Green Product of Liquid Fuel from Plastic Waste by

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Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 9 (2015) 40-44 doi: 10.17265/1934-8975/2015.01.004
Green Product of Liquid Fuel from Plastic Waste by Pyrolysis at 900 °C
Dianta Mustofa Kamal and Fuad Zainuri
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Depok 16425, Indonesia
Received: September 21, 2014 / Accepted: November 05, 2014 / Published: January 31, 2015.
Abstract: Alternative treatments to convert plastic waste into fuel currently receive great attention from rearchers worldwide. The objective of the rearch is to obtain liquid fuel from pyrolysis of waste plastics that is safe for humans as well as environment, with a heating value and fuel quality meet the standardized compliant. The method ud for the rearch is plastic waste pyrolysis heated at 900 °C, and the resulting vapor is condend through a crossflow condenr. The method resulted in a liquid fuel with a calorific value of 46,848 J/g, which is greater than that of plastic waste processing at a temp
erature of 425 °C that is only 41,870 J/g. In addition, the nature of current method for treating plastic waste is considered more cure than that of plastic waste processing at the temperature of 425 °C. The reason for this is the fact that the percentage of compounds that could potentially be carcinogenic (boric acid and cyclopentanone) is reduced.
Key words: Plastic waste, fuel, pyrolysis, green product.
1. Introduction
As the highest consumption of fossil fuels country, Indonesia consumed petroleum for approximately 1.6
million barrels per day in 2005, while in 2006, it
reached 1.84 barrels per day. Other countries such
as Japan and Germany equally consume only less than
1 million barrels per day [1]. In 2013, the United States
produced about 30 million tons of plastic each year
total, but with only about 4% are recycled [2]. In
addition to producing energy, the combustion of fossil
energy sources also releas  gas, including CO 2
(carbon dioxide), NO x  (nitrogen oxides), and SO 2
(sulfur dioxide), which caus air pollution [3]. So it is
highly necessary to find alternative fuels to be widely
ud that are environmentally friendly.
Rearch developed at this time can be ud as fuel
instead of fossil fuels [4]. Previously, in 2009, Anggono [1] has conducted a rearch on the type of plastic waste from food packaging (Low Density
Corresponding author: Dianta Mustofa Kamal, Dr.,
rearch field: renewable energy. E-mail: ******************.Polyethylene or LDPE) at a temperature of 425 °C heating, and the results show that compounds have
properties such as flammable acetone and cyclopentanone (1.68% area) [5]. In the same year,
Damanhuri [6] stated that the cyclopentanone
compounds were cyclic ketone compounds that
potentially exist carcinogenic gas (toxic). In addition,
boric acid is also harmful if it is accidentally breathed
in, since it may irritate mucous membranes that showed
by sore throat, coughing, and short breathing.
Basing on the background, Indonesia contributed to
the decline in petroleum rerves and also the problem
of energy crisis faced by the world today. Therefore,
this study aimed to obtain liquid fuels resulted from
pyrolysis of waste plastics that is safe for humans and
environment, with a heating value and fuel quality that
meet standardized-compliant.
2. Material and Method Shredded plastic waste and included in the converter
and heated to a temperature of 900 °C, and the resulting
vapor is condend through a crossflow condenr.
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Green Product of Liquid Fuel from Plastic Waste by Pyrolysis at 900 o C 41
Fuel oil is produced at the heating temperature of
900 °C, and the heating value is tested using Bomb
Calorimeter and testing GC (gas chromatography).
Tests conducted us the calorific value-bomb
calorimeter contained in Energy Conversion
Engineering Laboratory, Polytechnic of Jakarta.
GC-MS (GC mass spectrometry) analysis method is
ud to read both spectra contained in the combined
GC test results if there are samples contain many
compounds, which are evident from the many peaks
(peak) in the GC spectra. Bad on the data retention and time is already known from the literature, we know what compounds were prent in the sample [7]. Next step is to incorporate the compound into the alleged mass spectroscopy instruments. This can be done becau one of the us of GC is
to parate the compounds of a sample. After that, the results can be obtained from MS spectra at different charts.
3. Result and Discussion
Pyrolysis process starts at temperatures around 230 °C [8] and happens in the abnce of oxygen for thermal decomposition of organic material [9, 17]. Plastic is a synthetic organic material or mi-synthetic organic materials derived from petroleum and natural gas of plastic products, resulting in PET (polyethylene terephthalate), HDPE (high density polyethylene), PVC (polyvinyl chloride),  LDPE (low density polyethylene), PP (polypropylene), PS (polystyrene), polyurethane and polyphenols, generating plastic waste that consists around 50%-60% of polyethylene, 20%-30% of polypropylene, 10%-20% of polystyrene, and 10% of polyvinyl chloride [10, 17]. For PE (polyethylene) medium and high density polyethylene, the melting point ranges from 120 °C to 135 °C. Low density polyethylene melting point ranges from 105 °C to 115 °C. HDPE is characterized by a density that exceeds or equals to 0.941 g/cm3. HDPE has a low degree of the ramifications and inter-molecular [16] strength and very high tensile strength. It functions Fig. 1 Converter plastic waste into fuel.
as material for milk bottle, bottle/detergent packaging, packaging margarine, water pipes and bins. LDPE is characterized by a density from 0.910 g/cm3 to 0.940 g/cm3. LDPE has a high degree of the long and short chain branching, which means it will not turn into a crystalline structure. It also indicates that LDPE has a low tensile strength. LDPE can be found in the form of container since it is strong and in the form of plastic film applications, such as plastic bags and plastic wrap. LLDPE (linear LDPE) is characterized by a density between 0.915 g/cm3 and 0.925 g/cm3. LLDPE is a linear polymer with a short chain branching with a significant amount. LLDPE is ud as material for cable wrap, toys, packaging caps, buckets, containers and pipe [15]. Sapriyanto [5] has tested a machine to convert plastic waste into fuel. The test material is 1 kg of plastic waste that is heated within 530 °C heating. All kinds of plastic are put into the machine. Then, within two hours, the machine produces liquid fuels as much as 300 mL. The test shows the calorific value of the fuel is plastic waste of 10,519 cal/g or 44,040.95 J/g, equivalent to the heating value of the premium is 10,285 cal/g or 43,061.24 J/g. In the same year, Ramadhan [11] also examined the oil obtained from the pyrolysis process of waste plastic. This study us two types of plastic as a fixed variable, namely HDPE and LDPE, using the reactor with a diameter of 20 cm and height of 40 cm. Pyrolysis temperature is held at
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Green Product of Liquid Fuel from Plastic Waste by Pyrolysis at 900 o C 42
250-420 °C and the reaction time lasts for 0-60 minutes. Oil produced in the pyrolysis process can be compared to kerone and oil is a source of valuable chemicals, such as alcohols, organic acids, ethers, ketones, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. And gas is produced in the form of Co x, NO x, H2 and alkanes [6, 15, 19].
Suryo [12], in his study of the properties of a mixture of waste biomass pyrolysis oil and plastic waste PP (polypropylene), tries to investigate the density, viscosity and heating value. The pyrolysis oil resulted from the rearch is thus ud to boil water on the stove. The efficiency of pyrolysis oil stoves is also tested using standard WBT (water boiling test). The rearch shows the obtained oil-fired stove efficiency is best at 30% biomass composition and 70% plasticat the temperature of 400 °C.
Bad on the decision of the Director General of Oil and Gas in 2008, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia, the standards and quality (specification) of fuel, in the form of oil marketed in the country, are as follows [13, 18].
At first, pyrolysis technology is considered as an environmentally friendly method [14] since the meth
od ultimately produces CO2 and H2O, the former is a non-toxic gas. But in its development, the cyclopentanone compounds as the result of the pyrolysis of cyclic ketones can potentially turn into carcinogenic gas (toxic). In addition, boric acid, also harmful if inhaled, can cau irritation of mucous membranes accompanied by sore throat, coughing, and breathing becomes short [3]. Cyclopentanone compounds can be identified through gas chromatography [7, 15, 17, 19].
The calorific value is compared to the value obtained with the standard and quality (specification) of fuel oil type of oil that is marketed in the country (Dept. of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia, 2008) [19], to meet the calorific value of fuel, standards should be above 41,870 J/g. Bad on test results, the value of the heat, produced of 11,189 cal/g or 46,848 J/g, thus can meet the standard calorific value of the fuel sold in the country.
Bad on the results of testing, the fuel produced at the heating temperature of 900 °C obtained levels of flammable compounds (2-propanone) increas, while potentially carcinogenic compounds (boric acid and cyclopentanone) reduced the percentage.
Table 1 Specifications of fuel oil [18].
No. Characteristic Units
Limit Testing
method Intermediete fuel oil-1 Intermediate fuel oil-2
Min. Marks.
Min. Marks. ASTM
1 NilaiKalori MJ/kg 41.87 - 41.87 -    D
2 Densityat 15 °C kg/m
3 - 991 - 991    D
3 Kinematics Viscosityat 50 °C mm2/dt - 180 - 380    D
4 Sulfur contain % m/m -    3.
5 -    4.0    D 1552/2622
5 Melting point °C - 30 - 40    D 97
6 Flashing point °C 60 - 60 -    D 93
7 Carbon Residual % m/m - 16 - 20    D 189
8 Ash contain % m/m - - - 0.15    D 482
9 Sedimen % m/m - - - 0.10    D 473
10 Water contain % v/v - - -    1.00    D 95
11 Aluminium + silikon mg/kg - - - -    D 5184/AAS
Source: Director general SK oil & gas, energy and mineral resources, 2008.
Table 2 Test results calorific value (1 gram mass oil plastic).clubjenna
Calorific value Unit (cal/g)
BBM plastic 11.189
Premium 11.245
Quality Standards of Ministry of Energy in Indonesia 10.000
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curiousGreen Product of Liquid Fuel from Plastic Waste by Pyrolysis at 900 o C 43
Testing results of GC-MS
Fig. 2 Graphs the GC-MS testing fuel from plastic waste.
Table 3 Data of important compounds of liquid fuels from waste plastics.
No. Peak %
Area Expected
compounds Formula
1 1 64.69 2-propanon/acetone C3H6O
2 2 27.08 Boric
acid H3BO3
3 3 0.09 - -
4 4    6.93 Acetic
acid C2H4O2
5 5    1.20 Cyclopentanone C5H8O
4. Conclusion
The processing of plastic waste at a temperature of 900 °C produces liquid fuel with calorific value of 46.848 J/g which means that this value is greater than that of the processing of plastic waste at a temperature of 425 °C which results in the calorific value of 41.870 J/g.
Testing the fuel produced GC-MS showed that the levels of potentially carcinogenic compounds (boric acid and cyclopentanone) is reduced so that the percentage of plastic waste at a temperature of 900 °C has more cure properties than that of plastic waste processing at a temperature of 425 °C. References
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