1. Costa Rican-born artist Jimenez Deredia works on a ______ scale: the sculptures he creates are truly immen.
A. monumental
B. prolific
C. colossal
D. polemical
E. lush
F. holistic
2. Gertrude Stein"s life demonstrates her ______, her refusal ever to give up without having achieved her goal.
A. larges
B. dateness
C. indomitability
D. originality
E. munificence
F. persistence
3. Around strangers, Ravi appeared ______; but once he was with his friends, his lf-confidence returned, and he became more ______.
A. unfaltering
B. diffident
C. assured
D. taciturn
E. asrtive
F. skittish
4. Despite the ______ of popular interest in rain forests and medicinal plants, there is a ______ easy-to-u field guides.
A. abatement
B. burgeoning
C. flurry
D. paucity of
E. marked for
F. wealth of
5. While the manager clearly sought to ______ the optimism of the marketing team, she stopped short of pronouncing their plan unfeasible.
A. sustain
B. temper
C. emulate
D. rejuvenate
E. moderate
F. rekindle
6. Magician Harry Houdini performed spectacular feats of escape so astounding that he b
ecame ______; even now, his name has a ______ aura for generations who never saw him perform.
A. legendary
B. fraudulent
C. dangerous
D. tarnished
E. crude
F. mythicjk罗琳哈佛演讲
7. This new report focus on how emingly ______ technological design features, often cosmetic in nature, can actually ______ consumer"s decisions in profound ways.
A. innovative
B. ingenious
C. insignificant
D. influence
E. neutralize
F. criticize
8. Some medieval European painters saw iniquity all around them: they felt that the visible world was ______ sin.
A. conscious of
B. repuld by
C. mystified by
D. suffud with
E. immerd in
F. cognizant of
mf什么意思9. Becau the editors refud to take a stand on controversial subjects, their magazine acquired a reputation for intellectual ______.
A. cowardice
B. timidity
C. solemnity
D. graveness
E. favoritism
F. precision
10. She vowed to proclaim her innocence until she was ______, cleared from blame for a
ny involvement in the conspiracy.
A. compensated
B. indemnified
C. exonerated
D. importuned
E. concrated
F. exculpated
11. When evidence is ______, reasonable people may demur, but when firm scientific proof has been supplied, they should ______ their opposition.
A. rational
B. conjectural
C. tangible
D. reconsider
E. express
F. augment
12. Though usually ______ in her prai, the teacher was ______ in acknowledging Chandra"s achievements: she could not say enough positive things.
A. strident
B. sparing
C. irrepressible
D. pedantic
E. derisive
F. effusive
13. In the early twentieth century, a ______ decimated American chestnut tree populations; relatively few of the stately trees now remain.
A. wilt
B. resilience
C. blight
D. stagnation
E. quarantine
F. isolation
14. Maxwell Perkins is considered a particularly ______ editor becau he was among the first to ______ the extraordinary literary talent of Ernest Hemingway and Thomas Wolfe.
A. easygoing
B. inefficient
男士如何保养C. insightful
性感英文D. question
E. recognize
F. inflate
15. Becau only a few speakers of northern Australia"s Gagadju language remain, the deaths of the tribal elders may mean the ______ of their mostly oral traditions.
A. dismination
B. extinction
C. annihilation
D. vindication中文转换韩文
E. diffusion
F. interpretation
clot16. As a college professor, Wood row Wilson was ______ in all things: he brought the same exacting attention to detail to preparing his lectures and arranging his office furniture.
A. erudite
B. scholarly
C. eloquent
D. meticulous
E. archaic
F. scrupulous
17. Frances Keller"s 1904 expo of abus of immigrants by employers ______ a political reaction: it inspired the Progressive Party to work toward legislation to ______the situation.
A. delineated
B. forestalled
C. spurred
D. redress
E. perpetuate
F. bunglemalaysian
18. Although many swimmers fear encountering jellyfish in the ocean, most species are actually ______ and do no harm to humans.
A. amorphous
B. innocuous
C. benign
D. perplexing
E. perilous
F. jeopardizing
19. If Williams had a fault, it was an **plete ______ others, a proclivity bordering on ______.
A. trust in
B. condescension toward
C. sympathy for
D. greed
E. reciprocity
F. naiveté
20. Although the hardy emperor penguin survives in Antarctica in great numbers, the region"s harsh climate is ______ to many species.