# In Medicine,
# Sometimes It’s Better to Do Nothing
That Latin maxim (格⾔) roughly translated as “above all, do no harm” is a key element of the Hippocratic Oath.
拉丁语⾥有⼀条格⾔,粗略翻译过来便是“⾸要的原则是,不要给病⼈带来危害”,这是《希波克拉底誓⾔》(指的是刚⼊⾏的医⽣向希波克拉底进⾏的宣誓,内容涉及医⽣职业道德。希波克拉底为古希腊名医,被称为“医学之⽗”。 )的核⼼要素。
One of the foundational elements of medical ethics is nonm aleficence (罪⾏) , the notion that when treating a patient, it may be preferable to not do something, or even do nothing at all, if the intervention risks causing more harm than good.
Yet, in our modern era, with its dizzying (使⼈眼花缭乱的) technological innovation, ready access to a cornucopia (丰富) of drugs and impatience driven by the jolts-per-minute pace of daily life,
the guiding maxim has become“Do something. Do anything.”iso培训
You e it every day in medical practice. No one wants to leave a physician' s office without a preion or a high-tech test. Everybody wants to be screened so they can nip (阻⽌) cancer in the bud (萌芽状态) or catch Alzheimer’s early, even when this information can do more harm than good.
The Nike “JUST DO IT” and the consumerist philosophy that more is always better may carry the day (获胜) on TV dramas, but it has no place in real-life medicine. Acting swiftly and firmly may provide succour (救援), at least temporarily, but every action has an equal and often greater reaction.
We em—in medicine as in life—to have lost the precious ability to ponder. To wait. To utter the three magic words “I don’t know.” To wily do nothing until we do know more, or until nature takes its cour.
The result is an epidemic of overtreatment that is both financially costly and physically harmful. The reality was expod in a sobering book by journalist Shannon Brownlee entitled Overtreated: Why Too Much Medicine Is Making Us Sicker and Poorer .
In May, 2011, the Good Stewardship Working Group—physicians who believe good care can be delivered costeffectively—published a list of commonly ud tests and treatments that are unnecessary.
Health-care costs are not on the ri becau physicians are going around doing unnecessary heart transplants. Rather, it is the routine u of banal (⽼⼀套的)—and generally uless—tests that is costing us all a bundle (⼀⼤笔钱).
The rearchers found, for example, that blood, urine (尿) and electrocardiogram (⼼电图) tests are routinely ordered for patients with no related symptoms or risk factors. The are too often done merely to give a patient the n that the doctor is “doing something.”
Among the most frequently inappropriate practices were tho that involved children with minor ailments (疾病): Writing antibiotics (抗⽣素) preions for children with sore throats who didn’t have strep (链球菌) infection; recommending unnecessary cough syrup (⽌咳糖浆) for children with upper respiratory (呼吸的) infections, and ordering imaging tests such as CT scans for kids with minor head injuries (tho that did not involve dizziness or loss of consciousness). Again, there are real negative conquences to this kind of overtreatment, including fuelling antibiotic resistance (抗⽣素的耐药性) and exposing them to potentially harmful radiation.
It’s worth noting that the Good Stewardship Working Group focud strictly on the blatantly (公然地) wasteful.
It deliberately avoided tackling more controversial issues such as PSA (前列腺的) testing for prostate
cancer and mass screening of young women for breast cancer. In tho cas, the admonition (警告) is not for doctors to do nothing, but rather to be more targeted in their interventions. For some young women—tho with veral risk factors—early screening is appropriate. And for some men, the PSA test can be uful, as can surgery and radiation.
But watchful waiting also has its place. While that terminology is just coming into vogue (流⾏起来), there is a more long-standing term, clinical inertia (临床惯性), though it ems to have more negative connotations.
For example, clinical inertia means having a patient with mildly elevated blood pressure or high cholesterol (胆固醇) and deciding to not prescribe a drug. Instead, the doctor might encourage him to take a brisk walk each day or lo a few pounds, approaches that would be as effective as drugs and have no negative side effects.
There was a time, not so long ago, when health
professionals ud this approach much more commonly, rather than immediately reaching for the preion pad or the diagnostic test. Yet, over time, physicians have been trained increasingly to become technicians, and overly dependent on technology.
Medicine is a science, but it is also an art. At its heart should be the art of listening, and the recognition that not acting is as important as acting.
In the minal (产⽣重⼤影响的) work of satire The Hou of God , author Samuel Shem provided a list of commandments for good medical care. The infamous 13th Law of The Hou of God was: “The delivery of good medical care is to do as much nothing as possible.”
Yet, since the book’s publication in 1978, overtreatment has reached such tragicomic (悲喜剧的) proportions that the satire has melted away, leaving only age-old wisdom.
⽽⾃该书1978年出版之后,过度治疗的问题已发展到如今这样令⼈悲哀⼜叫⼈觉得滑稽的地步。这使得该书含有的讽刺意味消失殆尽,反成了古⽼的真知灼见。alphabet letters
It’s as if we have come full circle back to Hippocrates, who said: “To do nothing is sometimes a good remedy.”
By André Picard 译 / 夏辉更多雅思/托福英语备考资料、考试资讯和课程优惠
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