like measure\mallet\chil\trowel. With the development of trading, some new words about trading appeared, such as money\contract\bargin. In 1250, the children learn the French from a written primer. In 13th century, most of the French people began to speak English. French words continued to stream into English. And becau French was th
strcpye international language of trade, “Ask” English and Demand from French. Rather than replace English, French was helping equip and enrich the language for the central role that it was on its way to reassuming. In the 14 century, English became a common language. the English had begun to oust French as the language of law and government and how there was a new confident in English literature.
The Adventure of English (3)
In the 14-15century, there began a movement to return English to its central lace in society. English regarded the language of God. In the 14century, it was
the battle for the language of the Bible, English is being ud to form not just a literary language, but on which is an alternative to the received authority pasd down either through French or Latin. This is plain folk. It ems to say. This is the language of an individual relationship with God. It becomes Protestant language of the English Reformation.
Across the country, people still spoken a mass of different dialect, and would have had trouble understanding one another. The word stane in the north was stone in the south. The -ing particile, as in running was said as and in the north, end in the East Midlands and ind in the West Midlands. Und
启发英文er the influence of chancery, the language starts to look more modern. In the 15th century, the English language is becoming recognizable to us. The painting made the English develop.
After centuries of suppression, the English language has suddently flowered. It’s already returned to the place of court and state. It’s again become the language of a vivid national literature.
The Adventure of English (4)
英文单词翻译In the late 16th century and early 17th century, this was the period of the English Renaissance. A word was borrowed from French meaning rebirth. During this time, the English language, too, was reborn. English vocabulary was rapidly changing. It expanded, grew, flowered, and exploded with new words. This is the story of the growth of Shakespeare’s English. In the late 16th century, the legendary repulsion of an invasion started off a chapter in the adventure of English. Words like progress,passport were traded into English from French. Port,canoe comes to us from both Spanish and Portugue. English artists and scholars and aristocrats explored Italy and its culture which was the dominanting influence of that time. There they wondered at the architecture and lexicon to describe them, so balcony, fresco,villa,solo appeared.
During 1600, there were thousands of Latin words come into the English vocabulary of educated peo
ple, words like excavate, horrid. During this time, it was an English that could be ud as a tool of power to rally spirits against foreign invasions. The first English